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[转载]ACS ES&T Engineering 2020春开始接受投稿 Wonyong Choi任创刊主编

已有 5669 次阅读 2020-3-7 10:41 |个人分类:催化资源收藏|系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

关于ACS ES&T Engineering



ACS ES&T Engineering will publish experimental and theoretical research in the interdisciplinary areas of environmental technology, engineering and chemistry. This will include new insights and advances in environmental engineering research and technological innovation. The journal seeks original research on the development of sustainable engineering solutions to protect the environment and remediate the risks of hazardous materials and pollutants. Its primary focus is on all engineering-related systems in environmental chemistry and technology. The journal’s broad scope includes:

  • Novel engineering solutions to protect air, soil, and water quality
  • Remediation of contaminated air, soil, and water

  • Green technologies for sustainable environmental engineering processes addressing interconnecting energy and environmental issues

  • Environmental catalysis, electro-catalysis, and photo-catalysis

  • Environmental nanotechnology and sustainable process engineering

  • Development of sustainable and renewable materials for environmental pollution control

  • Development of environmental monitoring and sensor technologies

  • Treatment and disposal of solid, liquid, and gas waste and resource recovery from waste

  • Computational and quantitative analytical tools to predict environmental impacts (data  science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data scraping)

  • Modeling transport and fate of contaminants in natural and engineered systems

  • Environmental management and lifecycle modeling and assessments

宣布浦项科技大学(POSTECH)的Wonyong Choi博士将担任ACS ES&T Engineering期刊的创刊主编。

Wonyong Choi教授,现任韩国浦项科技大学环境科学与工程学院教授、韩国科学院院士、英国皇家学会会士,1996年于美国加州理工学院环境科学专业获得博士学位,1996-1998年在美国NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)实验室从事博士后研究,1998年进入韩国浦项科技大学环境科学与工程学院工作,目前还担任ES&T副主编,美国化学会期刊ES&T、Journal of Physical Chemistry和英国皇家学会Energy and Environmental Science等编辑顾问委员会委员。曾获得“KAST Science and Technology Award”奖;KIST Excellent Researcher Award奖;“青年科学家奖”等。至今已经发表学术论文270多篇论文,总引用次数超过39000次,H-index83。目前主要开展半导体光催化在环境与能源方面的应用;光催化产氢;可见光响应光催化剂的研发;水和大气的光催化净化;深度氧化降解(AOPs);环境光化学以及环境中的氧化还原过程等。

Wonyong Choi教授
Choi博士表示:ACS ES&T Engineering将引起全球关注并具有国际影响力,服务于这一重要领域的广大科学工作者,很高兴能把这本期刊打造成环境技术和工程研究方面的重要期刊,借助其母刊ES&T优势,并期待ES&T系列期刊的编辑们开展合作,推进环境科学的使命和影响力。据悉,该刊于今年春天开始接受投稿。


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