特有意味的是,比萨塔是比萨大教堂的一部分,堂皇的教堂就在它的旁边。不论伽利略是否做过落体实验,那个塔已经离不开他的名字了。而伽利略的妇孺皆知,也是因为他背离了宗教而且受到了宗教的审判——因为这一点,匹兹堡大学科学和哲学史家Peter Machamer在《剑桥哲学指南》(伽利略卷)里提出一个有趣的问题:人们为什么那么看重宗教审判?早些年布鲁诺被烧的时候,人们为什么没有那么关注?
Why did not the attention and public outcry that greeted Galileo emerge earlier, say with the burning of Giordano Bruno in 1600. One can argue that Bruno was not a scientist and was large ways toward being a crank, and so his situation compelled less interest. But this just begs the question: Why had science become so important to the people (at least to a large class of people, not even just the franchised, aristocratic class)?
Thus in response to skepticism, and in line with the forces that recognized novelties and demanded a new system for certainty (intellectual security) and social stability, a democratic, individualistic, epistemology, and mechanical view of the world came to dominate Western thought. This new system of thought and practice was to be a new form of science (scientia), a new form of knowledge, and it was natural knowledge and dealt with the natures of things, including humans, in the world.
伽利略在比萨大学期间对运动问题极有兴趣,手稿里也提到过从高塔上扔下物体的实验。他的论证是,轻物体先落得快,但后来会被重物体超越。因为轻物体不能像重物体那样维持向上的惯性(conserve upward impetus)——换句话说,伽利略认为物体加速的原因在于有效重量的减小。这样看来,即使伽利略做了实验,结论也肯定是错误的。我倒是更欣赏他的另一个观点:数学本身是科学,也是考察自然奥秘的帮手。
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