您好! 我们诚邀您出席2012年11月3日(周六)-5日(周一)在中国.四川.成都.北欧国际管理学院校园由北京中兴新景与亚洲竞争情报协会举办的“第八届中国竞争情报国际年会CICI2012”。CICI2012第八届中国竞争情报国际年会,有来自欧美15所国际商学院情报教授,中国国有大型企业、外企、500强企业情报总监,国际竞争情报大师荟萃美丽的蓉城,交流企业竞争情报、战略决策的最新实用方法、最新工具、最佳企业实践经验,每年一度的竞争情报经典交流晚宴为您快速搭建全球竞争情报专业人脉圈。 演讲嘉宾http://www.cichina.org /12site 议程安排http://www.cichina.org/12site/,CICI2012旨在为企业在2013年及更长远的管理层战略决策情报需求、运营层数据情报需求,预警、评估、控制企业在投资并购、市场销售、国际贸易的风险,提供全面的竞争情报方法、经验、工具和最佳方案和国际资源。即日起至2012年10月10日报名参加者,可享受优惠价。名额有限,额满为止。 CICI2012中国竞争情报国际年会 |
Dear Sir/ Madam, We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming The 8th China Competitive Intelligence International Annual Conference on November 3rd (Saturday) to 5th(Monday) at Nordic International Management Institute (NIMI) China Chengdu campus. The event aims to develop competitive intelligence(CI) skills,tools,techniqus,software to support decision makers strategic and tactical needs.Early bird rate is in effect until October 10th, 2012, so register soon to take advantage of the lower rate. Please kindly find event introduction and registration form as below and CICI2012 offical website http://www.cichina.org /12site. For the updated programme or more details, please call at 010-88507861 (jiang na) or reply the mail directly . Thanks! CICI2012 |
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参会目标 | |||||||||||||||
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会议安排 | |||||||||||||||
会议时间:2012年11月3(周六)-5日(周一) 会议地点:北欧国际管理学院 中国 成都 演讲嘉宾:中外知名企业竞争情报资深总裁、总监,国际权威竞争情报教授(配交互传译) 来自英国、瑞士、瑞典、丹麦、美国、挪威的竞争情报总裁、教授 国内外企、国企、快速成长的企业情报总监………… | |||||||||||||||
会议主题及收益 | |||||||||||||||
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报名咨询 | |||||||||||||||
咨询电话:(86 10) 88507861 88507862 13522548887 (姜娜) 邮箱:cichina@vip.sina.com 网站:www.cichina.org | |||||||||||||||
报名参加流程 | |||||||||||||||
报名表 | |||||||||||||||
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活动费用 | |||||||||||||||
标准费用 3500元人民币
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付款方式:请将学费汇款至北京中兴新景信息技术研究院 开户行:华夏银行北京万柳支行 账户:北京中兴新景信息技术研究院 账号:4054 2000 0181 9100 0293 01 | |||||||||||||||
会议日程 | |||||||||||||||
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Target Audience | |||||||||||||||
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Meeting Arragement | |||||||||||||||
Time: 3rd -5th Nov, 2012 (Saturday to Monday, 3 day) Venue: NIMI Campus (Chengdu, China) | |||||||||||||||
Topics and Benefits | |||||||||||||||
Registration | |||||||||||||||
Tel:(86 10)8850 7861 E-mail: cichina@vip.sina.com Website: www.cichina.org | |||||||||||||||
报名参加流程 | |||||||||||||||
Registration Form | |||||||||||||||
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Conference Fee | |||||||||||||||
Standard fee 3500RMB
The fee does not include your travel or hotel expenses.
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Telegraphic transfer to china institute of competitive intelligence Bank: Huaxia Bank Beijng Branch wanliu Sub-Branch Account:北京中兴新景信息技术研究院 Account Number: 4054 2000 0181 9100 0293 01 | |||||||||||||||
Agenda | |||||||||||||||
Please visit http://www.cichina.org/12site/program.htm for more deatiled | |||||||||||||||
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