独轮车上的博导分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/yanjx45 狂犬病、流感、结核病和人类遗传学科普园地。 提供根治 “狂犬病恐惧症” 的灵丹妙药。 奉献在中国彻底消除狂犬病的锦囊妙计。


2012 年中国狂犬病年会发言稿(摘要)

已有 9570 次阅读 2012-5-5 07:31 |个人分类:狂犬病防治|系统分类:论文交流| 中国, 狂犬病, 年会, 2012, 发言稿


Unique rabies phobia  &  vaccine abuse in China


严家新  Yan Jiaxin 


Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., Sinopharm


摘要  Summary
l  狂犬病恐惧症,简称“恐狂症,在中国已成为一种非常流行的心理疾病。恐狂症最常见表现就是滥用狂犬病疫苗,在明显不该接种疫苗的情况下也接种,甚至反复多次接种后仍然忧心忡忡。
The rabies phobia has become a very popular mental illness in China. The most common manifestation of rabies phobia is the abuse of rabies vaccine. The patients vaccinate themselves unnecessarily and are still not at ease even after repeated vaccinations.
l  恐狂症的广泛流行也造成中国大量的狂犬病疫苗滥用
The wide spread of rabies phobia increased the abuse of rabies vaccines.  
The unscientific remarks about rabies in the media, the internet and real life have achieved the degree of infestation.  
l  恐狂症的广泛存在,除了患者自身的心理因素以外,也与某些“专家”、医生的误导有关。
 In addition to the patient's own psychological factors, the widespread rabies phobia is associated with the misleading of some "experts and doctors.
在中国,至少有1/3的狂犬病疫苗属于滥用 !
In China, there are at least  1/3 of the rabies vaccines were abused ! 
This part of the vaccinees had no risk of infection, they do not need to be inoculated or should be less inoculated.   

The topics discussed in this article are as the followings:
() 恐狂症疫苗滥用的一些典型例证:    
 Some typical examples of the rabies phobia and the abuse of  vaccines
 () 在中国是否存在狂犬病疫苗的滥用     
Whether there is abuse of the rabies vaccine in China ?
() 关于狂犬病风险的简单、实用的判断标准      
Some simple and practical criterions for evaluation of rabies risk
() 进一步避免疫苗滥用的建议       
More suggestions  to avoid vaccine abuse  
中国用于狂犬病的花费是世界第一,成效却是世界倒数第二 !
The cost for rabies control in China is the number one in the world, and the effectiveness is the last but two in the world.
l  多年来我国每年狂犬病疫苗的接种量保持在1,000人份以上,最高峰时接近2000人份。中国目前是全球狂犬病疫苗的头号生产国和使用国,全世界超过80的狂犬病疫苗都被中国人打了;相关总费用每年超过100亿元,但每年死亡人数仍超过2000  
Over the years, Chinas annual amount of rabies vaccine inoculation was maintained at more then 10 million dose/person, the highest peak is close to 20 million dose /person. China is now the number one producer and consumer countries of the rabies vaccine in the world, over 80% of the global rabies vaccine are used by Chinese people. The total related cost each year is more than 10 billion yuan, but the annual death toll is still over 2000.  
Every year in China a large number of rabies vaccine were used for people instead of dogs, this is the biggest abuse of the rabies vaccine.
l  解决狂犬病问题主要靠兽用疫苗而不是人用疫苗选对方向后,中国完全有可能以不高于目前实际已付出的高昂代价,实现WHO倡导的在十年内基本消灭狂犬病的目标。 
 The solution for rabies control depends mainly on the veterinary vaccine rather than human vaccines. After the correct approach was chosen, it is entirely possible for China to achieve the basic goal of rabies elimination within ten years as advocated by the WHO with the cost not higher than that already paid currently. 


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