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已有 3732 次阅读 2011-11-22 22:25 |个人分类:教育改革思考(07-11)|系统分类:教学心得| 小学, 学前教育最后一年


黄安年文 黄安年的博客/20111122(美东时间)发布


我国普及中小学教育的学制是小学6年、中学6年总共12年。美国也是12年制,其中小学5,中学7年, 小学除5年外还含一年学前教育最后一年,一般说小学6年,而真正的小学只有5














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For other uses, see Kindergarten (disambiguation).



In China, the equivalent term to kindergarten is 幼儿园 (yòu ér yuán). The children start attending kindergarten at the age of 2 until they are at least 6 years old. The kindergartens in China generally have the following grades: 1. Nursery/ Playgroup (小班/xiăo bān): 2–3 years old children 2. Lower Kindergarten/ LKG (中班/zhōng bān): 3–4 years old children 3. Upper Kindergarten/ UKG (大班/dà bān): 4–5 years old children 4. Preschool (学前班/xué qián bān): 5–6 years old children

Some kindergartens may not have preschool (学前班/xué qián bān).


United States

In the United States, kindergartens are usually part of the K-12 educational system. It is only one school-year. Children usually attend kindergarten around age 5 to 6. Kindergarten is considered the first year of formal education, although the child may have gone to preschool or Pre-K (formerly nursery school). While kindergarten was viewed as a separate part of the elementary program, it is now fully integrated into the school system and is a full participant in schooling, except that in many places it is only offered for half-a-day.[3] Depending on the state, children may be required to attend their kindergarten year because compulsory schooling laws in many states begin at age 5. In other states, compulsory laws begin at 6 or 7, although these states still offer free kindergarten. In practice, 43 states require their school districts to offer a kindergarten year.[3]

There are many positive learning and social/behavioral benefits for children in kindergarten programs. At the same time, it is widely felt that what children are doing during the kindergarten day is more important than the length of the school day.

"High/Scope Learning" is a style of learning that is used in many kindergartens in the United States.[citation needed] This learning style is very interactive and requires a great deal of the children and the teacher. It employs a "plan, do, review" approach which enables children to take responsibility for their learning. First the children "plan" their activities. The teacher provides choices of activities for the children which are age-appropriate and initiate learning, whether through problem solving, reading, language, mathematics, manipulatives, etc. This planning takes place, usually, when the children walk in the classroom. Then they "do" their activity. Some of these activities include such things as a water table, building blocks, a creative dance area, "dress up" area, a reading area, and a drawing table. The majority of the children's time is spent in this "do" activity. The last part of this approach is the review part. This is where the children and the teacher go over what they have done that day. This can be done in a large group, especially if there is a theme for the day that is used in all activities, or individually. The children discuss what they did and how they liked it and what they learned from it. This high/scope learning has grown in popularity and is accepted largely because it allows for the children to be responsible for their own learning.

Compulsory schooling laws were adopted before the widespread provision of kindergarten or preschool. In some states, it is not required for children to attend kindergarten.[3] Mandatory age of enrollment varies by state between 5 and 8.[25] Generally, in all states, a child may begin kindergarten in the fall term only if age 5 by a state-set date, usually in the summer or fall.[2] If they are older than 5 in a non-mandatory state, then they will be directly placed into first grade for compulsory education, even if they have not attended kindergarten.



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