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7 种镁及其它们的(不同)益处(双语)

已有 4643 次阅读 2023-12-15 08:01 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦




• 作为一种必需矿物质,镁在体内 300 多种酶促反应中发挥着重要作用。

• 镁有助于放松肌肉; 支持基本的肌肉、神经和心脏功能; 帮助将食物转化为细胞能量; 并有助于支持基本的骨骼和牙齿健康。

• 在考补充镁时,要知道不同种类的镁具有不同的用途,从补充低镁水平到帮助放松身体。

• 一些不同类型的镁包括柠檬酸镁、甘氨酸镁、氧化镁、苹果酸镁、氯化镁、硫酸镁、和乳酸镁。

你熟悉(许多)维生素和矿物质超级明星,例如维生素 D 和钙,但你可能不太熟悉另一种关键营养素——镁。 例如,你是否知道镁是人体中第四丰富的矿物质? 或者它在许多身体功能中发挥着关键作用?

你可以从各种食物来源(从全谷物和深绿叶蔬菜到坚果和豆类)中获取镁;你也可以从膳食补充剂(dietary supplements;译者:即我们常说的保健品)中获取镁。

你可能会惊讶地发现镁有不同种类,镁吸收水平也不同。 阅读以了解有关各种类型镁及其用途的更多信息? 请继续阅读。


镁通常被认为是一种电解质,因其与钙协同作用而在维持矿物质平衡方面发挥作用而备受推崇。 事实上,50%  60% 的镁储存在我们的骨骼中,其余的则储存在血液、细胞和组织中。[1]

然而,据估计 10%-30% 的人缺乏镁,并且 54% 的美国人从饮食中摄入的镁低于推荐量。[1,8] 这超过了美国人口的 1/2

作为对健康至关重要的关键营养素,镁是人体 300 多种酶促反应所需的必需矿物质。 [2] 它具有多种健康益处,包括:[2,3,4]

• 支持肌肉放松

• 支持基本的肌肉、神经和心脏功能

• 帮助将食物转化为细胞能量

• 帮助支持基本的骨骼和牙齿健康



由于膳食补充剂可以帮助填补营养缺口,你可能会考服用镁补充剂。 但由于镁以多种形式存在,你可能会想,我应该服用哪种类型的镁?” 这实际上取决于你的个人需求和健康目标。 让我们分解一下不同类型的镁。

1. 柠檬酸镁Magnesium Citrate

作为最常见的镁类型之一,它是镁的螯合形式,具有很高的生物利用度,这意味着它很容易被身体吸收。 柠檬酸镁是一种有机镁盐。 它与柠檬酸结合在一起,使得柠檬酸镁比氧化镁更好地被人体吸收。[5] 如果你想增加镁含量,这是一个不错的选择。

2. 甘氨酸镁Magnesium Glycinate

另一种螯合类型的镁是甘氨酸镁(有时称为双甘氨酸镁),它是由元素镁和甘氨酸(一种氨基酸)制成的。 与氧化镁等其他镁形式相比,它也更容易被人体吸收,并且具有更好的胃肠道耐受性。 由于甘氨酸镁通常对胃温和,因此如果你想增加镁含量,它是一个不错的选择。

3. 氧化镁Magnesium Oxide

氧化镁是由镁和氧离子组成的镁盐。 氧化镁常见于多种维生素中,通常比螯合形式的镁便宜,但可能会导致某些人出现胃肠道问题。

4. 苹果酸镁Magnesium Malate

这种镁含有苹果酸。 这种形式的镁也是螯合的,因此比氧化镁等形式具有更高的生物利用度。 由于消化道很容易吸收苹果酸镁,因此可能有助于低镁水平。 [7]

5. 氯化镁Magnesium Chloride

作为另一种镁盐,氯化镁含有氯。 身体比其他形式更容易吸收这种形式,这就是为什么它经常用于胶囊和片剂中以帮助镁的摄入。 [9]

6. 硫酸镁Magnesium Sulfate

如果你曾经洗过泻盐浴,那么你就会熟悉硫酸镁。 当镁、硫和氧结合时,它们会形成硫酸镁,看起来类似于食盐。 相反,它通常用于放松肌肉以帮助缓解压力。 作为盐,它可以溶解在洗澡水中,但也可以添加到局部治疗中,例如镁油和润肤露。

7. 乳酸镁Magnesium Lactate

当镁与乳酸(由肌肉和血细胞自然产生)结合时,会形成一种称为乳酸镁的盐。 它经常被添加来强化食物中的镁。


牛磺酸镁、L-苏糖酸镁、乳清酸镁、磷酸镁、碳酸镁和天冬氨酸镁。(Magnesium Taurate, Magnesium L-Threonate, Magnesium Orotate, Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Carbonate, and Magnesium Aspartate.


镁的推荐膳食摄入量 (RDA) 各不相同;但一般来说,大多数成年女性需要 310-320毫克/天,大多数成年男性需要 400-420 毫克/天。[4]


然而,高剂量的补充剂或药物可能会摄入过多的镁。 [2] 服用大剂量的抗酸剂或泻药(通常含有超过 5,000 毫克/天的镁)可能会发生镁中毒。 [2]


虽然健康、均衡的饮食始终是获取营养的最佳方式,但补充剂可以帮助弥补营养缺口,而对于镁来说,大约 54% 的人仅从食物中摄入的镁不足。 无论你需要镁补充剂还是其他膳食补充剂,请寻找使用优质成分的值得信赖的品牌。 自 1971 年以来,Nature Made 一直依靠研究作为我们高质量、有科学支持的产品的基础。



镁在 300 多种酶促反应中发挥着重要作用,并提供多种健康益处,从支持肌肉放松到支持心脏健康,再到将食物转化为细胞能量。 镁的种类很多,例如柠檬酸镁、甘氨酸镁和氧化镁。 身体比其他类型更容易吸收某些类型的镁。 镁的好处包括支持基本的肌肉和心脏功能、支持神经功能以及帮助支持骨骼和牙齿健康。 镁还有助于放松身体。 最好的镁补充剂实际上取决于你的用途。 无论你正在考钙镁补充剂还是甘氨酸镁胶囊,请务必与你的医生讨论哪种补充剂最能满足你的需求。†

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† 这些声明尚未经过美国食品和药物管理局的评估。 这些产品并非旨在诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病。


7 Types Of Magnesium & Their Benefits


Quick Health Scoop

  • As an essential mineral, Magnesium plays an important role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.†

  • Magnesium helps support muscle relaxation; supports essential muscle, nerve, and heart function; helps convert food into cellular energy; and helps support essential bone and teeth health.†

  • When considering Magnesium supplementation, know that different kinds of Magnesium exist with various uses ranging from replenishing low Magnesium levels to helping relax the body.†

  • Some of the different types of Magnesium include Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Malate, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate, and Magnesium Lactate.

You’re familiar with the vitamin and mineral superstars, like Vitamin D and Calcium, but you might not be as familiar with another key nutrient—Magnesium. Did you know, for example, that Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body? Or that it plays a key role in many bodily functions?

While you can get Magnesium from a variety of food sources (ranging from whole grains and dark green leafy vegetables to nuts and beans), you can also get it from dietary supplements.

You might be surprised to learn that there are different kinds of Magnesium with different levels of Magnesium absorption. Read to learn more about the various types of Magnesium and what they’re used for? Read on.

What Is Magnesium?

Commonly identified as an electrolyte, Magnesium is touted for its role in maintaining mineral balance because it works hand-in-hand with Calcium. In fact, 50 to 60% of Magnesium is stored in our bones, while the rest is stored in blood, cells, and tissues.[1]

However, it is estimated that 10-30% of people have a Magnesium deficiency and 54% of the U.S. population consumes less than the recommended amount of Magnesium from their diet alone.[1,8] That’s more than ½ of the U.S. population!

As a key nutrient vital to good health, Magnesium is an essential mineral the body requires for more than 300 enzymatic reactions.[2] It delivers a variety of health benefits, including the following: [2,3,4]

  • Supports muscle relaxation

  • Supports essential muscle, nerve, and heart function

  • Helps convert food into cellular energy

  • Helps support essential bone and teeth health


What Are The Different Types of Magnesium?

Since dietary supplements can help fill innutrition gaps, you might be thinking about taking a Magnesium supplement. But since Magnesium exists in multiple forms, you might be wondering, “What type of Magnesium should I take?” It really depends on your individual needs and health goals. Let’s break down the different types of Magnesium.

1.    Magnesium Citrate

As one of the most common types of Magnesium, this is a chelated form of magnesium and highly bioavailable, which means it’s easy for the body to absorb. Magnesium Citrate is an organic Magnesium salt. It’s held together with citric acid , which allows Magnesium Citrate to be better absorbed in the body than Magnesium Oxide.[5] It’s a good choice if you want to increase your magnesium levels.

2.   Magnesium Glycinate

Another one of the chelated types of Magnesium is Magnesium Glycinate (sometimes called Magnesium Bisglycinate), which is created from elemental magnesium and glycine (an amino acid). It’s also more easily absorbed by the body, and has better gastrointestinal tolerance than other Magnesium forms such as Magnesium Oxide. Because Magnesium Glycinate is typically   gentle on the stomach, it’s a good choice if you want to increase your Magnesium levels.†

3.   Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium Oxide is a Magnesium salt that consists of Magnesium and oxygen ions. Magnesium Oxide is commonly found in multivitamins and is generally less expensive than chelated forms of magnesium, but may cause some individuals to experience gastrointestinal issues.

4.  Magnesium Malate

This type of Magnesium contains malic acid . This form of magnesium is also chelated and therefore has higher bioavailability than forms such as Magnesium Oxide. Because the digestive tract can easily absorb Magnesium Malate, it may help restore low Magnesium levels. [7]

5.   Magnesium Chloride

As another type of Magnesium salt, Magnesium Chloride contains chlorine. The body absorbs this form more easily than some other forms, which is why it is often used in capsules and tablets to help Magnesium intake.[9]

6.  Magnesium Sulfate

If you’ve ever taken an Epsom salt bath, then you’re familiar with Magnesium Sulfate. When Magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen combine, they form Magnesium Sulfate, which looks similar to table salt.  Instead, it’s often used to relax muscles to help relieve stress. As a salt, it can be dissolved in bathwater, but it’s also added to topical treatments, such as Magnesium oil and body lotions.

7.  Magnesium Lactate

When Magnesium binds with lactic acid (naturally produced by your muscle and blood cells), it forms a salt called Magnesium Lactate. It’s often added to fortify foods with Magnesium.

Additional types of Magnesium exist as well, including:  

Magnesium Taurate, Magnesium L-Threonate, Magnesium Orotate, Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Carbonate, and Magnesium Aspartate.

Can You Have Too Much Magnesium?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Magnesium varies, but in general, most adult women need 310-320 mg/day and most adult men need 400-420 mg/day.[4]

It’s unlikely that you’ll consume too much Magnesium from food, especially since your kidneys get rid of any excess through the urine.

However, it’s possible to get too much Magnesium from high doses of supplements or medications. .[2] And Magnesium toxicity can occur from taking mega-doses of antacids or laxatives (typically containing more than 5,000 mg/day Magnesium).  .[2]

Turn To Research-Backed Supplements

While eating a healthy, balanced diet is always the best way to get nutrients, supplements can help provide close the nutrient gap and for Magnesium approximately 54% of us are not eating enough magnesium from food alone. Whether you need a Magnesium supplement or another dietary supplement, look to a trusted brand that uses quality ingredients. Since 1971, Nature Made has relied on research to serve as the foundation for our high-quality, science-backed products.

Bottom Line

Magnesium plays an important role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and provides a variety of health benefits ranging from supporting muscle relaxation to supporting heart health to converting food into cellular energy. Many kinds of Magnesium exist, such as Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate, and Magnesium Oxide. The body more easily absorbs certain Types of Magnesium better than others. Magnesium’s benefits include supporting essential muscle and heart function, supporting nerve function, and helping to support bone and teeth health. Magnesium also helps relax the body. The best magnesium supplement really depends on what you’re using it for. Whether you’re considering a calcium magnesium supplement or magnesium glycinate capsules, always talk with your doctor to discuss which supplement would best meet your needs.†

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† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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