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关于健康早餐的秘密 (双语)

已有 1321 次阅读 2023-11-16 05:39 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦





据估计,美国有 10% 至 20% 的成年人每天不吃早餐。



其中包括降低肥胖、心血管疾病和 2 型糖尿病的风险; 杜克大学医学院注册营养师兼医学副教授凯瑟琳·斯塔尔 (Kathryn Starr) 表示,成年人的短期记忆力得到改善,儿童在学校的表现更好,整体饮食质量也更好。

“我们所有的饭菜都很重要; 我不认为早餐是最重要的一餐,”斯塔尔博士说。 但它“启动了我们身体正常运作的过程。”


新泽西州注册营养师劳伦·哈里斯·平卡斯 (Lauren Harris-Pincus) 表示,为了在下一餐之前保持健康的血糖、能量和饱腹感,早餐中蛋白质、纤维和不饱和脂肪的适当平衡非常重要。

Harris-Pincus 女士说,这大致相当于至少 20 克蛋白质、8 至 10 克纤维和 10 至 15 克不饱和脂肪,总计约 300 至 350 卡路里。



她说,更重要的是专注于你喜欢的事情,让你感到充满活力和满足。 “我们多次尝试为人们提供配方食品,”她说,“如果你看看美国的饮食模式和得分,就会发现,就饮食质量而言,我们做得并不好。”

“那么理想的早餐是什么?” 利希滕斯坦博士说道。 “这就是让你的身体发挥最佳状态的一切。”


哈里斯-平卡斯女士说,在计划早餐时要优先考虑的一件事是蛋白质。 她说,许多美国人全天摄入足够的蛋白质,但他们在早餐时往往摄入不足,而是选择富含精制糖或其他碳水化合物的食物,例如百吉饼、糕点或能量棒(energy bars)。


Harris-Pincus 女士说,你的身体需要蛋白质来维持肌肉质量、新陈代谢和体力(等等),但为了这些目的,每餐只能使用约 25 至 35 克蛋白质。 如果你一次摄入了更多的蛋白质,你的身体要么将其用作能量,要么将其储存为脂肪,要么将其排出体外。



哈里斯-平卡斯女士说,钙、维生素 D、钾和纤维通常被称为“短缺”营养素,因为美国人常常摄入不足。



大多数强化牛奶含有钙、维生素 D 和钾; 大多数强化谷物都含有维生素 D(一定要选择纤维含量高、添加糖含量低的谷物); 香蕉、柑橘和许多干果都含有钾; 燕麦富含纤维。



石溪医学中心的营养总监 Josephine Connolly-Schoonen 表示,你不必只吃标准早餐就能在早上获取多种营养。




阿曼达·索达 (Amanda Sauceda) 是加利福尼亚州长滩市的一名注册营养师,她支持扩大早餐范围,将一天中任何其他时间可能吃的任何食物都包括在内。




“众所周知,我会吃掉前一天晚上吃的任何东西,然后将其包裹在玉米饼中,然后制作墨西哥卷饼,”她说。 “我仍然在吃我的食物,尽管它可能不是你传统的早餐吃的东西。”

Connolly-Schoonen 博士说,慢慢来并享受食物很重要。 她说,饿了就吃,饱了就停。

早餐不一定是早上的第一件事。 “如果你早上 7:30 起床去参加运动课,如果你饿了,你可能会吃几口东西,然后去上课,然后回来吃完早餐,”Connolly-Schoonen 博士说。 “无论什么对你有用。”


营养学家推荐的许多早餐创意都是制作简单、营养丰富、美味可口。 以下是一些可以帮助你入门的选项:

• 用牛奶、奇亚籽、水果丁和干果制成的隔夜燕麦

• 乳清蛋白冰沙配羽衣甘蓝或菠菜、水果和希腊酸奶

• 全麦吐司配坚果酱和草莓片

• 希腊酸奶配杏仁片或核桃和浆果

• 全麦早餐卷饼,混合鸡蛋、蛋白、奶酪、豆类和莎莎酱

• 钢切燕麦或高纤维麦片加牛奶、乳清蛋白粉、杏仁或核桃以及切片甜瓜

• 全麦吐司配奶油芝士和熏鲑鱼

• 炒豆腐配脱脂马苏里拉奶酪、蔬菜、牛油果和全麦吐司

• 剩下的烤鸡、烤土豆和青豆

• 烤土豆片铺在菠菜上,上面放一个鸡蛋

• 剩下的藜麦与芝麻菜、鹰嘴豆泥和黄瓜混合

Secrets of a Healthy Breakfast

The ideal breakfast is the one that makes you feel your best, experts say, though there are some important nutrients to keep in mind.


By Rachel Rabkin Peachman


Each day, an estimated 10 to 20 percent of adults in the United States skip breakfast.

And that, nutrition experts say, may be a mistake.

Not only does a morning meal provide the fuel you need to start your day, but numerous studies have found that eating breakfast regularly is associated with a range of health benefits.

These include reduced risks for obesitycardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes; as well as improved short-term memory in adultsbetter school performance in children and better diet quality overall, said Kathryn Starr, a registered dietitian and associate professor of medicine at Duke University School of Medicine.


“All of our meals are important; I don’t think breakfast is the most important meal,” Dr. Starr said. But it “kick-starts the process for our body to function properly.”


Aim for a mix of protein, fats and carbs

To maintain healthy blood sugar, energy and fullness levels until your next meal, getting the right balance of protein, fiber and unsaturated fats at breakfast is important, said Lauren Harris-Pincus, a registered dietitian in New Jersey.

This roughly translates to at least 20 grams of protein, eight to 10 grams of fiber and 10 to 15 grams of unsaturated fats, totaling about 300 to 350 calories, Ms. Harris-Pincus said.

But it’s important not to get hung up on the numbers, said Alice H. Lichtenstein, a professor of nutrition science and policy at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University.

Your nutrient needs will depend on your weight, activity level, age and health conditions, Dr. Lichtenstein said.



More important, she said, is focusing on what you enjoy and makes you feel energized and sated. “So many times we’ve tried to give people formulas,” she said, “and if you look at dietary patterns and scores in the U.S., we’re not doing that well as far as diet quality goes.”

“So what’s the ideal breakfast?” Dr. Lichtenstein said. “It’s whatever makes your body work best.”

Pay extra attention to protein

One thing to prioritize when planning your morning meal, Ms. Harris-Pincus said, is protein. Many Americans consume more than enough protein throughout the day, she said, but they often don’t get enough at breakfast — and instead, opt for foods high in refined sugars or other carbohydrates, such as bagels, pastries or energy bars.

If they do prioritize protein, Dr. Starr said, they frequently choose foods high in saturated fats, such as bacon or sausage, which can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.

‌Your body needs protein to maintain your muscle mass, metabolism and physical strength (among other things), Ms. Harris-Pincus said, but it can use only about 25 to 35 grams of protein per meal for those purposes. If you consume more protein in one sitting, your body will either use it as energy, store it as fat or excrete it.

So if you‌ “skip breakfast or don’t eat protein at breakfast,” Ms. Harris-Pincus said, “you lose that opportunity because you can’t double up on protein later.”


Don’t forget the ‘shortfall’ nutrients

Calcium, vitamin D, potassium and fiber are commonly called “shortfall” nutrients, Ms. Harris-Pincus said, because people in the United States often don’t get enough of them.

Over time, deficiencies in such nutrients can lead to a variety of problems, including weak bonespoor gut health and high blood pressure.

But it so happens that many healthy breakfast foods in the United States are packed with those nutrients.

Most fortified cow’s milk contains calcium, vitamin D and potassium; most fortified cereals contain vitamin D (just be sure to choose those high in fiber and low in added sugars); bananas, citrus and many dried fruits have potassium; and oats are rich in fiber.



“So when you think about something like a bowl of whole grain cereal and milk with some fruit, that really makes a dent in those shortfall nutrients,” Ms. Harris-Pincus said.

Make breakfast into whatever you want it to be

You don’t have to confine yourself to standard breakfast fare to get a mix of nutrients in the morning, said Josephine Connolly-Schoonen, the director of nutrition at Stony Brook Medicine.

“Any whole, plant-based food is going to have lots of phytonutrients,” she said, which are antioxidants that protect your cells from damage.

These foods also contain fiber, which helps you stay full and supports gut health.

Coffee and tea can also provide some antioxidants and be part of a nutritious breakfast, Dr. Connolly-Schoonen said — just don’t overdo it on the sugar or cream.


Amanda Sauceda, a registered dietitian in Long Beach, Calif., is a proponent of expanding breakfast to include anything you might eat at any other time of day.

“I don’t love breakfast food, but I hate how my body feels if I don’t eat it,” she said.

Her go-to morning meal is often a version of the previous night’s dinner, which might be Chinese food or grilled chicken and vegetables.

“I’ve been known to eat whatever we had the night before and wrap it in a tortilla and make a burrito,” she said. “I’m still getting my food groups, even though it might not be what you traditionally eat for breakfast.”

Dr. Connolly-Schoonen said that taking your time and enjoying your food is important. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, she said.

And breakfast doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning. “If you wake up and go to an exercise class at 7:30 a.m., you might have a few bites of something if you’re hungry, go to the class and come back and finish breakfast,” Dr. Connolly-Schoonen said. “Whatever works for you.”

Get creative with recipes

Many of the breakfast ideas that nutritionists recommend are simple to prepare, nutritious and delicious. Here are some options to get you started:

·       Overnight oats made with milk, chia seeds, diced fruit and dried fruit

·       Whey protein smoothie with kale or spinach, fruit and Greek yogurt

·       Whole-wheat toast with nut butter and sliced strawberries

·       Greek yogurt with slivered almonds or walnuts and berries

·       Whole-wheat breakfast burrito with a mix of eggs and egg whites, cheese, beans and salsa

·       Steel-Cut oats or high-fiber cereal with milk, whey protein powder, almonds or walnuts and sliced melon

·       Whole-grain toast with cream cheese and lox

·       Tofu scramble with skim mozzarella cheese, veggies, avocado and whole wheat toast

·       Leftover grilled chicken, roasted potatoes and green beans

·       Roasted potato slices on a bed of spinach, topped with an egg

·       Leftover quinoa mixed with arugula, hummus and cucumber

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