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已有 4329 次阅读 2009-12-28 16:25 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记

The 2009 Shanghai International Science Journal Summit, held at the end of October, provided me with an opportunity to meet with many editors of China-based journals and senior executives from some of the world’s largest publishing houses. It was great to hear of the success on the world stage that has been experienced by some local journals, for example Cell Research, and to see the enthusiasm among editors and other staff of many other local journals as they strive to replicate this achievement. There were a number of interesting and authoritative talks from industry leaders about the direction of the scientific publishing industry, the types of content researchers want and how they might access it, and a preview of what the “article of the future” might look like.

It is widely acknowledged that the quantity of research coming out of China is vast, but it is the quality of this work and the impact it has on an international audience that is often brought into question. At Liwen Bianji, we are taking an active role in improving the quality of published research coming out of China. How are we doing this? Primarily, by working with Chinese scientists to improve their manuscripts (via editing and rewriting) or simply by educating them about how to write a scientific paper, what components need to be included, and how to maximise the chances that their paper will be sent for review and accepted for publication. The educational posts on this forum are one way of getting this information out there. However, we also appreciate the importance of working more closely with our journal clients to help them raise the profiles (and hopefully the impact factors) of their journals. Editors of Chinese journals often bemoan the fact that the best Chinese research is submitted to major international journals rather than local ones, but, given the importance of impact factors to researchers’ careers, who can really blame them?

This is precisely why it is important for local journals to set high standards for the research they publish; only by publishing highly citable, robust, novel and interesting research can they hope to raise their international impacts. Therefore, the meeting in Shanghai was a hub of interactivity with journal editors looking to learn all they could to help them make the best possible decisions about manuscripts, and with publishers looking for promising candidate journals to work with. My talk there on how to “publish for success” was well received by editors, who were very interested in the tips on identifying and commissioning good science, getting the best out of peer reviewers, complying with international ethical standards, and using publication and issue types to maximise citations. I hope to provide some of these tips in posts on this forum in the coming months.

I was also privileged to be asked to take part in an expert panel discussion on the future of the industry and how China-based journals can achieve the level of international standing they desire. The panel was made up of a fascinating mix of Western and Chinese publishing executives, academics and politicians. The rigorous three-hour debate strikingly revealed the need for better education of Chinese author–scientists and journal editors alike regarding international standards for acceptable scientific publication. Alas, we all have much work still to do.

Personally, the meeting provided me with further insight into the internal workings of China-based journals and a clearer comparison of the needs of our author clients and our journal clients. The quality of much of the science coming out of China is excellent; with more seminars, blog posts and online materials, I hope we can help scientists and journals alike meet international standards for the publication of this science. Many thanks to all of those attendees of the meeting who chatted with my colleagues and me about their journals, their science or their industry knowledge.

2009上海国际科技期刊高峰论坛(Dr. Daniel McGowan:左三)


1. Tips for Journal Success

Dr. Daniel McGowan 在 “科技期刊的评估体系与科技期刊的发展” 分会上,围绕科技期刊编辑在审稿过程中需要注意的问题制定的培训内容。

2. Tips for Journal Success_中文版



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