超导是近年来备受关注的主题之一, 《中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学》英文版(SCIENCE CHINA Physics Mechanics & Astronomy)两年来发表多篇相关优秀文章. 为方便查找和阅读, 现归纳为“强关联电子体系”虚拟专题, 共14篇文章(3篇综述和11篇研究论文), 涉及超导体(Superconductors)、拓扑绝缘体(Topological insulators)和外尔半金属(Weyl semimetals)三个重要方向.
1. Research trends inelectron-doped cuprate superconductors
Jie Yuan, Ge He, Hua Yang, YuJun Shi, BeiYi Zhu, and Kui Jin
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 58, 107401 (2015).
2. A brief review onMajorana bound states in topological superconductors
Rui Lin, and Zhi Wang
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 677401 (2016).
3. Nanoscalesuperconductivity of γ-Gaislands grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Hui-Min Zhang, JunPing Peng, Jia-Qi Guan, Zhi Li, Can-Li Song, Li-LiWang, Ke He, Xu-Cun Ma, and Qi-Kun Xue
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 58, 107402 (2015).
4. Effect of impurityscattering on superconductivity in K2Cr3As3
Yi Liu, Jin-Ke Bao, Hao-Kun Zuo, Abduweli Ablimit, Zhang-Tu Tang, Chun-MuFeng, Zeng-Wei Zhu, and Guang-Han Cao
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 657402 (2016).
5. 31P NMR study ofmagnetic phase transitions of MnP single crystal under 2 GPa pressure
GuoZhi Fan, Bo Zhao, Wei Wu, Ping Zheng, and JianLin Luo
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 657403 (2016).
6. Robustsuperconductivity and transport properties in (Li1−xFex)OHFeSe single crystals
Hai Lin, Jie Xing, XiYu Zhu, Huan Yang, and Hai-Hu Wen
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 657404 (2016).
Xun Qiu, LanPo He, XiaoChen Hong, Zhen Zhang, Jian Pan, XiaoPingShen,DongLai Feng, and ShiYan Li
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 657405 (2016).
8. Disorder drivensuperconductor-insulator transition in inhomogenous d-wave superconductor
Jian Sun, Long He, YangYang Zhao, and Yun Song
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 617401 (2016).
Yong-Hui Wang, Qing-Qiang Meng, and Yan Chen
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 617402 (2016).
Topological insulators
1. A brief review onone-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors
Huai-Ming Guo
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 637401 (2016).
CuiZu Chang, MinHao Liu, ZuoCheng Zhang, Ya-Yu Wang, Ke He, and Qi-KunXue
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 637501 (2016).
3. Effective spindephasing mechanism in confined two-dimensional topological insulators
JunJie Qi, HaiWen Liu, Hua Jiang, and XinCheng Xie
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 677811 (2016).
Weyl semimetals
1. Large unsaturatedpositive and negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetal TaP
JianHua Du, HangDong Wang, Qin Chen, QianHui Mao, Rajwali Khan,BinJie Xu,YuXing Zhou, YanNan Zhang, JinHu Yang, Bin Chen, ChunMu Feng, andMingHu Fang
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 657406 (2016).
2. New family of Diracand Weyl semimetals in XAuTe (X = Na, K, Rb) ternary honeycomb compounds
Hao Sun, and Jin Zhao
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 107011 (2016).
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