Dear researcher,
This is to express our gratitude for your time and expertise reviewing
manuscripts for the International Journal of Educational Technology in
Higher Education in 2018. Please see attached letter from research
vice-rectors in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universidad de Los Andes.
Josep M. Duart, Editor-in-Chief, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain.
álvaro Galvis, Editor-in-Chief, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia.
Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, Editor-in-Chief, Dublin City University, Ireland.
Airina Volungevičienė, Editor-in-Chief, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania.
Elsa Corominas, Managing Editor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Dear Ping Fu,
Central Washington University, United States
We'd like to thank you for your time, your rigorous feedback and, in particular, for sharing your
expertise in the review you carried out for ETHE during 2018.
This year 2018, we have been able to count on the help of 263 referees to respond to the growing
number of reviews we need. We'd like to thank you for your help and patience when it comes to
having to adapt to the journal's review process and the tight deadlines set.
Without your efforts, we wouldn't have been able to ensure the journal's current high standards,
nor its regular publication schedule. Authors value feedback from peer review of their submissions
very highly. This is why we'd like to stress how much we value and are grateful for your work.
We invite you to participate in our Twitter account, in our Google Plus profile and/or in our
Facebook page.
Marta Aymerich Silvia Restrepo
Research Vice-rector Research Vice-rector Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Universidad de Los Andes Spain Colombia
Josep M. Duart, Editor-in-Chief, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. álvaro Galvis,
Editor-in-Chief, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia.
Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, Editor-in-Chief, Dublin City University, Ireland. Airina
Volungevičienė, Editor-in-Chief, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Elsa Corominas, Managing
Editor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain.
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