今年的“拉斯克基础医学奖”授予三位在人以及大多数动物细胞感知、适应氧气的变化机制方面做出杰出贡献的医学研究者。他们分别是来自哈佛医学院Dana-Farber癌症研究所的William G. Kaelin、英国牛津大学弗朗西斯·克里克研究所(Francis Crick Institute)的Peter J. Ratcliffe以及约翰霍普金斯医学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)的Gregg Semenza。http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=280034&do=blog&id=1002833
所在机构: University of Oxford
发表数: 319
引用数: 32804
04. mansfield.uk 11 篇8.271% 07. birmingham.uk 3 篇2.256% 14. germany.alexander 2 篇1.504% 17. united kingdom.churchill 2 篇1.504% 25. germany.england 1 篇0.752% 29. kettering.uk 1 篇0.752% 30. kettering.us 1 篇0.752% 31. livingston.uk 1 篇0.752% 34. mansfield.us 1 篇0.752% 38. united kingdom.paul 1 篇0.752% 39. villefranche 1 篇0.752% 40. villefranche-sur-mer 1 篇0.752% 41. villefranche-sur-saone 1 篇0.752% 01. Ratcliffe PJ 133 篇100.000% 02. Schofield CJ 43 篇32.331% 05. Maxwell PH 19 篇14.286% 07. Robbins PA 15 篇11.278% 08. Kessler BM 14 篇10.526% 09. McDonough MA 14 篇10.526% 11. Chowdhury R 12 篇9.023% 13. Hewitson KS 11 篇8.271% 30. Thalhammer A 7 篇5.263% 31. Dorrington KL 6 篇4.511% 34. Demetriades M 5 篇3.759% 37. O'Flaherty L 5 篇3.759% 43. Appelhoff RJ 4 篇3.008% 46. Hopkinson RJ 4 篇3.008% 02. 牛津大学人类遗传学威康信托中心 9 篇6.767% 03. 牛津john radcliffe医院 6 篇4.511% 04. weatherall institute of molecular medicine 5 篇3.759% 08. belfast city hospital 2 篇1.504% 09. cancer research uk 2 篇1.504% 10. churchill hospital 2 篇1.504% 11. nuffield department of clinical medicine 2 篇1.504% 12. queen's medical research institute 2 篇1.504% 16. cliniques universitaires saint-luc 1 篇0.752% 17. leicester general hospital 1 篇0.752% 18. shriners hospital for children 1 篇0.752% 19. universit catholique de louvain 1 篇0.752% 20. university of lubeck 1 篇0.752% 21. university of zurich 1 篇0.752% 22. upmc univ paris 06 1 篇0.752% 37. 德克萨斯大学西南医学中心 1 篇0.752% 44. 纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心 1 篇0.752% 47. 美国德州大学西南医学中心 1 篇0.752% 50. 英国医学研究委员会分子生物学实验室 1 篇0.752% 01. hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit 55 篇41.353% 02. transcription factors 39 篇29.323% 05. hypoxia-inducible factor 1 30 篇22.556% 06. hydroxylation 29 篇21.805% 07. procollagen-proline dioxygenase 29 篇21.805% 08. cell hypoxia 26 篇19.549% 09. basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors 24 篇18.045% 10. mixed function oxygenases 20 篇15.038% 11. molecular sequence data 20 篇15.038% 13. gene expression regulation 18 篇13.534% 14. von hippel-lindau tumor suppressor protein 18 篇13.534% 15. amino acid sequence 17 篇12.782% 16. repressor proteins 17 篇12.782% 17. dna-binding proteins 16 篇12.030% 18. nuclear proteins 16 篇12.030% 19. signal transduction 15 篇11.278% 20. cell line, tumor 14 篇10.526% 21. kidney neoplasms 14 篇10.526% 22. protein structure, tertiary 13 篇9.774% 23. protein binding 12 篇9.023% 24. rna, messenger 12 篇9.023% 27. transcription, genetic 11 篇8.271% 28. models, molecular 10 篇7.519% 29. protein processing, post-translational 10 篇7.519% 30. tumor suppressor proteins 10 篇7.519% 31. ubiquitin-protein ligases 10 篇7.519% 32. carcinoma, renal cell 9 篇6.767% 33. dioxygenases 9 篇6.767% 34. immunoblotting 9 篇6.767% 35. ketoglutaric acids 9 篇6.767% 36. ankyrin repeat 8 篇6.015% 38. fumarate hydratase 8 篇6.015% 39. mass spectrometry 8 篇6.015% 40. substrate specificity 8 篇6.015% 41. trans-activators 8 篇6.015% 42. enzyme inhibitors 7 篇5.263% 46. protein biosynthesis 7 篇5.263% 47. rna, small interfering 7 篇5.263% 48. transcriptional activation 7 篇5.263% 49. base sequence 6 篇4.511% 50. genetic predisposition to disease 6 篇4.511% 01. hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit 55 篇41.353% 02. transcription factors 39 篇29.323% 03. hif1a protein, human 37 篇27.820% 05. hypoxia-inducible factor 1 30 篇22.556% 06. procollagen-proline dioxygenase 29 篇21.805% 07. basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors 24 篇18.045% 08. endothelial pas domain-containing protein 1 22 篇16.541% 09. mixed function oxygenases 20 篇15.038% 10. von hippel-lindau tumor suppressor protein 18 篇13.534% 11. repressor proteins 17 篇12.782% 12. dna-binding proteins 16 篇12.030% 13. hif1an protein, human 16 篇12.030% 14. nuclear proteins 16 篇12.030% 15. rna, messenger 12 篇9.023% 17. tumor suppressor proteins 10 篇7.519% 18. ubiquitin-protein ligases 10 篇7.519% 19. vhl protein, human 10 篇7.519% 20. dioxygenases 9 篇6.767% 21. ketoglutaric acids 9 篇6.767% 22. alpha-ketoglutaric acid 8 篇6.015% 24. fumarate hydratase 8 篇6.015% 25. trans-activators 8 篇6.015% 26. egln1 protein, human 7 篇5.263% 27. enzyme inhibitors 7 篇5.263% 29. rna, small interfering 7 篇5.263% 31. protein isoforms 6 篇4.511% 32. erythropoietin 5 篇3.759% 33. hif1a protein, mouse 5 篇3.759% 34. hypoxia-inducible factor-proline dioxygenases 5 篇3.759% 36. recombinant proteins 5 篇3.759% 37. egln3 protein, human 4 篇3.008% 38. jumonji domain-containing histone demethylases 4 篇3.008% 39. neoplasm proteins 4 篇3.008% 40. peptide fragments 4 篇3.008% 43. vascular endothelial growth factor a 4 篇3.008% 44. amino acids, dicarboxylic 3 篇2.256% 46. ascorbic acid 3 篇2.256% 47. carbon dioxide 3 篇2.256% 49. deferoxamine 3 篇2.256% 50. drosophila proteins 3 篇2.256% 03. 女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症 19 篇14.286% 20. von hipple-lindau综合征,脑视网膜血管瘤病 6 篇4.511% 32. 先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形 4 篇3.008% 01. department of physiology 12 篇9.023% 02. department of chemistry 11 篇8.271% 03. department of biochemistry 3 篇2.256% 04. department of chemistry and the oxford centre for integrative systems biology 2 篇1.504% 05. department of haematology 2 篇1.504% 06. department of nephrology and medical intensive care 2 篇1.504% 07. division of cardiovascular medicine 2 篇1.504% 08. division of structural biology 2 篇1.504% 09. institute of physiology 2 篇1.504% 10. 7 cambridge center 1 篇0.752% 11. center for cellular and molecular physiology 1 篇0.752% 12. center for metabolic bone disease and molecular research 1 篇0.752% 13. center of innovation in personalized medicine king fahd center for medical research king abdulaziz university 1 篇0.752% 14. danish multiple sclerosis center 1 篇0.752% 15. department of chemistry and oxford centre for molecular sciences 1 篇0.752% 16. department of chemistry and the oxford centre for molecular sciences 1 篇0.752% 17. department of clinical genetics 1 篇0.752% 18. department of haematological medicine 1 篇0.752% 19. department of medical and molecular genetics 1 篇0.752% 20. department of medical genetics 1 篇0.752% 21. department of medicinal chemistry 1 篇0.752% 22. department of medicine and therapeutics 1 篇0.752% 23. department of nephrology and hypertension 1 篇0.752% 24. department of neurology 1 篇0.752% 25. department of neuroscience 1 篇0.752% 26. department of paediatrics and adolescent medicine 1 篇0.752% 27. department of pediatrics 1 篇0.752% 28. department of pediatrics and adolescent medicine 1 篇0.752% 29. department of plastic and reconstructive surgery 1 篇0.752% 30. department of surgery 1 篇0.752% 31. division of brain sciences 1 篇0.752% 32. division of genetics 1 篇0.752% 33. division of rheumatology 1 篇0.752% 34. institute of biomedical research 1 篇0.752% 35. institute of genetics and molecular medicine 1 篇0.752% 36. institute of molecular medicine 1 篇0.752% 37. institute of surgical pathology 1 篇0.752% 38. institute of virology 1 篇0.752% 39. laboratory of human carcinogenesis 1 篇0.752% 40. medizinische klinik 4 and translational research center 1 篇0.752% 41. memorial sloan kettering cancer center 1 篇0.752% 42. school of biomedical sciences 1 篇0.752% 43. university medical center 1 篇0.752% 44. university medical center ulm 1 篇0.752% 45. university of connecticut health center 1 篇0.752% 46. university of texas southwestern medical center 1 篇0.752% 47. zurich center for integrative human physiology 1 篇0.752%
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