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黄安年文  黄安年20221226日发布(第31781篇)





黄安年文  黄安年2021921日发布,黄安年日记摘要(1999年编号010

l  美国人不大讲究挂旗的规范,只要挂着,不管那种方式都行

l  如果不掌握电脑应用技术,要站住脚是困难的。

l  在环境治理方面,恐怕国内和美国的差距不是几年十几年的问题

l  将两者设定的温度差距拉大,即室内为F80 锅炉就可能启动

l  这是一个扔东西的社会,什么东西觉得没有用,在路边可以看到

l  秋天各家各户要清扫门前的落叶,否则要罚款的

l  顾学稼回了两个E-MAIL涉及对于列宁和孙中山实事求是评价

l  收银员找钱这类小事,可以不了了之,不过可以试试售货员的诚实程度。



1999年11月3日 (星期三)  天晴

一夜大雨,把地上冲刷得格外干净,不过马路上,沾着许多的树叶。6:20-7:15AM晨练,首次看到的是雨后的清晨,被一夜大雨蹂躏的树木上树叶撒满柏油马路和行人道上,似乎一夜过去,树木披上的各色衣着减少了不少,这样用不了几场雨水,冬天慢慢地向人们靠近了。我今天试图走条新路,Harvard Rd.下坡,沿Central Pkwy Av. Harding Av. 再转到Chatterton Av, Tarrytown RdBattle Av & Chatterton Pkwy之间。


Y交代在网上了解国内服装制造业的制造和销售情况,以便为网上销售提供有效信息。但是今天出师不利,电脑上网出现障碍,Z的主机上捣咕半天也没有解决问题,不得已关了机器,看来干不成什么事情了。中午,Z从康州打来电话问及此事,他在电话中告诉我,连接被中断,需要重新连接。并指导我按程序操作,顺利地重新启动,其中关键的Passward is admin 启动中文之星,并关闭其他所有文件,选IMB global Network启动,如果发现Unexpected  Disconnect时,选No, 在出现Network,calling to White Plians 914-467-9276Connect后,就出现标准图形,显示连接成功。它的连接方法是IBM Global Network Diater[ Network View]  28800bps NE24245-------modern—phone------ IBM Global Network----Private Intranet  IBM  Global Network-----Internet. 这次解决了燃眉之急,以后估计还会不断出现问题,现在首次是一步一个脚印,待熟练后才谈得上应用自如,而如果不掌握这门电脑应用技术,要站住脚是困难的。

    9:00AM两位地方电话公司的年轻工人来安装电话线路,但是遇到新问题,他们说,电话线只能从户外拉进来,而不能在户内安装,这样又成了问题,好像ZY并没有和电话公司就安装一事达成协定。11:30AM,Z来电话问及电话局的人来过没有,我叙述了事情的经过, Z,和电话局公司联系。12:30PM, Z来电话告知已经和电话公司重新商定下周一下午1:00-5:00间来安装,看来只能选择户外最佳线路(电话安装工对我说,只能从室外安装,而不能在室内接线,具体地说是从二楼门口刚下楼梯时临窗的电话线处接上),至于费用按公司规定的低限办理,Z,为了照顾低收入家庭,在规定范围内不能超过85$,如果你超过了他们的规定,则费用要高出很多。


    从前天白天起就感觉暖气减弱,昨天全天更感觉没有暖气,今天上午还是没有,室温显著下降。ROSE好象昨夜并不在家。中午,Z在电话中告诉将原先ROSE设定室内温度和锅炉规定温度都是68F,没有差距,所以锅炉启动装置失灵,如果将两者设定的温度差距拉大,即室内为F80 锅炉就可能启动。按照Z的指导,我到ROSE家将温度控制器调整,然后到锅炉房观察情况,果然轰然一声,机器启动,不到10分钟,室内明显感到增温,后来温度不断增高,吕又觉得会不会太热,准备傍晚时将室温调底。谁知下午,ROSE即已回家,见温度太高,即写一便条放在楼梯进口处,上面写着:Please never put the heat up that high its too hot never higher than 68, 65 is the usually use。”为此,我们不得不向ROSE说明原委,以免引起误解。


    要说浪费,美国有浪费的一面,这是一个扔东西的社会,什么东西觉得没有用,哪怕是电视,冰箱,沙发等家具,你每天可以(一般是星期一和星期四,那是环卫工人来收集废弃物的时候)在路边看到这些东西,如果你需要可以捡回家,没有人来管你。记得我1991年到ALBANY进行学术访问时,每月的奖学金才550$,一切自理,包括房租费每月150$, 水电费用另计,所以如果可以旧物利用的,也就不计了。在这里我很少看见有人来捡这些东西,当然,凡捡这类东西的人,是不愿意让别人看见的,我没有看到绝不等于不存在这种情况。还有在美国秋天的树叶各家各户要清扫门前的落叶,否则要罚款的。各家各户为此大伤脑筋,自己不动手,需要雇人来干,用的工具一般是吹叶器,将落叶集中在一处,然后等待专门的人员来集中收走。有的则将落叶放在两层厚的特制纸袋中,这种纸袋比国内用来装水泥的袋子还要结实,相比之下,用塑料袋来装落叶可能更划算些。

前天发出的四个E-MAIL,李微华和王琳的被退回,估计地址有误,顾学稼回了两个E-MAIL,系里的还没有反应。今天总算对于Hotmail的用法比较清楚。顾先生的一份E-MAIL内容如下:Hi, Annian, Thank you for the email.; My email address is: xuejiagu@hotmail.com  You may reach me at that address; the email address you used to reach me is at my working place.; I live in 3855 Lake Grove Ave. #18, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 and my home phone number is 503-675-7757.; I will write more to you again; Today is my working day and I can't write long letters. Take care and keep in touch.; Best regards to Mrs. Huang and all your family members. Xuejia 

另一份E-MAIL的内容是“glad to know your arrival again Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 20:50:32  Annian, I am really glad that you can visit the US again. We have not exchanged mails for quite a long time. I returned to China at the end of May and stayed in the Southwest for about three weeks visiting Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan.; Of course it was a business trip but I also visited my mother in Chengdu. She is over nineties. Right now I am no longer involved in any scholarly activities. A friend of mine asked me to be his adviser in his business in China; He invested some money in the coal mining business and I more or less know more about the Chinese law and regulations regarding foreign investment and joint venture. I do not plan to stay in the US for the rest of my life; my plan is to go back to China when I cannot drive a car; Right now I can still help my son and my friends in their business. If you by any chance come over to the Portland or Seattle area please do let me know so that we can have a good chat. he address you gave me in your email is: Ehite Plain, I think probably it is White Plain. It is just a typing mistake. In the US you can get access to quite a lot of materials. But it is too bad that Portland area does not have a good library and there is no university with a China study program; So I can't get the materials that I want to read. If you are in White Plain, then you are very close to New York City and you can easily get access to big libraries; There are a couple of questions I particularly want to know more. And I hope you can try to find out some of the historical facts; For instance, Sun Yatsen was regarded by the Kuomingtan as the father of the nation; But actually he was worse than Yuan Shihkai. An American historian studied the diplomatic archives of the Japanese government and he discovered a letter written by Sun in 1915 when the Japanese raised the demand of the so-called 21 issues and asked China to make concession to Japan; At that time, Sun had no power and he was so eager to come back to the political stage and he wrote to the Japanese government saying that he could offer Japan more benefit than Yuan Shikai if the Japanese would support him instead of Yuan; The Japanese never publicized this letter and they just put it in the diplomatic files; The Japanese could not have forged this document because they could never imagined that some day Japan would be occupied by the US and the US would take away all the Japanese foreign affairs documents and archives and bring all the materials to the US; Of course in the 1960s, the US government returned all the documents to Japan; But all the archives had been photocopied; And American historians can get access to these documents and one historian discovered what Sun Yatsen did in 1915; Of course, Taiwan government will not allow materials like that to be published in Taiwan; And mainland China would not let these materials to be published either because Sun has been regarded as democratic revolutionist; This is one of the very interesting questions that I would suggest you to spend some time to know more of the historical facts. Another question is the archive of the Soviet Union; What caused Linin's death?; There is a medical report in the archive telling you what was the fatal illness of Lenin. Well, this letter is too long and I must stop.Yan Siguang was in Harvard for two years but I think now he and his wife must have returned to Beijing. Take care and keep in touch.  Xuejia真要感谢学稼兄用这么长的篇幅写给我E-MAIL,有孙中山和列宁的研究要做到真正实事求是看来还需要时间。我在晚上看到顾的两个E-MAIL后即给顾打电话,他去商店采购去了,准备明天上午再通电话(这里和顾所在的俄勒冈地区时差三个小时,即比这里晚三小时,我这里7:50PM,顾那里才7:50PM,还没有吃晚饭呢。

    4:30PM和吕去离家最近的Battle Av.一家商店购买西红柿,每磅0.79$,比起Path Mark来要便宜得多(0.99$),质量也很好,已经熟透,不宜久放,正合我用。总共2.31$,付款3.00$,找了我0.61$,我觉得应找回0.69$才是,回头找收银员核实,还了我应找回的钱。这类小事,完全可以不了了之,不过可以试试售货员的诚实程度。





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