职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 4463 次阅读 2012-10-26 11:01 |个人分类:OA开放存取|系统分类:科研笔记| 国际交流, 开放存取, 学术报告, Week


October 26, 2012

Beijing, China




应加州大学洛杉矶分校东亚图书馆馆长(Richard C. Rudolph East Asia Library,UCLA)陈肃老师邀请,参加她在UCLA图书馆策划的国际开放存取周活动。不过这次就不用亲自去洛城,就在家里通过“万能”的网络参会交流了。5月份刚从那里回来,估计现在又去也没有多少新意——毕竟那是发达国家的现代化城市(尽管看起来像大农村),该建设的早都建好了,不像中国发展中国家,到处在建设,天天有变化!言归正传,活动信息如下。
International Open Access Week at UCLA
October 22-26, 2012
本人这周刚参加完中国科学院图书馆主办的中国开放存取周活动,聆听了中外专家奉献的好多精彩报告,并与专家们进行了很好的交流。然后就急急忙忙准备我的报告,准备明早两点通过远程网络视频会议(采用Blackboard Collaborate系统) 给加州大学的同行们介绍中国开放存取期刊和开放存取仓储的发展情况。欢迎大家参与,凡事“贵在参合”嘛!
Dear Dr. Wang, Prof. Donovan and Dr. Seo,

Please click the linkhttp://bit.ly/POz3xkto join the session on Friday (10/26) at 11:00am (Pacific time) for the panel discussion. The session will open at 10:00am, if you wish to join early to adjust, please do so.


Los Angeles: 11am (Friday 10/26)

Beijing:2:00am (Saturday 10/27)

Columbus, Ohio: 2:00pm (Friday 10/26)

Seoul: 3:00am (Saturday 10/27)


The presentation will proceed in the order like this: 1). Dr. Wang for China, 2). Prof. Maureen for Japan and  3). Dr. Seo for Korea, as the field of East Asian Libraries calls C.J.K. after a brief opening.

Before your presentation, you will be introduced to audience by one of us.

Heather will be a moderator for Q & A session and will close the session. She will take questions from the chat window and ask the questions to you at the end when you three all completed the presentations. We leave 20-30 minutes for Q &A, as your well prepared presentations may generate great interests.

Your power point presentations will be uploaded at 10:00am tomorrow. We very much look forward to having the discussion.


Su Chen, Head of the Richard C. Rudolph East Asia Library,UCLA

Heather Briston, Head of Public Services, the Library Special Collections,UCLA

Diane Gurman, Scholarly Communication and Licensing Librarian,UCLA

Jonathan Wilson, Research Technology and Support Coordinator,UCLA




Poster of International OA Week at UCLA


Wang Yingkuan's PPT1 for OA Week-UCLA


Wang Yingkuan's PPT2 for OA Week-UCLA


Wang Yingkuan's PPT3 for OA Week-UCLA


Won some international awards



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