瑞士科学院院士 Horst Vogel 教授招聘博士后
Postdoc Postions in Prof. Horst Vogel's group
(English is blow the Chinese descriptions)
Horst Vogel 院士 (http://hv.gpcrm.org) 洛桑瑞士联邦理工学院(EPFL)教授,瑞士科学院院士,美国发明科学院院士,中科院国际杰出学者。Vogel院士本科就读于德国 Würzburg 大学化学系,物理化学专业。 之后, 他赴德国哥廷根的德国马普生物物理与化学所从事博士研究。他的研究方向专注于“膜蛋白的结构与功能”,师从Manfred Eigen教授(1967年诺贝尔化学奖得主)和 Albert Weller 教授。之后他先后在德国马普生物所(Tübingen), 瑞士巴塞尔大学生物中心,瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗琳学院研究膜蛋白的结构与功能。
Horst Vogel 教授先后培养了50多位博士和诸多博士后。现在这些成员大部分成为学术界著名教授或者企业家。截止到2018年11月,Host Vogel 发表了共计260多篇学术著作,H-index 高达70。他的论文引用次数达 16,700多次。2011年,Horst Vogel 教授正式当选瑞士科学院院士。Horst Vogel 教授也是美国发明科学院当选院士。
Horst Vogel 教授特别注重技术创新。他曾发明了世界上第一块用于观测G蛋白偶联受体蛋白(GPCRs, 最重要的药物研发靶标) 激活过程的生物芯片。他还发明了世界上第一块测量细胞电生理的芯片。此外,他还发明了在原生态细胞膜下测试药物分子与药物靶标膜蛋白相互作用的方法。近期,他还发明了单分子细胞追踪技术。
Horst Vogel教授与国际医药巨头瑞士的罗氏、诺华有着长期深入和广泛的合作。他还与瑞士的雀巢公司有着广泛的合作。他还成功创立了3家生物技术公司,总共融资5千多万欧元。
1. 有较强的细胞与分子生物学基础和实验经验。熟悉膜蛋白的表达与基因突变实验
2. 熟悉活体细胞蛋白质的荧光标记和蛋白质后期修饰实验
3. 至少熟知以下几种技术中的2种技术:光学显微成像,电生理学,单分子成像,细胞计数,荧光相关光谱
4. 在囊泡或者外泌体表达膜蛋白
5. 生物芯片的设计与应用
工作地点为: 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
有意申请者请将申请材料(中英文个人简历、代表性论文)同时发送至 horst.vogel "AT" epfl.ch (Horst Vogel教授) 和 shuguang.yuan "AT" siat.ac.cn (袁曙光教授)收(邮件中请注明“ XXX apply for postdoc position”)
Postdoc positions at Prof. Horst Vogel's lab
Several postdoc positions are available in Prof. Horst Vogel's group (http://hv.gpcrm.org) at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences. The working place is located in Shenzhen, a modern and international city next to HongKong. SIAT focuses on highly interdisciplinary research with strong financial support from the local government.
Within the framework of a broad initiative for developing novel medicines, multiple projects will start in fall 2019 at SIAT investigating and quantifying cellular signaling reactions mediated by G protein coupled receptors (GPCR). GPCRs are the largest class of membrane proteins and are among the most important targets of modern therapeutic compounds. The projects concerned are focusing on the role of GPCRs in the development in certain diseases and finding novel active therapeutic compounds for treating these diseases. In this context, we are seeking highly motivated, excellent graduate students and postdocs who will work in a multidisciplinary team using state of the art technologies in molecular biology, cellular biology and biophysics.
Please send your application (CV, summary of your past experience, list of publications, two letters of references) to both Prof. Horst Vogel (horst.vogel "AT" epfl.ch) and Prof. Shuguang Yuan (shuguang.yuan "AT" sit.ac.cn) (change "AT" to @)
Expected experience:
- Heterologous expression and functional characterization of wild-type and genetically engineered membrane proteins (especially GPCRs, G proteins, channels, transporters) in mammalian or insect cells.
- Screening of compounds to activate GPCRs and channel proteins.
- Purification of membrane proteins for biophysical and structural investigations.
- Production of (single-chain) antibodies for structural biology and for therapeutic applications.
- Structural characterization of membrane proteins by cryo-electron microscopy (single particle analysis and tomography). Construction of synthetic genes.
- Electrophysiological characterization of channel proteins.
- Labeling of membrane proteins in living cells with fluorescent probes.
- Confocal imaging of cellular processes by confocal microscopy and/or STED, PALM or STORM microscopy.
- Single particle imaging of membrane proteins in mammalian cells by optical microscopy.
- Investigating membrane proteins (in living cells and in purified state) by fluorescence techniques (e.g. fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, single-molecule spectroscopy).
- Investigating membrane proteins by FTIR spectroscopy.
- Characterisation of molecular interactions (protein-protein, ligand-receptor) by biophysical techniques such as surface plasmon resonance, isothermal calorimetry, radioligand binding assays,
- Developing microfluidics and lab-on-chip devices to investigate cells, membrane particles and isolated membrane proteins.
Salary and benefits
The glossary salary for a postdoc is in the range of $45-110K per year, according to the qualification of the candidate.
The institute also provides many benefits for the family of the candidates such as social insurance, retirement pension, kindergarten and school for the children and many others. The research group will also provide opportunities for attending international conferences/workshops each year as well.
About SIAT
The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) was jointly established by CAS, the Shenzhen municipal government and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in February 2006, comprise 8 institutes and numerous other labs and facilities. SIAT aims to enhance the innovative capacity of the equipment manufacturing and service industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong region, promote the development of emerging industries possessing their own proprietary intellectual property, and become a world-class industrial research institute.
It also hosts 9 national innovation labs, 26 key labs and platforms at the provincial level and 79 key labs and platforms at the municipal level. Over the past 12 years, SIAT has made significant achievements in human resource development, academic research and technology commercialization. SIAT’s staff is over 1376, as well as more than 1077 students. Among SIAT’s staff are 14 IEEE fellows, 2 CAS academicians, 12 fellows of the National Thousand Talents Program and three Leading Scientists of Guangdong. A total of 32 researchers from SIAT have been selected as CAS Hundred Talents Program fellows. Furthermore, over 500 of SIAT’s scientists have a doctoral degree and 502 have overseas study or work experience.
To meet the nation’s needs in healthcare and manufacturing, SIAT focuses on emerging industries such as low-cost healthcare, service robots, electric vehicles, cloud computing, digital cities, nano-medicine, new energy and new materials. SIAT has established partnerships with more than 1000 firms including Huawei, Midea and China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd., among others. It has attracted over 2 billion RMB of industrial investment and incubated 727 high-technology companies.
SIAT is an equal opportunity employer. We don't have any bias on race, color, religious belief, sex, age, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, union status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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