近日,Frontiers杂志社公布了2017年度Top articles和highlights,本课题组于2月14日在Frontiers in Plant Science期刊上发表的论文 “Progress in Genome Editing Technology and Its Application in Plants” 在本年度发表的2100多篇文章中脱颖而出,被选为Top articles(共有10篇文章入选),并被作为highlights文章推荐。在本文正式发表的10个月内的浏览量近5800次,下载量超过1600次,受到国内外专家的广泛关注。
本文第一作者为博士研究生张凯同学,栗茂腾教授为通讯作者,Nadia Raboanatahiry博士后和朱斌教授也参与了本篇文章的撰写。Frontiers in plant Sciences期刊的2016年影响因子为4.298,在PLANTSCIENCES领域2012种期刊中处于前10%。该Top article综述了近年来基因编辑领域发展及其在植物研究中的运用,将现今发展的一系列基因编辑技术根据其对靶基因的识别模式分为蛋白质依赖的DNA切割模式(如:ZFN,TALEN),RNA依赖的DNA切割模式(CRISPR-Cas9,CRISPR-Cpf1和CRISPR-C2c1)以及RNA依赖的RNA切割模式(RNAi和CRISPR-C2c2)三种类型进行了介绍,同时,对这几种基因编辑技术的发展及作用机制进行了详细介绍,并概括了这些技术在植物组基因功能缺失、基因功能获得以及基因功能改变三个方面的运用。本文为从事基因编辑的科学家们快速了解本领域的研究进展奠定了基础。
其余9篇Top article如下: 1. Using a structural root system model to evaluate and improve the accuracy of root image analysis pipe lines, 2. Using population and comparative genomics to understand the genetic basis of effector-driven fungal pathogen evolution, 3. RNA interference (RNAi) as a potential tool for control of mycotoxin contamination in crop plants: concepts and considerations, 4. Ethanol enhances high-salinity stress tolerance by detoxifying reactive oxygen species in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, 5. Generation of high-amylose rice through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis of starch branching enzymes, 6. Rocking the boat: damage to eelgrass by swinging boat moorings, 7. Root-knot and cyst nematodes activate procambium-associated genes in Arabidopsis roots, 8. Progress in genome editing technology and its application in plants, 9. An efficient visual screen for CRISPR/Cas9 activity in Arabidopsis thaliana, 10. Morphological plant modeling: unleashing geometric and topological potential within the plant sciences.
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