信息文明之光分享 这里是21世纪的精神家园,不但播种着梦想,也在耕耘着希望。


《信息资源价值论》学术思想诠释之十二(2) :全书目录(英文)

已有 2909 次阅读 2012-10-5 17:31 |个人分类:信息文明之光:晓星熹微 (Twilight Star )|系统分类:科研笔记| 信息资源, 学术思想, 信息文明, 价值论, 理论诠释



《信息资源价值论》学术思想诠释之十二 (2):全书目录






Theory to Information Resources Value ( IRV Theory )





Preface One………………………………………………………………………………… -1-

Preface Two………………………………………………………………………………… -3-


Part OneIntroduction



1.1 Information Resources and the developing Course of Human Civilization  ……………………………………3

1.2 Information Resources Value Research (IRVR) and

Information Resources Management (IRM ) in

Certain Managerial Environment of Society ……………………………………………………………………6

1.3 IRVR and Value Creating Practice of

Human Society in the 21st Century…… ………………………………………………………………………7

1.4 The Train of Thought of the Research on IRV Theory…………………………………………………………8

1.5 Explanation on Some Relevant Terms, Conceptions, and Issues………………………………………………12

1.6 Brief Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………….16


Part Two: Basic Issues, Methodology, Relevant Areas and


Relevant Theoretical Issues


2 Research on the Basic Issues of IRV Theory …………………………………………………21


2.1 The Fountainhead, Era Background, and Scientific Basis of IRV Theory ……………………………21

2.1.1 The Academic Fountainhead in Library Science of IRV Theory …………………………………………21

2.1.2 The Era Background, and Scientific Basis of IRV Theory ………………………………………………25


2.2 The Research Objective and Contents of IRV Theory …………………………………………………27


2.3 The Study Properties, Discipline Characters and

Theoretical Features of IRV Theory………………………………………………………………………27

2.3.1 The Properties of IRV Theory Study………………………………………………………………………27

2.3.2 The Discipline Characters and Theoretical Features of IRV Study ………………………………………28


2.4 IRV Study’s Nowadays Issues and Historical Task  ………………………………………30


2.5 IRV Study’s Academic Significance, Innovation, and Theoretical Nodi   …………………………… 33

2.5.1 Academic Significance …………………………………………………………………………………… 33

2.5.2 Academic Innovation   …………………………………………………………………………………… 33

2.5.3 Theoretical Nodi……………………………………………………………………………………………36


3 Methodology of IRV Theory  ……………………………………………………………………………… 38

3.1 Theoretical Thinking on Methodology of IRV Theory   ……………………………………………………38

3.2 Cross- Disciplines Interactional Method in the All and the One Thinking  …………………………………39


4. The Course of Change and Development of

Relevant Areas of IRV Theory  ………………………………………………………………44


4.1 Traditional Areas of IRV Study and Their Development………………………………………………44

4.1.1 Traditional IRV Study in Library Science, Informatics and Philology……………………………………44

4.1.2 Current Evolution of IRV Study in Library Science, Informatics and Philology…………………………47


4.2 Evolution and the Course of Change and Development of

  IRV Study in Management Science and Others …………………………………54

4.2.1 Information Management (IM), Information Resources Management (IRM)

And Knowledge Management (KM)………………………………………………………………………55

4.2.2 Origin of Modern IRM ……………………………………………………………………………………57

4.2.3 Formation and Development of the IRM Theory………………………………………………………… 59

4.2.4 Value Chain Management, Supply Chain Management and

    All Sorts of Concrete Information Value Study ……………………………………………………………61


4.3 The Evolution from Classic Value Thinking to

Philosophy of Value (Modern Axiology)………………………………………………67

4.3.1 Western Classical Value Thinking

(Before the Formation of Modern Philosophy of Value)  …………………………………………………68

4.3.2 Chinese Civilization Classic Value Thinking and

Its Course of Change and Development …………………………………………………………………72

4.3.3 The Formation of Philosophy of Value and Its Evolution in a Century …………………………………78


4.4 The Rising of the Ideological Trend of Axiology of Knowledge and

  The Current Evolution of Axiology of Labour

————————Is Axiology of Knowledge a

Substitute or Development to Axiology of Labour?……………………………………………………88


4.5 The Intersection and Blending of Psychology and Information Science

——————Information Theory and Information Methodology

Building a Bridge between the Two Disciplines…………………………………………92


5 Study on the Relevant Theoretical Issues of IRV Theory  …………………………………96


5.1 Controversy and Rethinking over

Human Centralism and the Subject of Value …………………………………………………………96

5.2 Complexity of Value and Value Relationship…………………………………………………………98


5.3 Issues of Resources and Modern Notion of Resources………………………………………………100

5.3.1 Resources and Notion of Resources……………………………………………………………………101

5.3.2 Historical Background and Main Idea of Modern Notion of Resources ………………………………104


5.4 The Inherent Link between IR (IRV) and Information Mechanism of

Human Social System, Between IR (IRV) and Human Being Nature………………………………106

5.4.1 Preliminary Thinking and Study on Human Being Nature   ……………………………………………107

5.4.2 Thinking and Study on the Relationship of Consciousness and Human Being Nature

   ————Also the Preliminary Thinking and Study on Consciousness………………………………109

5.4.3 Thinking and Study on the Inherent Link between IR (IRV) and Information Mechanism

 Of Human Social System, Between IR (IRV) and Human Being Nature

————Also the Depth Thinking and Study on Consciousness…………………………………113


5.5 The Inherent Link between IR (IRV) and Information Mechanism of

Human Social System, Between IR (IRV) and Human Being Value ………………………………120

5.5.1 Thinking and Study on the Relationship of Human Being Value, IR (IRV) and

Information Mechanism of Human Social System ……………………………………………………120

5.5.2 Exploration in Depth about Human Being Value ………………………………………………………121


5.6 The Inherent Link between IR (IRV) and Information Mechanism of

Human Social System, Between IR (IRV) and Human Being Behavior  …………………………125

5.6.1 The Microcosmic Link between IR (IRV) and Information Mechanism of

Human Social System, Between IR (IRV) and Human Being Social Behavior………………………125

5.6.2 The Macrocosmic Link between IR (IRV) and Information Mechanism of

Human Social System, Between IR (IRV) and Human Being Social Behavior………………………128


Part Three: Basic Research on IRV Theory


6 IRV Theory’s Theoretical Source of Value Theory and

Axiology Foundation ………………………………………………………………………133


6.1 Value Thinking and Value Theory Source of IRV Theory  ………………………………………133


6.2 Axiology Foundation of IRV Theory…………………………………………………………………137

6.2.1 Essence and Conception of Value ……………………………………………………………………137

6.2.2 Relevant Concepts and Relevant Issues of Value ……………………………………………………142


6.2.3 Categories, Types and Levels of Value ………………………………………………………………144 Categories of Value…………………………………………………………………………………144 Types and Levels of Value …………………………………………………………………………146


6.2.4 Course of Value Practice  ……………………………………………………………………………147 Cognition to Value …………………………………………………………………………………148 Creation of Value  …………………………………………………………………………………148 Realization of Value  ………………………………………………………………………………157


6.2.5 Consciousness of Value, Idea of Value, and Cultural Values ………………………………………161 Consciousness of Value, Idea of Value, and Values………………………………………………161 Cultural Values ……………………………………………………………………………………163


7 Basic Research on Information Resources Ontology……………………………………169

7.1 Essence and Concept of Information ………………………………………………………………169

7.2 Types and Levels of Information……………………………………………………………………175


7.3 Properties and Functions of Information …………………………………………………………182

7.3.1 Properties of Information……………………………………………………………………………184

7.3.2 Functions of Information ……………………………………………………………………………184


7.4 Relevant Concepts of Information…………………………………………………………………185

7.4.1 Information, Knowledge, and Thought  ……………………………………………………………186

7.4.2 Inherent Links between Information and Information Resources (IR),

Information and IT,

Information and Informational Industry,

Information and Information-based Economy,

Information and Information-based Society,

Information and Knowledge-based Economy,

Information and Knowledge-based Society,

Information and Information Civilization…………………………………………………………187


7.5 Essence and Conception of IR ……………………………………………………………………187

7.5.1 Essence of IR………………………………………………………………………………………187

7.5.2 Conception of IR  …………………………………………………………………………………190


7.6 Attributes of IR ……………………………………………………………………………………192


7.7 Contents, Types, Levels Structure of IR  ………………………………………………………194

7.7.1 Contents and Types Structure of IR………………………………………………………………194

7.7.2 Levels Structure of IR  ……………………………………………………………………………197


7.8 Constitution, Substance Forms, and Functions of IR …………………………………………199

7.8.1 Constitution and Substance Forms of IR…………………………………………………………199

7.8.2 Functions of IR……………………………………………………………………………………200


8 Basic Research on Axiology of IR (IRV Theory)  ……………………………………207

8.1 Concept of IRV……………………………………………………………………………………207

8.2 Basic Levels of IRV………………………………………………………………………………208


8.3 Types of IRV………………………………………………………………………………………209

8.3.1 Basic Types of IRV………………………………………………………………………………209

8.3.2 General Types of IRV……………………………………………………………………………210


8.4 Analysis of Types and Levels of IRV  …………………………………………………………214


8.5 IR-Based Value Creating and Value Realizing ………………………………………………215

8.5.1 Substances Value Creating and Realizing of IR…………………………………………………215

8.5.2 Spiritual Value Creating and Realizing of IR ……………………………………………………217

8.5.3 Creating and Realizing of Value of People of IR  ………………………………………………220

8.5.4 Basic Mode of the Course of Value Creating and Realizing of IR  ……………………………222


8.6 Values of IR, Values of Information Culture,

And Information Civilization Construction   ………………………………………………226

8.6.1 IT and IR in the View of Value and Values of IR  ……………………………………………226

8.6.2 Values of Information Culture and Information Civilization Construction……………………229

8.6.3 Values of Information Culture and

The Hard and Tortuous Journey of Human Civilization…………………………………………234


Part Four: Study on Value Forms of IR


9 Sketch of Value Forms of IR  ………………………………………………………239


10 Consciousness and Psychology Form of IRV  ……………………………………240

10.1 Sketch of Consciousness and Psychology Form of IRV …………………………………240


10.2 Value Contents and Value Course of

   Consciousness and Psychology Form of IRV ………………………………………………242

10.2.1 Value Contents of Consciousness and Psychology Form of IRV…………………………242

10.2.2 Value Course of Consciousness and Psychology Form of IRV  …………………………247


10.3 Levels and Manifestations of

Consciousness and Psychology Form of IRV ……………………………………………249

10.3.1 Levels of Consciousness and Psychology Form  …………………………………………249

10.3.2 Types of Consciousness and Psychology Form (Manifestations)  ………………………250


11 Substance and Practicing Form of IRV…………………………………………254


11.1 Sketch of Substance and Practicing Form of IRV………………………………………254


11.2 Forms, Contents, and Course of Value of

Substance and Practicing Form of IRV…………………………………………………256

11.2.1 The Whole Study of Forms, Contents, and Course of Value of

Substance and Practicing Form of IRV…………………………………………………256

11.2.2 Concrete Study of Forms, Contents, and Course of Value of

Substance and Practicing Form of IRV…………………………………………………257


11.3 Levels and Social Manifestations of Substance and Practicing Form of IRV………269

11.3.1 Levels of Substance and Practicing Form of IRV ………………………………………269

11.3.2 Social Manifestations of Substance and Practicing Form of IRV ………………………269


12 Social Informationization The Macro Social Manifestation of

  The Substance and Practicing Form of IRV   ……………………………………273


12.1 Conception and Connotation of Informationization  …… ……………………………273


12.2 Fields and Levels of Social Informationization…………………………………………279


12.2.1 Fields of Social Informationization ……………………………………………………279 Macroscopic Fields of Social Informationization ………………………………………279 Special Fields of Social Informationization  ……………………………………………280


12.2.2 Levels of Social Informationization…………………………………………………294


13 Historical Culture Form of IRV …………………………………………………318


13.1 Sketch of Historical Culture Form of IRV………………………………………………318

13.1.1 Defining the Relevant Conceptions  ………………………………………………………318

13.1.2 Historical Culture Form of IRV:

Inherent Links between IR-IRV and Historical Culture  …………………………………321


13.2 Social Manifestations of Historical Culture Form of IRV  ……………………………321

13.2.1 Social Manifestations of Historical Culture Form of IRV…………………………………321

13.2.2 Historical Culture Form of IRV in Historical Conditions of

Civilization of Information  ………………………………………………………………325


14 Analysis of the Whole Structure of IRV Forms System  ………………………328


Part Five: Study on IR-Based Value Practicing Mechanism


15 Basic Mechanism:

 Information-Knowledge-Thinking Circulating and Managing Mechanism

——Information Running Freely and IR Sharing Mechanism   ………………335


15.1 Theoretical Thinking on

Information-Knowledge-Thinking Circulating and Managing Mechanism

——Information Running Freely and IR Sharing Mechanism ……………………335


15.2 The Circulating Course and Mechanism of

Information-Knowledge-Thinking Resources …………………………………………340

15.2.1 The Circulating and Managing Course of Information flow

     And Information Management Mechanism (IMM) …………………………………………342 Theoretical Thinking on How to Construct

A Scientific IM Course and Its Rational Circulating Mechanism ………………………342 Information Communicating Mode  ……………………………………………………344 Ways of Information Exchange   ………………………………………………………352 Analysis of Impacting Factors on

Information Communicating Mode and Ways of Information Exchange………………355 Analysis of the Barriers to

 Information Communicating and Information Exchange  ………………………………357 Construction of the Scientific Information Managing Course

 And Its Rational Information Managing Mechanism   …………………………………358


15.2.2 The Circulating and Managing Course of Knowledge flow

     And Knowledge Management Mechanism (KMM) …………………………………………359 Sketch of KM: Deepening the Managing Course and Managing Mechanism

      ——Moving From IM towards KM……………………………………………………359 Origin, Conception, and Characteristics of KM ………………………………………361 Managing Contents and Managing Course of KM ……………………………………362 Relevant Factors and Managing Mechanism of KM  …………………………………364


15.2.3 The Circulating and Managing Course of Thinking flow

     And Thinking Management Mechanism (TMM)  …………………………………………373


15.2.4 Social Manifestations of Information-Knowledge-Thinking

 Circulating and Managing Mechanism……………………………………………………375


15.3 Accomplishment of Basic Mechanism:

  Setting Up Information-Knowledge-Thinking Circulating and Managing Mechanism

——Information Running Freely and IR Sharing Mechanism ……………………377


16 Mechanism of Social Foundation ………………………………………………383


16.1 Mechanism of IR Foundation……………………………………………………………383

16.1.1 IR Foundation in Reality Space …………………………………………………………383

16.1.2 IR Foundation in Virtual Space  …………………………………………………………384

16.1.3 IR Foundation in Consciousness Space …………………………………………………385


16.2 Mechanism of Social Organizational Foundation………………………………………386

16.2.1 Mechanism of Organizational Structure …………………………………………………387

16.2.2 Mechanism of Organizational Culture ……………………………………………………389

16.2.3 Mechanism of Organizational Stimulation  ………………………………………………390

16.2.4 Dialectical Relationship among Mechanism of Organizational Structure,

Mechanism of Organizational Culture,

And Mechanism of Organizational Stimulation  …………………………………………391


16.3 Mechanism of Self-Organizational Foundation  ………………………………………391


17 Mechanism Based on Motive Force  …………………………………………394

17.1 Mechanism Based on Psychology-Behavior Law  ………………………………………394

17.2 Mechanism Based on Benefit Driving-Market Competing ………………………………396

17.3 Mechanism Based on Public Welfare-Benefit Equilibrium ………………………………396


18 Mechanism of Technology ……………………………………………………398

18.1 IM Technology and Mechanism of IM Technology  ……………………………………398

18.2 KM Technology and Mechanism of KM Technology……………………………………399

18.3 Prospect of TM Technology and Mechanism of TM Technology………………………403

18.4 Mechanism of IM-KM-TM Technology …………………………………………………405

18.5 Web Technology and Mechanism of Web Technology …………………………………405

18.6 Social Manifestations of Mechanism of Technology ……………………………………405


19 Mechanism of Social Environment and Social Security  ……………………407


19.1 Social Issues IRV Practice Confronts  ………………………………………………407


19.2 Legislative Environment and Mechanism of Legislative Security …………………409

19.2.1 Intellectual Property System ……………………………………………………………410

19.2.2 Legislation of Library……………………………………………………………………411

19.2.3 Law of Freedom of Information  ………………………………………………………412


19.3 Environment of Policy and Mechanism of Policy Security   …………………………414


19.4 Environment of Administration and Mechanism of Administrative Security………417


19.5 Environment of Culture and Mechanism of Cultural Security ………………………418


19.6 Integration and Analysis of System Structure of

Mechanism of Social Environment and Social Security………………………………421


20 Whole Structure Analysis of

IR-Based Value Practicing Mechanism System ………………………………422

20.1 Concrete Analysis of System Structure of

IR-Based Value Practicing Mechanism System ……………………………………………422

20.2 Integration Analysis of System Structure of

IR-Based Value Practicing Mechanism System ……………………………………………424



Part Six: Study on Evaluation of Information Resources Value (IRV)


21 Principles, Criterions, and Methods of IRV Evaluation ………………………431


21.1 Evaluation of IRV and Evaluation Principles  …………………………………………431

21.1.1 Basic Principle ……………………………………………………………………………431

21.1.2 Concrete Principles ………………………………………………………………………433


21.2 Evaluation Criterions of IRV……………………………………………………………436

21.2.1 Basic Criterion of IRV Evaluation ………………………………………………………436

21.2.2 General Criterions of IRV Evaluation……………………………………………………437

21.2.3 Concrete Criterions of IRV Evaluation …………………………………………………438


21.3 Methods of IRV Evaluation …………………… ………………………………………439

21.3.1 Sketch of Methods of IRV Evaluation …………………………………………………439

21.3.2 System Structure of Methods of IRV Evaluation ………………………………………440

21.3.3 Method of Philosophy of Value (Method of Axiology)…………………………………440

21.3.4 Basic Method ……………………………………………………………………………441

21.3.5 Concrete Methods ………………………………………………………………………442


22 Value Evaluation of IR and Evaluation of

Beneficial Result of IR-Based Value Practicing  ……………………………443


22.1 Value Evaluation of IR …………………………………………………………………443

22.1.1 Value Evaluation of Subjective IR and Corresponding Principles and Methods  ………443

22.1.2 Value Evaluation of Objective IR and Corresponding Principles and Methods…………444


22.2 Evaluation of Beneficial Result of IR-Based Value Practicing………………………449

22.2.1 Evaluation of Beneficial Result of IR-Based Individual Value Practicing ………………450

22.2.2 Evaluation of Beneficial Result of IR-Based Organizational Value Practicing …………453

22.2.3 Evaluation of Beneficial Result of IR-Based Social Value Practicing

——City, Nation, and the Whole World  ………………………………………………455


22.3 Evaluation Mechanism of Beneficial Result of IR-Based Social Value Practicing…456


23 Measuring of Informationizational Level of the Society:

  Basic Form of Evaluation of Beneficial Result of

IR-Based Social Value Practicing ……………………………………………458


23.1 Status Quo of the Study on Measuring of

 Informationizational Level of the Society………………………………………………458

23.1.1 Measuring Based on M. U. Porat’s Measuring Model of Information Economy ………458

23.1.2 Measuring Based on Informationizational Index Model (RITE Model)…………………460


23.2 Analysis of the Index System of

Comprehensive Measuring at Present in China………………………………………463


23.3 Theoretical Rethinking and the Way Out of

Social Informationizational Level Measuring…………………………………………467


23.4 Brief Summary of This Chapter…………………………………………………………472


Part Seven: Conclusions

——The Whole Theoretical Frame and

Main Points of Information Resources Value Theory (IRV Theory)


24 Conclusions: The Whole Theoretical Frame and Main Points of

 Information Resources Value Theory (IRV Theory) …………475


References ……………………………………………………………………………………493


Epilogue  ………………………………………………………………………………………498

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