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黄安年文  黄安年2023629日发布(第32877篇)


2000年6月14日 (星期三) 阴历五月十三,White Plains,部分多云,C14-C26



今天看来杨共乐12日发来的E-MAIL,我即回复了一份E-MAIL,全文如下:From: "Annian Huang" <annianhuang@hotmail.com> To: history@bnu.edu.cn CC:  annianhuang@hotmail.com  Subject: Re: 北师大历史系,杨共乐。Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 12:20:28 EDT共乐并请转告系领导: 我刚从Niagara Falls返回看到共乐发来E-MAIL,感谢系领导在我出国期间对我的关注。我已定好机票于74(NYC时间)NYC,USA返回北京(76日北京时间)。有关和浙江教育学院合办的研究生学位课程班目前情况如何,不知我授课的学位作业是否均已完成,能否请转告朱秀芳老师查询一下?问新旧交替的系领导班子好。黄安年 2000614日于White Plains”。“   From: "Dept. History" <history@bnu.edu.

cn> To: "Huang Annian" <annianhuang@hotmail.com> Subject: 北师大历史系,杨共乐。Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:52:12 +0800   黄安年先生:您好!久未通信,不知近来可好。今有一事相告。晁福林班子根据您的意见已决定,《世界现代史研究入门》一书,在您不在的情况下,不组织编写。谢谢您对我们的支持。祝好!杨共乐”。

收到邵雁发来的E-MAIL,文如下:From:Yan Shao <yshao2@uic.edu> To: annianhuang@

hotmail.com Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:58:27 -0500 (CDT) Hi, Prof. Huang: Sorry to send late feedback.I am so busy to work in the store every time. We move in an new apartment, but we are not sure to stay there so long, everything will depend on SHU's job. I'll change another one if he would work out of Chicago. This is main reason we don't want to connect phone line. So far no lease for the current apartment. May it be good to buy FISH OIL for the elder since it can prevent cardiac heart failure, hypertension.VITAMINE B or E is a good antioxidant agent, good for the elder also. Actually food nutrition is the best. May it be good to buy some KITS, such as diabete test strip, kit for measuring high blood pressure or something, they are sold on OTC in any one drug store, no doctor's prescription needed. All OTC medication has small strengh or easy to handle it. maybe they are cheaper than those to buy in China, that is my guess. A lot of thing I need to learn now, and I cannot get them in school. All my classmates have working experience in Pharmacy, like store, hospital, any kind of medical center, etc. Some of them has 3-5 year working experience. Pharmacy also need to accumulate practical experience like history research. Everything is different from our herbal medication, and new for me.  SHU's job is unpredictable now.  Have a nice day. Yan

3:40-5:05pm, 我和L再次光顾在Main St. & Momorneck Ave.间和Momorneck Ave. & Martian St.j间的一元钱商店,在后者买到了有美国地图和世界地图图案的塑料制品垫板(0.50$一个),前者则买了中国制品的铜锁,而这在国内用8元也是买不到的。还有维他命E2000.1到期)也是相当便宜实惠的。





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