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已有 7213 次阅读 2014-2-25 08:36 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:科研笔记




现代艺术有种极简主义(minimalism),现代英语也在朝着简化的路子走,写作老师们总是教导我们选择最简单的词儿。Strunk Jr.The Elements of Style中举例说,“the fact that”在任何地方都是不需要的:

owing to the fact = since (because),

in spite of the fact that = though (although)


Paul BriansCommon Errors in English Usage里也指出,尽管“due to”是普遍接受的说法,但它笨拙而罗嗦,正式场合最好别用(a clumsy and wordy substitute that should be avoided in formal writing)。有趣的是,在google检索due to the fact,会跳出28亿多条,即使有多半儿是批判那种用法的,习惯用它的人也大大地有,可见是积习难改。(犹如中文“公诸于世”,明明错了,还有那么多人用,而且比正确的还多近3倍呢。)


Strunk也许没想到,他用的in spite of也几乎wordy and should be avoided。我们都知道despite, in spite of, despite of甚至in despite of是可以互换的同义词(有人以为despite of是错的,但它的例子也不少),可是如果考察它们在不同年代的使用频率,就会发现不同的命运。


莎翁的戏多用Despite ofin despite of,如


"Grace is grace, despite of allcontroversy: as, for example, thou thyself art a wicked villain, despite of allgrace." (Measure for Measure).

"Some good I mean to do, / Despite of mineown nature" (King Lear)

"No, in despiteof sense andsecrecy, / Unpeg the basket on the house's top, / Let the birds fly" (Hamlet)

"Deposed he shall be, in despite ofall." (Henry VI, Part III)

"Then, in despiteof brooded watchful day, / I would into thy bosom pour my thoughts" (King John)


近些年来despite越来越普遍。有人用牛津词典的语料库进行统计(见http://english.stackexchange.com/,具体出处忘了),比较了那几个短语近200年来的出现频率,很明显,in spite of在衰减而despite在成长(其余两个似乎一贯就不太流行)。









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