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English CV for Dr. Chadwick WANG

已有 8097 次阅读 2011-11-2 21:27 |系统分类:人物纪事



2012.01~PresentTsinghua University                   Assistant Professor, Assistant Director

Institute of Science, Technology and Society, School of Social Sciences

CASAD-Tsinghua Research Center for Synergetic-development of Science and Society

2010.01~2011.12Tsinghua University                   Associate Research Fellow

Center for Science, Technology and Society & Graduate School at Shenzhen

2011.05~2011.07Technische Universität München (TUM)   Visiting Research Scholar

Carl von Linde-Akademie, Co-worked with Prof. Klaus Mainzer, Dr. Rainhard Zvi Bengez

2008.09~2009.03Columbia University                  Visiting Research Scholar

Program of Science, Technology and Global Development at Earth Institute

Co-worked with: Prof. Richard R. Nelson

2008.04~2008.07The University of Edinburgh           Visiting Researcher

Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSTI)

Co-worked with: Prof. Robin Williams

2005.09~2010.01Tsinghua University                   Ph.D. in STS

Center for Science, Technology and Society, School of Humanities and Social Science

2001.09~2005.08Tsinghua University                   B.E. in Electronic Science and Technology

Department of Electronic Engineering


  • Science and Technology Studies Theory; Sociology of Science and Technology.

  • Comparative Science & Technology Policy; Technology Governance in Catching-up Countries.



  1. WANG Chengwei, WANG Luhao. “Mobilizing Legitimacy in Decoupling: A Grounded Theory Analysis to a University Incubator in Southern China”. Chinese Journal of Sociology. 2013(6). (CSSCI, CSA, EBSCO)

  2. WANG Chengwei. “Cultural Roots for Corruption and Beyond: A fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis”. Journal of Social Sciences, 2013 (10):28-39. (CSSCI)

  3. WANG Luhao, WANG Chengwei. “Stratification mechanism in incubatees: Case from Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen”. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2013(9): 44-50. (CSSCI)

  4. WANG Chengwei. “Could Strategic Emerging Industries be ‘Selected’?”. Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2013(7): 131-140 (CSSCI)

  5. WANG Chengwei. “From Information Divide to Virtual Witnessing: How Could Internet Public Sphere be Possible?”. Science and Society, 2012(3): 82-97, 81. (CSSCI, Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science, RUC)

  6. WANG Chengwei, ZENG Guoping. “Innovative City as One of the Sociotechnical Imaginaries”. JOURNAL OF DIALECTICS OF NATURE, 2012(4): 61-66. (CSSCI, Reprinted by “Research in Science Technology and Society” [2011-2012, Vol. 5])

  7. Stewart, James; Shen, Xiaobai; Wang, Chengwei & Graham, Ian. “From 3G to 4G: standards and the development of mobile broadband in China”. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2011, 23(7): 773-788. (SSCI)

  8. WANG Chengwei. “Social Construction of Policy Veto: Case from Several Failures of Legislation to the Prohibition for “Human Flesh Search” in China”. Journal of Public Management, 2011(4): 55-65. (CSSCI)

  9. WANG Chengwei. “The Rediscovery of Information Society: An Answer from Actor Network Theory”, Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Social Science), 2011(5): 27-32. (RCCSE, Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science, RUC)

  10. WANG Chengwei. “An Invitation to the Reflective Innovative Cities: Case from the India’s Silicon Valley Bangalore”. Studies in Science of Science, 2011(4): 634-640. (CSSCI)

  11. WANG Chengwei. “Thinking Innovative City: From the Perspective of Multi-Capitals’ Production and Distribution”. Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2011(4): 5-12. (CSSCI)

  12. WANG Chengwei. “Policy Learning and the Power of Discourse in the Globalization Trends: From Policy Knowledge to ‘Legitimacy’ Seeking”. Studies in Science of Science, 2010(3): 321-326. (CSSCI, Cover Remarked paper in this Issue)

  13. WANG Chengwei. “The Obstacles and its Overcoming of Policy Learning: Case from China’s Drinking Water National Standard”. Chinese Journal of Sociology. 2010 30 (4): 32-51. (CSSCI, CSA, EBSCO).

  14. WANG Chengwei. “Study on the Reasons of the Implementation Obstacles of America COMPETES Act”. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2010(5): 161-166. (CSSCI)

  15. WANG Chengwei. “From Multiple Stream to Stratified Evolution: Case from the Policy Agenda Dealing with Scientific Misconduct in China”. Studies in Science of Science, 2009(10): 1460-1467. (CSSCI, Cover Remarked Paper in this Issue)

  16. WANG Chengwei. “Social Learning of the Chinese Food Security Regulation Policy: Case from the ‘National Standard of Streamed bread’ in China”. Journal of Public Management, 2008(4): 1-8. (CSSCI)

  17. WANG Chengwei, ZENG, Guoping. “Knowledge Creation and Talent Cultivation: From ‘The Endless Frontier’ to ‘America COMPETS Act’”. Research On Education Tsinghua University, 2008(3): 78-84, 94. (CSSCI, Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science, RUC)

  18. WANG Chengwei, ZENG, Guoping. “Social Shaping of Policy Paradigm - Case from the ‘America COMPETES Act’”, Studies in Science of Science, 26(1), 2008: 3-12. (CSSCI, Cover Remarked Paper in this Issue)

  19. WANG Chengwei, LI Zhengfeng. “Nonmarket Factors’ Promotion Mechanism to Innovation”, Studies in Science of Science: 25(supp.2), 2007: 426-432. (CSSCI, Cover Remarked Paper in this Issue)

  20. WANG Chengwei, LI Zhengfeng. “A New Model of Standardization Basing on Layered Evolvement”, China Soft Science, 2007(1): 42-48. (CSSCI)

  21. WANG Chengwei, LI Jizhen. “The Technological Innovation Advantages of Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Chinese DTV industry”, Science Research Management, 27(2), 2006:31-35. (CSSCI)

  22. WANG Chengwei, LI Jizhen. “The Leapfrogging in DTV Industry: Comparative Research of China and Korea”, Journal of Science and Technology Management Research, 2005(9): 24-27. (CSSCI)


  1. WANG Chengwei, LIN Nan. “Societal Dimensions of HIS as a Trading Zone: Could the Informatization Really Benefit the New Medical Reform?”. The 3rd Conference of the International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS3), Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, China; September 17~19, 2010.

  2. WANG Chengwei. “How Indigenous Innovation Become Indigenous: Two Performativity and their Construction in China’s Policy Learning”. The 35th 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan; Aug 25~29, 2010.

  3. WANG Chengwei, LI Jizhen. “Organizational Learning and Knowledge Conversion in the Heavy-weight Teams”, Proceedings of WiCom 2007 (Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, IEEE), 2007, pp: 5276-5279. (EI, ISTP)

  4. LI Jizhen, WANG Chengwei. “Technological, market and architectural catching-up: the case of Chinese digital TV industry”, Proceedings of PICMET 2006-Technology Management for the Global Future (IEEE Cat. No.06CH37823), 2007, pp: 1052-1063. (EI)

  5. WANG Chengwei. “Science and Society: Cross the Chasm or cut the Gordian knot”. Chinese Social Science Today, 2011-01-27: 11.

  6. Steen, Håkon Ursin and WANG, Chengwei. “Report on standards dynamics - mobile broadcasting”. China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership (Coordination & support action FP7-SSH-2007-1, 217457), Deliverable 13, 2010.

  7. Stewart, James and WANG, Chengwei. “Final report on Standards dynamics in domain of Mobile Telephony: mobile broadband from 3G to 4G”. China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership (Coordination & support action FP7-SSH-2007-1, 217457), Deliverable 11, 2009.


  1. Monograph: ZENG Guoping, WANG Chengwei, etc. The Capitalization and Globalization of Knowledge and the Science and Technology Innovation in China. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2013.

  2. Translation: ZENG Guoping, LIU Xiaoling, WANG Chengwei, LI Honglin. National Innovation System: A Comparative Analysis, Beijing: Intellectual Property Press. Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2011

  3. Participated in the Writing of the General Higher Education "Eleventh Five-Year" National Planning Textbook “Concise Course on History of Science and Technology”. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, forthcoming. (Completing the draft of Chap. 22 System Science and Complexity, and Chap. 27 Science and Technology Innovation and Social Economic Development, co-worked with Prof. ZENG Guoping)

  4. Chief Executive Editor in Basic Research: Source of the Comprehensive National Strength. Beijing: China Higher Education Press, 2007.

  5. Participated in the Writing of Constructing the Innovative Nation – The Important Choice Towards Future. Beijing: People Press, 2007. (Chapter 2.2 “The Main Pathway and Experience of Japan’s Catching-up” and Chapter 10 “Innovation Culture – The Spirit Drive force of the Innovative Nation’s Construction”).

  6. Participated in the Writing of Case Studies: Technology Innovation at CNPC, Beijing: Petrol Industry Press, 2006. (Writing 5 cases of 24 in all, about 60.000 Chinese words).

  7. Participated in the Translating of Defending Science Within Reason Between Scientism and Cynicism, Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2008. (Chapter 10, 11, 12).

  8. Participated in the Translation of The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Beijing: Intellectual Property Press, 2009. (Chap. 19 “Innovation and Catching-up”)


1. What is fact?: Issues about the fact and social fact in our lives. (Graduated School at Shenzhen, HIT, Sep 16, 2010)

2. China's Innovation System in Transition:  From the Perspective of Policy Learning (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, June 22, 2010)

3. “To be or Not to be: f (technology, society) =?”. TU Munich, May 2011 (Part of the Seminar of History and Philosophy of Machines and Automata).

4. “What is and what should we know about STS”. TU Munich, July 2011 (Knowledge foundation presentation for Carl von Linde-Akademie to establish the Center of Technology in Society).

5. “The Logic of Innovative Cities’ Construction: Do we Need a Special Chinese Model?”. Graduate School in Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Oct. 2011. (Innovation Lecture for Post-docs in Shenzhen, 1st speech in 2011).

6. “The Constructionism in Policy Analysis”. School of Public Management, Tsinghua University, Mar. 2012. (Academic luncheon, No. 174).


2013 Excellent Paper Awards of the 2013 Annual Meeting for Chinese Sociology Association.

2010 Excellent Paper Awards of the 6th Annual Meeting for Studies in Science of Science and Policy of Science and Technology; Special Funding for Ph.D. dissertation on “Soft Science” by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.

2009 Nomination of Emerging Academic Talent of Tsinghua University; Excellent Award for Doctoral Dissertation in Universities Association (Second Prize).

2008 Outstanding Student Leader of Beijing; Comprehensive Excellence Scholarship of Tsinghua University, Class 3.

2007 Comprehensive Excellence Scholarship of Tsinghua University, Class 3; Social Work Award of Tsinghua University, Class 1; Prominent Student in Social Practice of Tsinghua University.

2006 Guanghua Scholarship, Class 2; Social Work Award of Tsinghua University, Class 2.

2005 Outstanding Student Leader of Tsinghua University.

2004 Social Work Award of Tsinghua University, Class 3.

2003 Social Work Award of Tsinghua University, Class 3.

2002 ‘Yiheng’ Scholarship, Class 2.


Charged in: “Policy Learning, Policy Experimentation and Policy Innovation: Theoretical and Empirical Studies Basing on a 2-D Multiple Streams Evolutionary Model” funded by NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (71103105).

Charged in: “The Mutual Construction Mechanisms and Issues on Science, Technology and Society: Case and Comparative Studies in China”. Tsinghua University Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Program (2012WHYX007).

Charged in: “Between Authoritarian Society and Civil Society: On Two-way Mechanism of Information Technology Governance in China" funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Special fuddling, 201104122).

Chief Researcher in “China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership” funded by EU FP7 (No. 217457) and cooperated with 5 European Universities as well as CAS in China. Referees: Prof. Robin Williams (The University of Edinburgh) and Prof. ZENG Guoping (Tsinghua University).

Deputy Project Manager in “IT Innovation in China” (2007) and “Comparative Studies of University-Industry Cooperation in Beijing and Shenzhen” (2011-2012) cooperated with the Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) in University of Tokyo (3rd Round finished). Referees: Prof. Kazuyuki Motohashi (The University of Tokyo) and Prof. ZENG Guoping (Tsinghua University).

Charged in: “Triggering Mechanisms of Policy Learning in the Globalization Trends: Theoretical and Empirical Studies in the New Perspective of Constuctionism” funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (General fuddling, 20100470164).

Participated in “Several Issues about the Globalization of Knowledge Capital and Science and Technology Innovation in China” funded by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (03AZX004). Referees: Prof. ZENG Guoping (Tsinghua University).

Participated in “The Feather and Trend of Basic Research (Science) Strategy Planning Abroad” funded by NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (L0922106). Referees: Prof. LI Zhengfeng (Tsinghua University).

Participated in “The Impact of Physical Distance to the Knowledge Transfer and its Counterplan” funded by NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (70902003). Referees: Dr. HONG Wei (Tsinghua University).

Participated in “The Diffusion System of Industrial Generic Technology” funded by NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (70873070). Referees: Dr. Li Jizhen (Associate Professor in Management School, Tsinghua University).

Participated in “China’s Way and Mode of Science and Technology Development in New Times” funded by the Chinese Technology Association.

Participated in “The Trigger Mechanism of Policy Agenda Setting in Transitional China: Theoretical and Empirical Studies to the ‘Variable Multiple-Stream Framework’” funded by NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (70673042). Referees: Prof. ZHU Xufeng (Government School, Nankai University).

Participated in “The Mechanism of Policy Changing, Action Network and the Strategic Selection of Social Players in China” funded by NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (70973058). Referees: Prof. ZHU Xufeng (Government School, Nankai University).


  • Member of council, Committee for Industry Studies and Industrial Innovation, The Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature.

  • Invited reviewer of international “Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China”, “Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China”.

  • Participate in the writing of “Comparison of the Innovation Systems in China and Germany and Potential Areas of Collaboration” Report (Part of the Sino-German Innovation Platform). (July-Nov., 2012).

  • Participate in the special investigations “The Localization of Core Technology and Key Component in China’s Writing Instrument industry” hosted by Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and took charge in the draft report writing as an external expert, which is finally approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology as one of the National Key Special S&T Projects. (June-July, 2010)

  • Participate in the draft writing of the Administrative Measures and Implementing Regulations of the “Technology Innovation Service Platform” hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology as an external expert. (Nov.-Dec., 2009)

  • Adjunct Research Fellow in the Policy Department of NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) (Sep.-Dec., 2006 & June, 2007-Mar., 2008)

  • Associate Administrator (Minister) of Arts and Physical Education Division of the Youth League Committee in Tsinghua University (Sep., 2005-Mar., 2008) 


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