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推荐Barbara L. Voss (芭芭拉沃斯)  黄安年的博客/2017108发布

斯坦福大学副教授Barbara L. Voss (芭芭拉沃斯)参加了201498-9日在广州中山大学举行的“北美华工与广东侨乡社会”国际学术研讨会,并提交了论文提要,题为The Archaeology of  Chinese RailroadWorkers in North American(“北美华工与广东侨乡社会”国际学术研讨会论文集,20149月,第52-56);正式发表在袁丁主编《北美华工与广东侨乡社会》一书中,题为Historical  Archaeologyand New Research on on Chinese Railroad Workers in North American 广东人民出版社20164月版第187-197页。在美国发表于Historical ArchaeologyMarch 2015, Volume 49, Issue 1, pp4–23,题为The Historical Experience of Labor: ArchaeologicalContributions to Interdisciplinary Research


笔者和李炬合著的《沉默道钉的足迹纪念华工建设美国铁路》一书C探寻足迹部分,收入了Barbara L. Voss提供的美国铁路华工生活残片(见C69-C75,中国铁道出版社20159月版)






Historical Archaeology

March 2015, Volume 49, Issue 1, pp 4–23 | Cite as

The Historical Experience of Labor: ArchaeologicalContributions to Interdisciplinary Research on Chinese Railroad Workers

  • Barbara L. Voss (芭芭拉沃斯)

  • Barbara L. Voss (芭芭拉沃斯)

    • 1

1.       1.Departmentof AnthropologyStanford UniversityStanfordUSA


First Online: 19 October2016

·       1Citations


Since the1960s, archaeologists have studied the work camps of Chinese immigrant andChinese American laborers who built the railroads of the American West. The artifacts,sites, and landscapes provide a rich source of empirical information about thehistorical experiences of Chinese railroad workers. Especially in light of therarity of documents authored by the workers themselves, archaeology can providedirect evidence of habitation, culinary practices, health care, socialrelations, and economic networks. As archaeologists expand collaboration witheach other and with scholars in other fields, interpretations of archaeologicalresearch move beyond site-specific description into analyses that trace thechanging experiences of workers as they entered new environments and newlandscapes. The materiality of daily life at railroad work camps isinterconnected with the risks the workers endured and the wealth that theirlabor generated for railroad owners and investors.

劳工的历史经验: 考古学对于中国铁路工人之跨学科研究的贡献


1960年代以来, 考古学家已经研究了修建美国西部铁路的中国移民与美国华裔劳工的劳工营。这些文物、现场以及景观为我们提供了有关中国铁路工人之历史经验的丰富实证材料。尤其在工人们自身书写的文件相对匮乏的情况, 考古学能为他们的居住,饮食,健康,社会关系与经济网络提供直接的证据。随着考古学家拓展彼此协作,以及他们与其它学科学者之间合作, 考古学研究的诠释范围已经超出了对特定现场的描述: 如今, 我们已能够追踪分析工人们在进入新的环境与景观后所发生的经验变化。铁路劳工营的日常物质生活与工人们所承受的风险,以及他们为铁路拥有者和投资者所创造的财富,都是相互关联的。

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IP: 123.15.46.*   | 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 [4]闂佽瀛╅鏍窗濮橆厽鍙忛柣銈庡灛娴滃綊鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘   2013-6-27 09:12
闂傚倷鑳堕幊鎾绘偤閵娾晛鍨傞梻鍫熶緱濞尖晠鏌曟繛鐐珕闁稿濞€閺屾盯鍩勯崘鎯ф瘈闂佸湱鍎ら幐楣冨煝閺冨牆绾ч柣鎰綑椤ュ銇勮箛鎾宠埞闁宠棄顦甸獮娆撳礃瑜忛惄搴ㄦ⒑濮瑰洤鐒洪柛瀣楠炴垿宕熼锝嗘櫖濠电姴锕ょ€氼厼鈻撻幖浣光拺婵懓娲ゆ俊濂告倵濮樼厧澧存い銏∏归妵鎰板箳閹存繂浜堕梻浣告啞娓氭宕归柆宥呮辈闁冲搫鎳忛悡鐘绘倵濞戞顏堟倶閻斿吋鐓冪憸婊堝礈濞嗘挸纾圭紒瀣嚦閻旇 鍋撻敐搴℃灈閹兼潙锕弻娑㈠冀閻㈢數锛熺紓浣插亾濠㈣泛艌閺€鑺ャ亜閺嶃劎鈽夌紒妤€鍊荤槐鎾愁吋閸滀礁鍓辩紓浣割儏椤︾敻銆佸鈧幃娆撴濞戣鲸鍠橀梻鍌欒兌閹虫捇鎮洪妸鈺傚亱闁绘劕鎼悞鍨亜閹哄棗浜鹃梺纭呮珪閸旀骞冮鈧、鏇㈡晲閸滀礁娈奸梻浣稿悑缁佹挳寮插⿰鍫熷仼闁告鍋愬Σ鍫ユ煙閹屽殶闁活厼閰i弻鏇㈠醇濠靛洤浠撮悗瑙勬磸閸庢挳藝娴煎瓨鐓冪憸婊堝礈閵娾晛绠柨鐕傛嫹
闂傚倷鐒﹂幃鍫曞磿閹惰棄纾绘繛鎴旀嚍閸ヮ剚鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹  闂傚倷鐒︾€笛囧礃婵犳艾绠柨鐕傛嫹 闂傚倷鑳剁涵璺何i崨鏉戝瀭闁伙絽鏈~鏇熺節闂堟侗鍎忕紒顐㈢Ч閺屾洝绠涚€n亞浠兼繝娈垮暙閸ャ劎鍘介梺閫炲苯澧┑鈩冨缁绘盯宕奸悢椋庝紝閻庢鍠曢崡鎶姐€佸☉姗嗘僵閺夊牃鏅槐閬嶆⒒娴e鈧偓闁稿鎹囬弻娑㈠箻濡も偓鐎氼噣寮抽悩缁樼厽閹艰揪绲鹃崵鈧銈忓瘜閸ㄤ即鎮惧畡鎵冲牚闁告侗鍘奸褔姊洪悡搴綗闁稿﹥顨婂畷娲偐缂佹ḿ鍙嗗┑鐐村灦宀e潡鎮為崨濠勭闁告侗鍘奸銏㈢磼閸屾氨效鐎规洖宕~婵囨綇閳轰焦鏆ラ梻鍌欑劍閻綊宕归悷鎵殾妞ゆ巻鍋撻柍璇茬Ч楠炴帒螖娴h鐝梺璇茬箳閸嬬姴螞閸曨偒鍤楅柟鎹愮М瑜版帗鍋愮€规洖娲ら埅瑙勭節濞堝灝鏋熼柣鈺婂灦楠炲﹤螖閸涱喖鐧勬繝銏f硾椤戝洤鈻撻妶澶嬧拺闁告稑锕﹂幊鎰版煕椤垵鐏$紒鍌氱Ч楠炴帒螖閳ь剛鐚惧澶嬬厽婵☆垵鍋愮敮娑欍亜鎼淬垻鎳囬柡宀€鍠栭、娑橆潩鏉堛劎鈧噣姊洪懞銉уⅹ閻庢凹鍘剧划瀣吋婢跺﹨鍩為梺鎸庢礀閸婂摜鈧艾顦扮换娑橆啅椤旇崵鏆楅梺閫炲苯澧柨鏇ㄤ邯楠炲棝宕熼姘鳖唺闂佸搫鍟犻崑鎾绘煟閿濆懎鑸归棁澶嬬節瑜忔慨鎾疮椤栫偛绠氶柛灞惧閸嬫捇宕归锝囧嚒闂佺粯顨呭Λ婵婃闂佺鍕垫當缂佲偓閸屾稏浜滈柟鍝勬娴滈箖鎮楅崹顐g凡闁哥喐鎸冲濠氬醇閵夛箑娈熼梺闈涱檧婵″洭鎮鹃幎鑺モ拺闁圭ǹ娴烽埥澶愭煠濞茶鐏﹀┑锛勬暬瀹曞爼顢楁担鍛婄暠闂備胶纭堕崜婵嬫偡閿曞倸姹查煫鍥ㄦ磵閸嬫挸鈻撻崹顔界亐闂佺ǹ顑嗛幑鍥蓟閿熺姴鐒垫い鎺戝缁€鍫㈡喐閺冨牆绀傞柛銉㈡櫇绾捐棄霉閿濆懏鎯堥柡瀣⒐缁绘盯宕奸悢椋庝紝闂佽鍨扮€氫即銆佸▎鎾村亗閹兼惌鍠楅悗顐︽⒒閸屾艾鈧摜鈧哎鍔戝畷鎰板箻閹澘小闂佹寧绋戠€氼亜鈻介鍫熺厱婵°倕鍟崜閬嶆煕閵堝懐鐒搁柡灞诲妼閳藉螣閸噮浼冮梻渚€娼уú銈吤洪鐐垫殾婵°倕鎷嬮弫鍡涙煃瑜滈崜娆擃敋閵夆晛绀冩い顓熷灥濞堫偊姊洪崜鎻掍簼缂佽瀚鐎光偓閸曨剛鍘梺绯曟閸樼晫鈧熬鎷�


2013-6-27 09:171 濠电姴鐥夐弶搴撳亾濡ゅ懎违閻庯綆鍓氶~鏇熺箾閸℃ɑ灏柣鎰躬閺岋綁骞囬浣叉灆濠德ゅ皺缁垱绌辨繝鍥у璺侯儜缁辩敻鏌f惔銊︽锭闁活厼鍊垮顐㈩吋婢跺娅㈤梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 |
IP: 123.15.46.*   | 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 [3]闂佽瀛╅鏍窗濮橆厽鍙忛柣銈庡灛娴滃綊鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘   2013-6-27 08:32
闂傚倷鐒﹂幃鍫曞磿閹惰棄纾绘繛鎴旀嚍閸ヮ剚鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹  闂傚倷鐒︾€笛囧礃婵犳艾绠柨鐕傛嫹 闂傚倷娴囬鏍窗閹捐绀夐煫鍥ㄤ緱閺佸鏌嶉崫鍕櫤闁稿骸绉归弻娑㈠即閵娿儱顫紒妤佸幇TPC闂傚倷鐒︾€笛呯矙閹达附鍎楀ù锝囧劋瀹曟煡鏌″鍐ㄥ闁崇粯姊归妵鍕疀閹炬剚浼€闂佸搫妫欏姗€婀侀梺鎸庣箓閹虫劕鐡繝纰樻閸ㄤ即鏁冮妶澶樻晪闁挎繂顦壕鍏兼叏濡搫鑸圭憸鏉垮€圭换婵嬪閻橀潧鐏悗骞垮劚濞层劑藝椤曗偓閺岋絾鎯旈埄鍐闂佺ǹ顑冮崐鏇⑩€栨繝鍥舵晬婵犲ň鍋撻柣鎺戯躬瀵爼宕煎☉妯侯瀴缂佹鍨剁换娑㈠箣閻愭潙鐨戦梺绋款儐閹告悂鍩ユ径鎰闁告剬鍛晨闂備椒绱徊濠氬礉閹存繄鏆﹂柨鐔哄Т缁犲鏌涢锝嗙闁告ɑ鐟х槐鎾诲磼濞嗘帒鍘¢梺鍝ュУ閹告悂鍩㈤幘璇茬闁绘ê鍟跨壕顖氼渻閵堝棛澧紒顔肩Ч瀵娊鎮╃紒妯煎幈闂佹寧绻傞崯顐d繆閹间焦鐓冪憸婊堝礈閵娾晛绠柨鐕傛嫹

2013-6-27 08:401 濠电姴鐥夐弶搴撳亾濡ゅ懎违閻庯綆鍓氶~鏇熺箾閸℃ɑ灏柣鎰躬閺岋綁骞囬浣叉灆濠德ゅ皺缁垱绌辨繝鍥у璺侯儜缁辩敻鏌f惔銊︽锭闁活厼鍊垮顐㈩吋婢跺娅㈤梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 |
IP: 202.192.44.*   | 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 [2]闂傚倷绀侀幖顐⒚洪妸鈺佺疇闁规儳澧庢稉宥団偓骞垮劚濞层劑鎯屾径鎰叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷   2013-6-26 16:54
闂傚倷鐒﹂幃鍫曞磿閹惰棄纾绘繛鎴旀嚍閸ヮ剚鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹  闂傚倷鐒︾€笛囧礃婵犳艾绠柨鐕傛嫹 闂傚倷鑳剁涵璺何i崨鏉戝瀭闁伙絽鏈~鏇熺節闂堟侗鍎忛柛娆忥攻閵囧嫰寮介妸褉濮囬梺璺ㄥ枂閸庡磭妲愰幒妤€绠查柟閭﹀墮婵兘姊哄ú璇插籍缂佺姵鐗犻獮鍐╃鐎n亞顢呴梺缁樺姇椤曨叀銇愬⿰鍫熲拺闁圭ǹ娴烽埥澶娾攽閸屾稒鈷掔紒顕呭幗瀵板嫮鈧綆鍋傚锕傛⒑閹肩偛鍔€闁告劏鏅犻弫顏堟⒒娴e搫甯堕柣銈呮处閹便劑濡堕崨鍌涚洴婵″爼宕堕埡鍌︾础闂備礁鎲¢悧顓犳閺囩姷鐭嗗璺侯儑缁犻箖鎮橀悙鐧昏鏅堕崣澶岀瘈闁逞屽墯缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓椤曪綁宕归銏㈢獮闁诲繒鍋犳慨銈夋偪閸ヮ剚鈷戞慨鐟版搐婵″ジ鎮楀鐓庡箻闁轰緡鍣i獮姗€顢欓懖鈺冨幀闂備焦瀵х换鍌滄崲閹烘梻鐭嗗璺号堝Σ鍫ユ煙閹咃紞鐎涙繂顪冮妵鍗炲暙椤忣亞绱掓ウ鍨撻柟渚垮姂楠炲洭濡搁妷銈咁棜闂備浇娉曢崳锕傚箯閿燂拷
2013-6-27 08:371 濠电姴鐥夐弶搴撳亾濡ゅ懎违閻庯綆鍓氶~鏇熺箾閸℃ɑ灏柣鎰躬閺岋綁骞囬浣叉灆濠德ゅ皺缁垱绌辨繝鍥у璺侯儜缁辩敻鏌f惔銊︽锭闁活厼鍊垮顐㈩吋婢跺娅㈤梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 |
IP: 159.226.156.*   | 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 [1]闂傚倷绀侀幖顐λ囬娑辨闁归棿绶¢弫鍡涙煟閺冨洢鈧偓闁稿鎹囬幆鍌炲川婵犲偆浼�   2013-6-26 16:13
闂傚倷鐒﹂幃鍫曞磿閹惰棄纾绘繛鎴旀嚍閸ヮ剚鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹  闂傚倷鐒︾€笛囧礃婵犳艾绠柨鐕傛嫹 婵犵數鍋為崹璺何涢崘顔衡偓鍌炴晜閹规劕小闂佹枼鏅涢崯顖涚閵堝棛绠鹃柛鈩兠悘銉╂偣閹邦喖鏋涢柡宀€鍠栧鍓佹崉閵娧屽敽闂備礁鎲¢崹褰掑疾椤愶絿顩烽柨鏇炲€归崐鐑芥倶閻愭彃鈧憡绂掑ú顏呪拺缂備焦岣块悳濠氭煙閸戙倖瀚�
2013-6-27 08:361 濠电姴鐥夐弶搴撳亾濡ゅ懎违閻庯綆鍓氶~鏇熺箾閸℃ɑ灏柣鎰躬閺岋綁骞囬浣叉灆濠德ゅ皺缁垱绌辨繝鍥у璺侯儜缁辩敻鏌f惔銊︽锭闁活厼鍊垮顐㈩吋婢跺娅㈤梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� 闂備浇宕垫慨宥咁吋閸℃浼� +1 |

1/1 | 闂傚倷娴囬鏍礈濮橆儵锝夊箳濡ゅ﹥鏅i梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷:4 | 婵犵妲呴崑鎾跺緤妤e啯鍋嬮柣妯款嚙杩濋梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 | 婵犵數鍋為崹鍫曞箰閹间焦鏅濋柨婵嗘川閸楁岸鎮楀☉娅辨粍绂嶅⿰鍫熺叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 | 婵犵數鍋為崹鍫曞箰閹间緡鏁勯柛鏇ㄥ幘閸楁岸鎮楀☉娅辨粍绂嶅⿰鍫熺叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 | 闂傚倷绀侀幖顐︽偋濠婂牆纾诲┑鐘叉搐杩濋梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 | 闂備浇宕垫慨鎾箹椤愶附鍋柛銉亹瑜版帗鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹


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