江苏徐州高绪仁膝肩髋关节网分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/GaoXurenKnee 膝肩髋关节关节镜、关节置换、截骨矫形方向专攻



已有 3248 次阅读 2012-8-28 14:20 |个人分类:肩关节|系统分类:科研笔记| 高绪仁, 膝关节, 肩关节, 关节镜, 关节置换

    以色列的一家关节镜与运动医学中心Haviv B医生于2012年3月的Harefuah(以色列医学会医学杂志)上撰文,对具有症状的肩关节肩袖损伤进行了归纳总结。
   文中称,肩关节肩袖损伤在中老年患者中非常常见。肩关节肩袖损伤会导致肩关节慢性疼痛。五十几岁、六十几岁、七十几岁和八十几岁人群中肩关节肩袖损伤的发生率分别为12.8%, 25.6%, 45.8% 和50%。 肩袖损伤的病因机理可分为两类。即:1、内源性原因(如:反复的微创伤);2、外源性原因(如:肩峰下撞击)。对于有症状的肩袖损伤患者来说,肩峰下滑囊可能是致痛来源。因为无症状的肩袖损伤很多,所以现在还不能确定是不是肩袖损伤本身就能够引起疼痛。肩关节疼痛和无力的症状是逐渐增加的,然而,受到一个创伤后,肩关节疼痛和无力的症状会突然急性发作。肩袖损伤常出现上肢上举过头困难,并常出现夜间疼痛。对肩关节肌肉肌力的评估可以初步诊断出来是不是肩袖损伤撕裂。普通的肩关节X线片对排除肩关节其它诊断是很重要的。超声检查和核磁共振MRI检查能够进一步确诊肩袖的撕裂,然而,当对指导治疗有必要时再进行超声检查和核磁共振检查。外科手术治疗的常见适应症是:相对年轻和活动多的患者的急性肩袖撕裂;或者是当对慢性撕裂治疗采用其它治疗方法无效的时候。


 2012 Feb;151(2):102-6, 126.
[Symptomatic rotator cuff tear of the shoulder].
[Article in Hebrew]

Arthroscopy and Sports Injuries Unit, Hasharon Hospital, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel. 


Rotator cuff tears of the shoulder are common in the middle age and elderly population and can cause chronic pain. The prevalence of rotator cuff tears in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s is 12.8%, 25.6%, 45.8% and 50% respectively. Etiological theories for tear evolvement are divided into intrinsic (e.g. recurrent microtrauma) and extrinsic (e.g. subacromial impingement). The subacromial bursa is probably the source of pain in symptomatic patients with rotator cuff tear. It is uncertain whether the tear itself can produce pain because of the high prevalence of asymptomatic tears. The symptoms are of gradual increase in shoulder pain and weakness, however, it can happen acutely due to an injury. Difficulties in overhead activities and night pain are common. Evaluation of shoulder muscle strength can imply on cuff tear. Shoulder radiograph is essential specifically to rule out other diagnosis. Imaging such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance can further define the tear, however they should be used only if they will affect the management of the condition. Common indications for surgical repair are acute tear in a relatively young and active patient or when the treatment of symptomatic patient with chronic tear had failed. Most repairs are currently performed in an all arthroscopic technique which is minimally invasive with easier rehabilitation and less pain.

 关节镜、膝关节外科、骨科运动医学方向 高绪仁 编译






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