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Molecular Plant:被子植物全基因组复制事件促进物种多样性

已有 9962 次阅读 2018-1-8 08:51 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Wide-Spread Whole Genome Duplications Contribute to Genome Complexity and Species Diversity in Angiosperms

First author: Ren Ren; Affiliations: Fudan University (复旦大学): Shanghai, China
Corresponding author: Ji Qi (戚继)

Gene duplications (GDs) provide evolutionary potentials for generating novel functions, while polyploidization or whole genome duplication (WGD) doubles the chromosomes initially and results in hundreds to thousands of retained duplicates. WGDs are strongly supported by evidence commonly found in many species-rich lineages of eukaryotes, thus are considered as a major driving force in species diversification. We performed comparative genomic and phylogenomic analyses on 59 public genomes/transcriptomes and 46 newly sequenced transcriptomes covering major lineages of angiosperms, to detect large-scale gene duplication events by survey of tens of thousands of gene family trees. These analyses confirmed most of the previously reported WGDs and provided strong evidence for novel ones in many lineages. The detected WGDs supported a model of exponential gene loss during evolution with an estimated half-life of approximately 21.6 million years, and were correlated with both the emergence of lineages with high degrees of diversification and periods of global climate changes. The new datasets and analyses here detected many novel WGDs widely spread during angiosperm evolution, uncovered preferential retention of gene functions in essential cellular metabolisms, and provided clues for the roles of WGD in promoting angiosperm radiation and enhancing their adaption to environmental changes.


通讯戚继 (http://life.fudan.edu.cn/Data/View/1393)


研究方向:主要从事计算生物学相关方向的研究,包括:1. 基因组序列多态性与减数分裂重组现象研究:结合高通量测序手段和比较基因组学方法研究模式生物基因组的序列多态性;基于亲本和减数分裂子代的基因组差异研究减数分裂重组现象的分子机制。2. 使用系统发育基因组学相关方法研究基因组多倍化后重复基因的保留与功能分化。3. 利用高通量测序技术精确预测序列多态性和结构变异等生物信息学算法研究,以解决生物问题为目的推动计算生物学方法的发展。4. 通过数理统计方法分析微生物基因组的物种特异性特征,有效预测环境微生物的群落构成。

doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2018.01.002

Journal: Molecular Plant
Published online: 06 January, 2018

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