

SCI 论文一条龙服务链

已有 7913 次阅读 2013-11-29 06:14 |个人分类:科研短评|系统分类:观点评述

SCI 论文一条龙服务链在中国

在中国不仅研究生多, 还有许多帮你发表文章的服务一条龙公司. 可以帮你发表第一作者论文, 保你有SCI 论文.  其中一个广告如下:"IT'S UNBELIEVABLE: YOU CAN PUBLISH SCI PAPERS WITHOUT DOING EXPERIMENTS,"


SHANGHAI, CHINA—The e-mail arrived around noon from the mysterious

sender “Publish SCI Paper,” with the subject line “Transfer

co-fi rst author and co-corresponding author.” A message body

uncluttered with pleasantries contained a scientifi c abstract with all

the usual ingredients, bar one: author names. The message said that

the paper, describing a potential strategy for curbing drug resistance

in cancer cells, had been accepted by Elsevier’s International Journal

of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. Now its authorship was for sale.

“There are some authors who don’t have much use for their papers

after they’re published, and they can be transferred to you,” a sales

agent for a company called Wanfang Huizhi told a Science reporter

posing as a scientist. Wanfang Huizhi, the agent explained, acts as an

intermediary between researchers with forthcoming papers in good

journals and scientists needing to snag publications. The company

would sell the title of co–fi rst author on the cancer paper for 90,000

yuan ($14,800). Adding two names—co–fi rst author and

co–corresponding author—would run $26,300, with a

deposit due upon acceptance and the rest on publication. A

purported sales document from Wanfang Huizhi obtained by

Science touts the convenience of this kind of arrangement:

“You only need to pay attention to your academic research.

The heavy labor can be left to us. Our service can help you

make progress in your academic path!”

Offering these services are brokers who hawk titles and SCI paper

abstracts from their perches in China; individuals such as a Chinese

graduate student who keeps a blog listing unpublished papers for

sale; fl y-by-night operations that advertise online; and established

companies like Wanfang Huizhi that also offer an array of aboveboard

services, such as arranging conferences and producing

tailor-made coins and commemorative stamps. Agencies boast at

conferences that they can write papers for scientists who lack data.

They cold-call journal editors. They troll for customers in chat

programs. “SCI papers transfer: papers about cervical cancer; head

and neck cancer; kidney cancer; stomach cancer; nano-materials,”

reads a chat message to one editor.

They set up toll-free hotlines.

But most of the corrupt publishing practices that Science

investigated have no clear victims; scientists, brokers, and some

journal editors all benefi t. What is at risk, say prominent researchers

in China, is China’s wider achievement in science. The country has

become a powerhouse in scientifi c publishing: The number of SCI

Expanded papers originating in China skyrocketed from 41,417 in

2002 to 193,733 in 2012, ranking it second in the world, after the

United States. Corrupt publication practices taint that achievement.

“[Some scientists] are publishing better and better papers and

getting into top-notch journals, but in the end they don’t even

know what their papers say,” says Cao Zexian, a physicist

at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Physics

in Beijing. “They spend a lot of money hiring researchers to

write them.”

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