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Current Biology:BOP抑制叶片形成是根茎和匍匐茎植物保守的分子机制

已有 2532 次阅读 2020-1-18 07:24 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Suppression of Leaf Blade Development by BLADE-ON-PETIOLE Orthologs Is a Common Strategy for Underground Rhizome Growth

First author: Taiyo Toriba; Affiliations: Tohoku University (东北大学): Sendai, Japan

Corresponding author: Junko Kyozuka

Rhizomes are modified stems that grow horizontally underground in various perennial species, a growth habit that is advantageous for vigorous asexual proliferation. In Oryza longistaminata, a rhizomatous wild relative of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa), leaves in the aerial shoots consist of a distal leaf blade and a proximal leaf sheath. Leaf blade formation is, however, suppressed in rhizome leaves. In O. sativaBLADE-ON-PETIOLE (BOP) genes are the main regulators of proximal-distal leaf patterning. During the juvenile phase of O. sativaBOP expression is maintained at high levels by the small regulatory RNA microRNA156 (miR156), leading to formation of leaves consisting predominantly of the sheath. Here, we show that in O. longistaminata, high expression of BOPs caused by miR156 was responsible for suppression of the blade in rhizomes and that bop loss-of-function mutants produced leaves consisting of the leaf blade only. Rhizome growth in soil was also hampered in the mutants due to a severe reduction in rhizome tip stiffness. Leaf blade formation is also suppressed in the stolons of Zoysia matrella, a monocot species, and in the rhizomes of Houttuynia cordata, a dicot species, indicating that leaf blade suppression is widely conserved. We also show that strong expression of BOP homologs in both rhizome and stolon leaves rather than in aerial leaves is another conserved feature. We propose that suppression of the leaf blade by BOP is an evolutionary strategy that has been commonly recruited by both rhizomatous and stoloniferous species to establish their unique growth habit.


通讯Junko Kyozuka  (https://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/en/research/teacher/detail.html?id=33615)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.11.055

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: January 16, 2020



上一篇:Current Biology:水杨酸通过靶向蛋白磷酸酶介导植物的生长衰减
下一篇:Nature Communications:薇甘菊基因组
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