包装蛮精致,跟葡萄酒瓶装很像,但明目张胆地宣称是假酒(non-alcoholic),叫 sparkling cocktail,我们全家都 crazy about it,逢年过节、平时高兴,就开一瓶,“酒”香扑鼻,一分为三,喝得过瘾,喝得不亦乐乎。
Welch's, 也只有 grape 味道的,才好喝,其他味道的 sparkling cider,譬如苹果的,就不行。可恨的是,市面上满是苹果味的cider,很少见到 grape 味道的cocktail,不知道为什么:供不应求?所以,现在我们一旦见到,就赶紧去买了存在冰箱里。
“you mean horse pee?” 甜甜狡黠地笑了,“you have tasted horse pee?”
“no but I have drunk beer. And everyone says that the first time you taste beer, it is like horse pee. Wine is like beer in that sense. The difference is that, after trying a number of times, I began liking beer, but I never managed to like wine. It always tastes like horse pee.”