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Print ISSN:1539-7734 Online ISSN:1539-7742
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines期刊主要发表与机械、土木、航空航天、汽车工程以及船舶设计等领域应用相关的研究。该期刊包含了对研究工程师具有长期价值的分析、数值和实验研究成果。除了有关结构和机器分析与设计等主题,期刊还鼓励在新兴应用领域(如机器人技术、汽车、空间结构、智能结构和微机器等)中,探讨力学和基于力学设计基础性和跨学科贡献的投稿。
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根据JCR显示,Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
在力学领域排名 51/170
根据Scopus显示,Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
普通数学领域排名 6/399
凝聚态物理学领域排名 50/434
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines接受文章类型:
Research Papers
Innovative Application Briefs
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines期刊的主编由来自弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学 (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)机械工程系的Corina Sandu教授担任。副主编团队由来自英国、西班牙、德国等多地的研究人员组成。
Corina Sandu
Corina Sandu是弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)机械工程系的教授。
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印度理工学院系统(IIT SYSTEM)
美国国家技术学院(NIT SYSTEM)
作者:Doan Hong Duc et al.
The nanoplates have been used extensively in electronic devices, during the working process they can be affected by external forces. To enhance the working performance of mechanical systems, flexoelectric effects are usually added, therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanical behavior of these material structures under the effect of these effects. This is the first research to examine the vibration response and static buckling of variable flexoelectric nanoplates using the FEM and novel shear deformation theory type hyperbolic sine functions, where the thickness is adjusted by linear and nonlinear rules. This is a simple theory, which does not need any shear correction factors, while the mechanical responses of the structures are still described exactly. The numerical results of this work are compared with those of the analytical approach and other methods. Then, the influences of geometrical and material parameters on the free vibration and static bucking of the structure are explored. The data shows that the flexoelectric effect has a strong effect on the free vibration and static bucking behavior as well as the vibration mode shapes of the nanoplates. The working performance is increased when taking into account the effect of flexoelectricity. This work also shows that for each changing rule of plate thickness, the flexoelectric effect also significantly changes the mechanical response of the plate. This is an important suggestion in the design and use of plate structures in engineering practice.
作者:O. Azarniya et al.
Figure 1. Raw rubber compound.
The objective of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the buckling and post-buckling behavior of hyperelastic beams through both computational and experimental means. Natural rubber is used in the construction of a beam with a square cross-section. To determine the mechanical properties of natural rubber, a uniaxial tensile test is performed in accordance with ASTM D412. In finite element modeling (FEM), the nonlinear behavior of rubber is modeled using hyperelastic theory and the Yeoh strain energy function. The Static-Riks method is also implemented using Abaqus for the analysis of nonlinear buckling. To validate the present investigation results with FEM, an experimental test of digital image correlation (DIC) is conducted. The critical buckling force obtained via numerical methods exhibits an error of nearly 5% when compared to the corresponding results obtained from experimental testing. In order to ascertain the impact of various design parameters on the buckling behavior of the system, a comprehensive parametric analysis has been conducted. The parameters studied include the cross-sectional thickness, length of the structure, eccentric loads, as well as the mechanical properties of the materials used in the system. Consistent with the FEM outcomes, the critical buckling force exhibited by the hyperelastic beam demonstrates a positive correlation with increasing levels of hardness, cross-sectional thickness, and eccentric loads. The buckling behavior of the system is adversely affected by increasing its length. To ultimately validate the precision and reliability of the model, a supervised neural network (NN) learning method is employed.
作者:Mertol Tüfekci et al.
Figure 1. Representation of the particle geometries used as reinforcements (images are not to scale).
The focus of this study is on the nonlinear mechanical properties of epoxy and epoxy-based nanocomposites, exploring frequency and strain amplitude dependency. Nanocomposite samples of epoxy are reinforced with fumed silica (FS), halloysite nanotubes (HNT) and Albipox 1000 rubber (Evonik) nanoparticles. Considering these particles have different geometries and stiffnesses, they are expected to have significantly different influences on the mechanics of the resulting composite. To enhance the reliability of the results and to reveal the impact of nanofillers on the mechanics of the material more distinctly, the manufacturing process is designed to be the same for all the specimens within the same material groups to eliminate the effects of the manufacturing process. The comprehensive characterization process consists of Fourier-Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The DMA tests are designed so that the material properties are measured depending on the vibration frequency and strain amplitude. Finally, the characterized nonlinear dynamic properties of these nanocomposites are used as the input material properties into a numerical model. In this simulation, a cantilever beam with representative nonlinear material properties, for these nanocomposites, is created, as example and its forced response is plotted under the same levels of excitation in the frequency domain. Key effects of the different nanofillers are identified using the resonance behavior, primarily focusing on the stiffness and damping of the epoxy-based nanocomposites. These experimental and numerical procedures followed show the significant impact of the nanoparticle reinforcements on the nonlinear nature of these epoxy-based composites.
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