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已有 4159 次阅读 2019-5-15 14:58 |系统分类:观点评述


             原汁原味的Sci & Tech News weekly

Volume 2  19年5月15日

Editor: Dr. Collin F. Hu

卷首语:动物的行为总是让我们很好奇的本期在animals领域选择了一篇关于猫的文章,内容是喵星人是否知道自己的名字?相信不少养猫的人士都有自己的答案。可如何去(不是凭声音大)说服众人呢?;在physics领域,选择了一篇在量子计算机中,通过操控两个量子态,(几乎)实现时间反转的梦想,可即使在这么简单的系统里,时间反转也非易事;在fun science这部分介绍了那个有名的薛定谔猫(又是猫!),它同时既是死的,又是活的,是什么意思?








Cats can recognize their names, but that doesn't mean they'll respond to you: Study

By Nala rogers ABC Apr 8, 2019


[What is it] Science has finally confirmed what cat owners knew all along: Cats know their own names. That doesn’t necessarily mean they respond when called (another thing cat owners could have told you). Cats in the new study turned their heads and ears toward the sound of their names, but generally didn't bother to vocalize back or communicate using their tails.


doesn’t necessarily mean 后面接一个从句,很常见的句式,通常是反面的意思。

turned their heads and ears toward the sound” 好像不是很显著的动作,如何确定?


[How to do it] The findings came from a series of experiments using 16 to 34 cats in Japan. To get in the minds of their feline subjects, the researchers first made recordings of a human voice saying four common words with the same accent pattern and number of syllables as the cat's name, followed by the name itself.Only a few of the cats in this experiment grew accustomed to the voice, reducing their response from the first to the fourth name. But those that did grow accustomed perked up again when they heard the fifth name, indicating that they knew it was their own.


a series of: 一系列的;

注意实验用的猫的数量,16 到 34 只,感觉统计量不够。而且,我们也应该注意实验中是如何定义“perked up”。



1,  That doesn’t necessarily mean they respond when called (another thing cat owners could have told you).

2,  The findings came from a series of experiments using 16 to 34 cats in Japan.

3,  Only a few of the cats in this experiment grew accustomed to the voice, reducing their response from the first to the fourth name.







 For a Split Second, a Quantum Computer Made History Go Backward

By Dennis Overbye The New York Times  May 8, 2019

[What is it?] In what amounts to a technological triumph for the aspiring Benjamin Buttons of the virtual world, a team of quantum physicists reported earlier this year that they had succeeded in creating a computer algorithm that acts like the Fountain of Youth.


amounts to:相当于,算得上;

Fountain of Youth:青春泉;

这段话其实就是一句,后半段比较容易读懂。前半段是对这项科研的通俗评价,意思是“算得上是真实世界的“Benjamin Buttons(一部电影,文章开头有介绍)””,但也很明白的说出了这是一个technological triumph。


[How to do it?] Using an IBM quantum computer, they managed to undo the aging of a single, simulated elementary particle by one millionth of a second. But it was a Pyrrhic victory at best, requiring manipulations so unlikely to occur naturally that it only reinforced the notion that we are helplessly trapped in the flow of time.


simulated elementary particle: 在量子计算机上,用一个量子位来模拟一个simulated elementary particle(可以处与0或1两种状态或其叠加态)。

Pyrrhic victory at best 最多是不切实际的胜利(因为不可能在自然界发生)。


[details] We seem to be at the mercy of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that disorder and complexity only increase in a closed system such as, say, the universe. … But the arrow of time takes its direction not only from big numbers. According to quantum theory, that paradoxical body of rules governing the subatomic universe, not even a single particle can reverse its own course through time.


at the mercy of: 原意是在**的恩惠中;在这儿的可以翻译为“在热力学第二定律的影响下”。不过,觉得整个宇宙的熵增大是一种很过时的看法(which states that disorder and complexity only increase in a closed system such as, say, the universe)。要知道在整个宇宙中,还有94%的暗能量和暗物质,我们对此的知识几乎为零。所以,这也是新的科学前沿。



1We seem to be at the mercy of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that disorder and complexity only increase in a closed system such as, say, the universe.

2, Using an IBM quantum computer, they managed to undo the aging of a single, simulated elementary particle by one millionth of a second.

3According to quantum theory, that paradoxical body of rules governing the subatomic universe, not even a single particle can reverse its own course through time.



Fun Sciences


                                Schrödinger's cat

                        Wikipedia 15 May 2019


[What is it]  Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935.It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a hypothetical cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.





[Copenhagen interpretation] A commonly held interpretation of quantum mechanics is the Copenhagen interpretation. … The experiment can be interpreted to mean that while the box is closed, the system simultaneously exists in a superposition of the states "decayed nucleus/dead cat" and "undecayed nucleus/living cat", and …






1.   It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects.

2.   The experiment can be interpreted to mean that while the box is closed, the system simultaneously exists in a superposition of the states "decayed nucleus/dead cat" and "undecayed nucleus/living cat".



上一篇:1,是男孩还是女孩? 2,”三人“ 婴儿? 3,光是什么?
下一篇:无人驾驶汽车 &孟母三迁的现代诠释
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