

[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理5:焦点解决管理

已有 1522 次阅读 2017-7-19 14:37 |个人分类:焦点解决理论|系统分类:海外观察| 高德明, 焦点解决, 爱语焦点, 焦点解决管理


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                                           过去                                      现在                未来



有趣的是,与以上所提到的相似内容正越来越多地在管理概念中进行探讨。特别是实践导向的概念(Malik 2001)和资源导向的管理概念呈现出相似的趋势(Hamel/Prahalad 1994)














Solution-Focused Management

How can the outlines of such a solution-focused management-approach be described, which enables solution-focused work not just in settings "close to consulting", but in all functional areas of management?

Against the backdrop of the concept developed here, solution-focused management can be seen as a concept for control in enterprises that includes a consistent focusing on those aspects that resemble small positive differences (at the level of the individual employee, in groups and the whole enterprise),

-with these differences mainly referring to those aspects that fit better

-thus taking measures to get more out of the things that work and to do things differently when they don't work

-finally, observing and screening which of these measures and activities led to positive differences etc.

It can be assumed that by implementing such a concept, the favourable effects from the consulting-oriented experiences with solution-focused work so far can also be transferred to many settings of every-day management. The following effects are particularly likely:

-Establishing and developing a culture of appreciation by focusing on positive differences, which builds trust

-Using resources and strengths of company-wide knowledge about what works well

-Focusing on "doing" and“something” such as objectives

-A holistic view through taking into account interdependencies and the question of coordination

-Focusing on few but essential things(“Simplicity”)

                                       Past                                              Now                         Future

Figure 2: Dynamic development towards more fits and solutions

When using the approach described, it can be assumed that a positive development towards a better state is achieved, thus, mainly a better fit of the enterprise with the markets/environment, but also a more favourable fit within the enterprise is likely. Like at the startof a "balloon", by focusing on positive differences, the balloon is filled with "energy" and this creates an upwards development. One important challenge in this context is a solution-focused design of management instruments and the“ paperwork” in enterprises. If positive differences are also reflected in instruments and processes, this would quickly lead to abroader effect in enterprises.

Interestingly, similar aspects as those mentioned above are increasingly mentioned in the discussion of management concepts. Especially practice-oriented concepts (see e.g. Malik 2001) and resource-oriented management concepts (Hamel/Prahalad 1994) show a similar leaning.

In my opinion, against this background there are new and further opportunities of using solution-focused management that will be outlined briefly now (this book, after all, contains a multitudeof examples for possible use).

One important task in an enterprise is to pass on information in connection with presentations or speeches, where the setting is one of one-way communication. Following the "theory of positive differences”, that information should be foregrounded that makes clear what is different when things work better. If the managing director wants to motivatethe assembled employees towards tackling the concept of "quality", hecan, for example, present the following aspects:

-Specific details on where quality works well in the enterprise

-How people can make out that quality develops positively

-What is different if quality fits well

-What can be intensified or done more often, with a focus on small steps certainly being helpful etc.

It is not uncommon in business life to find a different approach in such cases: detailed descriptions of situations where they quality is not right (which employees see as a degradation of their efforts), details about problems such as statistics on customer complaints,references to the competitors etc.

The potential applications for passing oninformation, however, in the author’s opinion also include e-mails. Against the backdrop of focusing on positive differences, an e-mail can be written in a much more solution-focused manner. The elements mentioned here show that it is not just questioning techniques but also statements and messages that can be orientate towards positive differences.

Another potential use can be found in the area of “motivation in enterprises”. Based on the concept described, the approach of a superior would focus on finding out about differences in motivation.The most important question with motivational problems is not an attempt at explaining why a person is demotivated (which is a very popular and oft-discussed question round the water cooler), but what is different if a person is a little bit more motivated. A superior would observe exactly these situations more closely, gather information and, in conversation with the employee, work out together what is different when things works better (the needs of the employee and the characteristics of the work situation). If the superior takes an action resulting in a higher commitment of the employee, he will look for opportunities to do more of the same.

The rest of this book contains a multitudeof conceptional ideas and especially examples, case studies and projects involving solution-focused work in enterprises. In my opinion, they also follow the pattern of finding and making use of positive differences. These applications have been proven in practice and cover the areas of leadership, marketing and sales, project management, work design, human resources,organisational development and learning, training and coaching, as well as conflict management.

It would be gratifying if you, dear reader, find inspiration here for applying this approach in your enterprise. At this point a final principle of solution-focused work is to be mentioned that is important in this context: “every case is different”. It is essential to develop the die positive differences in a particular context, that is your enterprise, and so these projects do not provide recipes for other contexts.They definitely do provide ideas for new approaches though and we sincerely hope they will be of use for you.


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