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备份 miRNA读书笔记(2)

已有 4611 次阅读 2012-5-24 18:15 |系统分类:科研笔记| miRNA

大约一年前所作的 miRNA读书笔记(2

Notes on miRNAs 2

Time does not allow me to write too much on the topic at this moment, but I would like to record what I am thinking about.

1. It would be imprudent to say anything before we understand how different miRNAs are expressed in groups, whether they are expressed before or after the transcription of their target mRNAs, how they cross link with TFs sharing the same target genes. Only after that can we really speak of how miRNAs can reduce the noise during regulation and reshape the overall expression profile.

2. An exciting discovery made by Vasudevan, Tong and Steitz (2007, 2008 and 2009) showed that miRNAs don't always negatively regulate their target genes. On the contrary, sometimes they enhance the expression of the target mRNAs. This happens during the G0/G1 arrest of the cell cycle. In terms of molecular mechanisms, this requires recruitment of FXR1 by the miRNP during the positive regulation, instead of recruitment of GW182 during the usual negative regulation of the target mRNAs. It would be interesting to investigate why such a periodical pattern of regulation can happen, but one thing to be noticed is that the phenomenon was found with cultured cell lines, not with in vivo tissues.

3. Whatever we are studying, a network perspective will be beneficial. We always mention complexity when we talk about networks, but the goal should be to find something with simplicity. When everything is blurred up, I want to see something clear. When everything is changing, I want to see something stable. When everything is special, I want to find something in common. That should be what science does.



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1 郭传宇

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