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你该知道的50个历史事件(6) 精选

已有 7259 次阅读 2012-12-11 09:05 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:人文社科| office, style



Hugh Williams的第六个主题是发现(Discovery)。人类历史当然也是发现和发明的历史。Daniel J.Boorstin写的一个历史系列就包含《发现者》、《创造者》和《探索者》。写发现容易写成科学史或技术史(或科学技术史),这儿的事情也差不多:


1) Archimedes of Syracuse 287-212 BC

2) The Chinese invention of printing, seventh century AD

3) Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519

4) Vasco da Gama discovers a sea route to India 1498

5) Sir Isaac Newton Publishes the Principia 1687

6) Australia’s first Colony 1788

7) John Logie Baird demonstrates the first moving television imagines 1926

8) The discovery of the structure of the DNA helix 1953

9) Apollo 11 lands on the Moon 1969

10) The creation of the Worldwide Web 1990


其中最有趣的是达芬奇。写达芬奇与科学的书很多,新近买了一本The Science of Leonardo,后来才注意到作者原来是30多年前写《物理学之道》(The Tao of Physics, 1975)的那位Fritjof Capra。他为什么写达芬奇呢?






As I gazed at those magnificient drawings juxtaposing, often on the same page, architecture and human anatomy, turbulent water and turbulent air, water vortices, the flow of human hair and the growth patterns of grasses, I realized that Leonardo’s systematic studies of living and nonliving forms amounted to a science of quality and wholeness that was fundamentally different from the mechanistic science of Galileo and Newton. At the core of his investigations, it seemed to me, was a persistent exploration of pattern, interconnecting phenomena from a vast range of fields.











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