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已有 2723 次阅读 2016-4-29 08:43 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:观点评述


有个书名很令我好奇:Einstein and Zen: Learning to Learn (By Conrad P. Pritscher, Peter Lang Publishing Inc.,2009),两个主题词我都喜欢,加在一起想来会更有趣,便浏了几页,结果大失望,原来是借老爱名头讲现代教育应该如何如何——其实我们都知道应该如何,只是做不到,或者假装真的做不到。这两天又听说高考要改革了,还不如我小时候想的——可见是假装做不到,因为要假装那问题很复杂,从而显得做的人很了不起。其实,小动物都知道怎么做教育,大动物怎么会不知道呢。跑题了。

P. Pritscher(PP)传达老爱的思想说,liberal education——过去译“通识教育”,现在说“心智教育”,我说“自由教育”,让人自由思想的教育——就是帮助人们思考不能从课本学到的东西(think something that can’t be learned from textbooks)。课本上学不到的,就是不能说的,就是老子的“道可道非常道”(the way that can be said is not the way.)。

在另一个地方,PP又把the way that can be said is not the way说成禅宗的“不可说”。(When a Zen master says the way that can be said is not the way, she would be alluding to “how” the way (to powerfully learn and live) in an intelligent, peaceful, harmonious way is practiced.)他似乎认为老子的不可道与禅宗的不可说是同样的意思,那么他大概既不懂老子也不懂小禅,让他们与老爱为伴,老爱和我都不会答应。

“不可说”令人想起另一个老师维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein),他在Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus(1922)(逻辑哲学论)的引言(introduction)里说,其书的全部意义就在于凡可说的都可说清楚,不可说的都沉默。(The whole sense of the book might be summed up the following words: what can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence.)维老的话倒是更有禅意,因为他本就纠结于语言的意义,认为语言限制了思想的表达;我们应该有想什么不能想的能力(we should have to be able to think what cannot be thought))。小禅“不立文字教外别传”,似乎正与维老互补。

   作者还指出,对老爱来说,群体比个人更重要,群体利益是“仁爱思想”的核心。(“The community, to Einstein, is more important than the individual. It is posited that this benefit of the community rather than the individual is at the heart of “kind compassionate thought.”)这句话我先感觉奇怪;我以为更适合老爱的名词是孤独,community对他来说有些远(玻尔那儿倒有一群)。也许作者强调的是另一面,老爱当然是“仁爱”(kind compassionate)的,甚至绝对的和平主义者,但这与禅有什么关系呢?

昨天看到一个物理学家在一本书(草稿)中说,it is our religious traditions that provide a rich record of those things which are uniquely human – our fears, our desires, our longing for a larger reality, our need for community, our striving for identity and our search for a sense ofself-worth. 我才明白,原来教育的community是有宗教传统的。大诗人弥尔顿早就说过(见"on Education"),最佳教育路线就是以爱上帝和人类为目标(no purpose or respect should sooner move us than simply the love of God and of mankind)。



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