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用于研究人类疾病的老鼠模型被指意义有限 精选

已有 5950 次阅读 2013-2-15 18:43 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:科研笔记| 生物学研究, 动物模型

   最近刚参加一个学术会议,会议上一位教授空闲时间在网上溜达的时候意外发现一篇新发表在PNAS上的重量级文章:Genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases

   A cornerstone of modern biomedical research is the use of mouse models to explore basic pathophysiological mechanisms, evaluate                              new therapeutic approaches, and make go or no-go decisions to carry new drug candidates forward into clinical trials. Systematic                              studies evaluating how well murine models mimic human inflammatory diseases are nonexistent. Here, we show that, although                              acute inflammatory stresses from different etiologies result in highly similar genomic responses in humans, the responses                              in corresponding mouse models correlate poorly with the human conditions and also, one another. Among genes changed significantly                              in humans, the murine orthologs are close to random in matching their human counterparts (e.g., R2 between 0.0 and 0.1). In addition to improvements in the current animal model systems, our study supports higher priority                              for translational medical research to focus on the more complex human conditions rather than relying on mouse models to study                              human inflammatory diseases.
       文章第一段还说:Murine models have been extensively used in recent decades to identify and test drug candidates for subsequent human trials (1–3). However, few of these human trials have shown success (4–7). The success rate is even worse for those trials in the field of inflammation, a condition present in many human diseases. To date, there have been nearly 150 clinical trials testing candidate agents intended to block the inflammatory response in critically ill patients, and every one of these trials failed (8–11).


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10 曾泳春 蔣勁松 王春艳 陆俊茜 唐凌峰 唐常杰 韩健 yunmu zzjtcm seeker99

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