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已有 5072 次阅读 2016-7-2 10:14 |个人分类:Computational Linguistics|系统分类:科研笔记




SemEval-2017 Shared Task:

Detection and Interpretation of English Punshttps://logological.org/punsResearchers and industry professionals are invited to participate in ashared task on the computational detection and interpretation of Englishpuns. The task will occur as part of the SemEval-2017 workshop, to beheld in conjunction with a major NLP conference (TBA) in the summer of2017. SemEval is an ongoing series of evaluations of computationalsemantic analysis systems, organized under the aegis of SIGLEX, theSpecial Interest Group on the Lexicon of the Association forComputational Linguistics.

---- Task description ----A pun is a form of wordplay in which one signifier (e.g., a word orphrase) suggests two or more meanings by exploiting polysemy, orphonological similarity to another signifier, for an intended humorousor rhetorical effect.  Puns where the two meanings share the samespelling are known as homographic, whereas those where the two meaningsare spelled (and also usually pronounced) differently are known asheterographic.Conscious or tacit linguistic knowledge -- particularly of lexicalsemantics and phonology -- is an essential prerequisite for theproduction and interpretation of puns. This has long made them anattractive subject of study in theoretical linguistics, and has led to asmall but growing body of research into puns in computationallinguistics.  This SemEval shared task will be the first organizedevaluation of automatic pun processing systems.

Participants will be provided with two data sets.  The first data setwill contain several thousand short contexts (jokes, slogans, aphorisms,etc.). In some of these contexts, a single word will be used as ahomographic pun; in the rest, there will be no pun.  The second data setwill be similar to the first, except that the puns will be heterographicrather than homographic.  For one or both data sets, participatingsystems will compete in any or all of three subtasks:Subtask 1: Pun detection. For this subtask, participants are given anentire raw data set. For each context, the system must decide whether ornot it contains a pun.Subtask 2: Pun location. For this subtask, the contexts not containingpuns are removed from the data set. For each context, the system mustidentify which word is the pun.Subtask 3: Pun interpretation.  For this subtask, the pun word in eachcontext is marked, and contexts where the pun's two meanings are notfound in WordNet are removed from the data set. For each context, thesystem must annotate the two meanings of the given pun by reference toWordNet sense keys.For the first two subtasks, system performance will be measured with theusual precision and recall metrics from information retrieval, and forthe third subtask, we will use slightly modified versions of theprecision and recall metrics used for WSD.

---- Practical information ----

The following schedule is adapted from the SemEval-2017 call for taskproposals and is subject to change.

* July 1, 2016: Trial data ready

* January 10, 2017: Evaluation start

* January 31, 2017: Evaluation end

* February 28, 2017: Paper submission due

* March 31, 2017: Paper reviews due

* April 30, 2017: Camera-ready submission due

* Summer 2017: SemEval-2017 workshop

---- Organizing committee ----

* Tristan Miller, UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt

* Christian F. Hempelmann, Ontological Semantic Technology Lab, TexasA&M University-Commerce

* Iryna Gurevych, UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt

To contact the organizing committee, please e-mail Tristan Miller.

-- Tristan Miller, Research ScientistUbiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP-TUDA)Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Tel: +49 6151 162 5296 | Web: https://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/


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