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已有 4487 次阅读 2010-4-17 14:48 |个人分类:Stata|系统分类:博客资讯

    xthtaylor fits panel-data random-effects models in which some of the covariates are correlated with the unobserved individual-level random effect.  The estimators, originally proposed by Hausman & Taylor (1981) and Amemiya & MaCurdy (1986), are based on instrumental variables.  By default, xthtaylor uses the Hausman-Taylor estimator.  When the amacurdy option is specified, xthtaylor uses the Amemiya-MaCurdy estimator.

    Although the estimators implemented in xthtaylor and xtivreg (see [XT] xtivreg) use the method of instrumental variables, each command is designed for different problems. 

The estimators implemented in xtivreg  assume that a subset of the explanatory variables in the model are  correlated with the idiosyncratic error e[i,t].  In contrast, the
    Hausman-Taylor and Amemiya-MaCurdy estimators that are implemented in  xthtaylor assume that some of the explanatory variables are correlated  with the individual-level random effects, u[i], but that none of the  explanatory variables are correlated with the idiosyncratic error e[i,t].


上一篇:荷兰统计年鉴 2009
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