给人分拨从娃娃开始 (30490) Posted by: liwei999 Date: October 29, 2006 02:01PM
US School jargons for classification, summarized and compiled by 甜甜
Key:grades (from best to worst): a, b, c, d, f, z
I learned it from Tanya who learned from mass media, books, and her peers:
1. cheer-leaders: also called popular girls, compatiable with popular boys and popular girls, not compatible with nerds and geeks, don't have IQ more than 5, the favor of all teachers because they give presents to them. grades: c's or d's
2. popular boys: or called Jocks, very good at sports, almost like bullys, forcing nerds and geeks to do their homework, don't know how to read, write, add, subtract or anything. grades: F's or z's
3. normals: just the average person, bullied around by popular boys or girls, usually made fun of by outside appearence or clothing. grade: B or A-
4. goth: favorite color, black. Only word thye know is whatever. don't care about anything including grades. Wears lots of makeup including black eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner, ect. Completaly ignored by people. Talks to spirits and the dead. grades: F's, D's, or Z's
5. Slackers: Always ditch school. Always think they can get a career without going school. Favorite color, red. Wants a career thayt does not involve much studying (janitor, clown, race car driver, ect.) grade: D or under
6.sport dude (depending on what school, some may be surfer dude or skateboard dude): amazing at a paticular sport. Talks about teachers behind their back. Uses slang. Favorite subject, afterschool. grade: c or any grade that justs gets them to pass school
7.Bullys: talks like a caveman. way taller than the average man. giant muscles used to throw people in garbage cans, to punch, ect. Brain is the size of a peanut. When people see them they run for their life. grades: d, f, or under
8. nerds: wears glasses, has lots of pimples and zits, joins clubs with geeks, has an f in gym, is bullied by most people except goth and normal. Has clothing taste of month old garbage. But has a very good grade in school. Very short and hunchbacked. grade: A A+ or A- for gym F
9. geeks: face is clear, sometimes has glasses, clothing taste, of horribly rotton food. show off's. Starts strange and weird clubs. Usually in AV club. All about technology and science. Friends with geeks. Bullied around by everybody except nerds and goth. Normal peopole will not bully but will avoid and talk behind their back. grade: A
Vocabulary trendy: cool, or latest or modern
cool: popular and attractive
to be in one of these groups you must have most or all of the characteristics