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已有 3261 次阅读 2014-7-2 04:36 |个人分类:时事|系统分类:海外观察| 霸权, 中国威胁论, USA

      今天我在英国卫报的网站上看到他们刊发的就澳大利亚前总理 Malcolm Fraser 在国际形势和澳大利亚外交事务的访谈改编的一篇文章:Could Australia stay independent if the US went to war in the Pacific?


     Malcolm Fraser 1930年出生,1975年当选澳大利亚总理,后执政8年。更多关于他个人的生平,可见:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Fraser 或许是因为人已经到老年,早已经退出政治舞台,不再背负任何(明显的)政治和选举的压力,他才能这样畅谈个人对国际政治的理解,对澳大利亚外交政策的未来走向提出个人看法吧。而且,他也明显比年轻的、并坦诚不了解东亚历史的奥巴马有更强的历史感,对亚洲的客观历史也有更多的尊重,所以才能说出“The East China Sea islands had been Chinese, but were seized by Japan in the 1895 war. After the second world war, the islands were administered by the US, until their return to Japan around 1971.”这样的话来,承认钓鱼岛是中国的。不仅如此,他也公正地提到了西方列强和日本在中国羸弱的历史时期犯下的原罪:“The point to recall however, is that the seizure of those islands was one of the indignities inflicted on China during a period of maximum weakness. The unequal treaties imposed by European powers, by Japan and by the US, before and around the time of the Boxer Rebellion will, in the Chinese view, all be redressed.

   对于USA 提出的中国危险论,Malcolm Fraser 也直指这是一个荒唐的观点:“I have been told by Americans that China is a threat to freedom of the seas in the East and South China Seas. It is an absurd claim. Two-thirds of their own trade goes through those seas, it’s a two way business, and a two way benefit to China and the US, and the countries in between. Nobody would want to upset that trade.” 在东南亚地区政治稳定的议题上,他也认为USA是影响东盟和中国关系正常发展的负面因素:“Asean counties have demonstrated that if left to themselves, they can form a useful and effective association. They have overcome past enmities and now Asean contributes greatly to stability in the region. Although it may be difficult to achieve, Asean is also negotiating with China for a code of conduct within the South China Sea. The US has had no part in this and US interference now would make agreement harder to achieve.Malcolm Fraser直言在东海和南海问题上的真正有挑衅行为的是USA而不是中国:“The US would not regard USS Washington patrolling the East and South China Seas, stationed in a Japanese harbour, as being provocative, even if it sailed within sight of the Chinese mainland. Imagine the American reaction if the Chinese had a carrier and copied that action off the East Coast of the US. It would be regarded as a great provocation.” 在谁才是危险的问题上,他甚至提出了一个英语环境中一个极其鲜见的观点:“The evidence available suggests that the US wishes to remain supreme, number one, unchallenged, through this century. Sometimes, great powers during a period of relative decline, can be more dangerous than rising powers.” 最后,在澳大利亚和USA的两国关系上 Malcolm Fraser 反对无条件地追随USA,认为追求外交政策的独立性才是澳大利亚的最佳选项:“...any government that knowingly goes so far as to allow the US the effective power to take Australia to war  is abdicating our sovereignty and that is a step much too far...An independent Australia would be better respected throughout East and South East Asia.


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