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已有 5535 次阅读 2017-5-14 16:37 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:生活其它| 理科男的人生感悟, 微积分与人生


                The calculus of friendship - prologue

[prologue]  For the past thirty years I've been corresponding with my high school calculus teacher, Mr. Don Joffray. Duringthat time, he went from the prime of his career to retirement, competed inwhitewater kayak at the international level, and lost a son. I matured fromteenage math geek to Ivy League professor, suffered the sudden death of aparent, and blundered into a marriage destined to fail.

【翻译:在过去的三十年间,我一直和高中的教授微积分的老师,Don Joffray先生通信。在那段时间里,他从教书生涯的鼎盛时期忙到退休,期间他也参加了个人皮划艇的国际比赛,失去了一个儿子。而我从一个数学迷成长为象牙塔大学的教授,期间经历了父亲的突然离世,并且鲁莽的进入到一次注定失败的婚姻。】


[prologue x]  I was 15 when I took calculus from Mr.Joffray. One thing about him was unlike any other teacher I’d ever had: he worshippedsome of his former students. He’d tell stories about them, legends that madethem sound like Olympian figures, gods of mathematics. In my own case, he wasmore a fan than a teacher, always marveling at what problems I could invent andsolve. It felt slightly strange to be so admired by my own teacher. But I can’tsay I minded it.



[prologue xii] Calculus is the mathematical study of change. Its essence is best captured by itsoriginal name, ‘‘fluxions,’’ coined by its inventor, Isaac Newton. The namecalls to mind systems that are ever in motion, always unfolding.



[prologue xii] Like calculus itself, this book is an exploration of change. It's about the transformation that takes place in a student's heart, as he and his teacher reverse roles, as they age, as they are buffeted by life itself. Through all these changes, they are bound together by a love of calculus. For them it is more than a science. It is a game they love playing together—so often the basisof friendship between men—a constant while all around them is in flux.


constant 在数学上表示常量的意思。这段话是我见过的一个理工科男的最好的抒情了,准确且富有想象,把人生的感悟与微积分的理念水乳交融的一起写出


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