ASM真的告别了期刊影响因子,很不容易。今后,很多期刊出版社也会这样做的。影响因子回归图书馆学原本初心,只作为一个期刊的评价指标,用于确定核心期刊。论文学术评价、科研绩效评价、学科人才评价可以采用更多的评价指标和方法。学术论文的替代计量得分(Altmetric) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-958427.html
Many scientists attempt to publish their work in a journal with the highest possible journal impact factor (IF). Despite widespread condemnation of the use of journal IFs to assess the significance of published work, these numbers continue to be widely misused in publication, hiring, funding, and promotion decisions .很多科学家都尝试着将他们的文章发表在具有高的影响影子的期刊上,尽管使用影响因子来评估发表论文的重要性受到广泛的谴责,但影响因子仍被广泛滥用于出版、求职、项目申请和职务晋升等等各种科研环节。
There are a number of problems with this approach. First of all, the journal IF is a journal-level metric, not an article-level metric, and its use to determine the impact of a single article is statistically flawed since citation distribution is skewed for all journals, with a very small number of articles driving the vast majority of citations.影响因子这种方法有很多问题,首先,期刊的影响因子是期刊水平的度量标准,而不是一篇文章水平的度量标准,将其用于决定一篇文章的影响力是存在统计缺陷的。由于所有期刊的引文是不均匀的,可能少数的文章高引推高了杂志的影响因子。
Furthermore, impact does not equal importance or advancement to the field, and the pursuit of a high IF, whether at the article or journal level, may misdirect research efforts away from more important priorities.此外不论文章还是杂志,影响力也不等于领域的重要性或前沿性,追求高影响因子会误导大众,我们需要关注的是研究成果而不是关注其他更为重要的优先事项。
The causes for the unhealthy obsession with IF are complex. High-IF journals limit the number of their publications to create an artificial scarcity and generate the perception that exclusivity is a marker of quality. The relentless pursuit of high-IF publications has been detrimental for science.人们不理性的痴迷于影响因子的原因是复杂的。高影响因子的期刊限制了出版物的数量造成人为的稀缺性观念,通过限制发文量提高杂志的质量。不懈追求高影响因子科学出版物是有害的。
This behavior is an example of the economic phenomenon known as the “tragedy of the commons”, in which individuals engage in a behavior that benefits them individually at the expense of communal interests.这一行为在经济学中被称为“公地悲剧”。个人总是自发参与到那些有利于自己但不利于社会大众的行为中去。
Individual scientists receive disproportionate rewards for articles in high-IF journals, but science as a whole suffers from a distorted value system, delayed communication of results as authors shop for the journal with the highest IF that will publish their work, and perverse incentives for sloppy or dishonest work.个别科学家因为在高影响因子杂志上发表文章而获得不成比例的奖励回报,于是科学作为一个整体,其价值受到了一种扭曲,结果被高影响因子杂志延迟发表,甚至导致了不正当或不诚实的工作的产生。
Since many investigators consider IFs in deciding where to submit their manuscripts, many journals list their IFs on their websites, and until now American Society for Microbiology (ASM) journals have been no exception.因为许多研究人员以影响因子高低决定选什么杂志递交他们的文章,所以许多期刊将影响因子放在他们的网站上,甚至美国微生物学会(ASM)期刊也不例外。
ASM journals focus on publishing high-quality science that has been rigorously peer reviewed by experts and evaluated by academic editors. The primary mission of ASM is to advance microbial science. At the recent Journals Board meeting that took place during ASM Microbe 2016 in Boston, MA, the editors in chief and the ASM leadership decided to no longer advertise the IFs of ASM journals.ASM期刊关注出版进行了严格同行评议和学术编辑评估的高质量科学成果。ASM的主要任务是促进微生物科学发展。2016年在波士顿ASM微生物的期刊董事会上,首席编辑和ASM领导已经决定不再宣传ASM期刊的影响因子。
Our goal is to avoid contributing further to the inappropriate focus on journal IFs. Although this action by itself may have little effect on a practice that is deeply entrenched in the biological sciences, we hope that removing IFs from ASM journal websites makes a statement of principle that will be emulated by other journals.我们的目标是避免造成进一步不恰当的关注影响因子。虽然这个动作本身可能没有影响根深蒂固的生物科学实践,但是我们希望效仿其他期刊删除ASM杂志网站中的影响因子。
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