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CRIT REV PLANT SCI:植物线粒体基因组演化及细胞质雄性不育

已有 3318 次阅读 2018-1-7 11:42 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Plant Mitochondrial Genome Evolution and Cytoplasmic Male Sterility

First author: Zhiwen Chen; Affiliations: China Agricultural University (中国农业大学): Beijing, China
Corresponding author: Jinping Hua (华金平)

Mitochondria are responsible for providing energy currency to life processes in the molecular form of ATP and are therefore typically referred to as the power factories of cells. Plant mitochondria are also relevant to the common phenomenon of cytoplasmic male sterility, which is agronomically important in various crop species. Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a complex trait that may be influenced by patterns of mitochondrial genome evolution, and by intergenomic gene transfer among the organellar and nuclear compartments of plant cells. Here, we review patterns and processes that shape plant mitochondrial genomes, some relevant interactions between organelles, and the general features shared by the majority of cytoplasmic male-sterile genes in plants to further the goal of understanding CMS.


通讯华金平 (http://cab.cau.edu.cn/art/2017/6/9/art_27218_55.html)


研究方向:棉花遗传育种与基因组研究:1. 杂种优势的分子生物学机理;2. 棉花三系育种及杂种优势利用;3. 棉花耐盐基因分离克隆;4. 棉花转基因抗虫育种与资源材料的研究创造利用。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2017.1327762

Journal: Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
Published online: 19 June, 2017

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