

从历史的角度看待经济学理论和贫富差别 – 谈谈《21世纪的资本》

已有 4370 次阅读 2016-5-3 14:42 |个人分类:经济学|系统分类:观点评述| 历史, 经济学, 政治, 皮克迪, 21世纪的资本

从历史的角度看待经济学理论和贫富差别– 谈谈托马斯·皮克迪的21世纪的资本》

Capital in the twenty-first century by Thomas Piketty: a view of economic theories and inequality from the historical perspective






随着工人运动影响在二十世纪七十年代开始的衰落,凯恩斯主义经济学在实践中也遇到“滞胀”困境,右倾的货币主义学派占据了经济学的统治地位。货币主义学派主张政府退出,让市场解决除维持法律秩序之外的一切问题。1980年以来的这些发展,重新启动了财富集中过程,21世纪初的财富集中程度正向一战前夕回归。这些变化说明,解决贫富差别过大不能只靠市场机制。第一次世界大战开始到二十世纪七十年代的贫富差距缩小不是市场机制完成的。皮克迪的这一工作是对库兹涅茨曲线(Kuznets curve)的否定。库兹涅茨曲线是由美国经济学家、1971年诺贝尔经济学奖得主西蒙·库兹涅茨在1953年提出来收入分配状况随经济发展过程而变化的倒U线,即贫富收入差距随经济发展“先变大,后变小”。


Capital in the twenty-first century by French Economist Thomas Piketty became number one on The New York Times bestselling hardcover nonfiction li st dated 18 May 2014. Although the Nobel Prize in economics laureate American economist Paul Krugman recommends it enthusiastically, most mainstream economists are more reserved in their evaluation of this book. Quitea few commentators attribute its success to the concern over wealth and income inequality in the United States following the financial crisis in 2008. This book was not a bestseller in France when it was first published in French, but its English translation is a big success in the US. Its popularity in the US feeds back to France and makes it a bestseller there as well.

Before reading this book, I had read some book reviews from mainstream economists and because of their influence I thought the book just another work of left-wing dissidents. Krugman’s recent views have been leaning left, so it would be understandable that he recommends strongly a left-wing book. However, during reading this book, I got a very different view from those mainstream commentators on this book. Piketty thinks that economic research should be based on long historical date series, which is a very important view and should be treated seriously by the mainstream economics. Piketty’s book provides an angle different from those of mainstream economics.

Piketty points out in this book: 1) the conservative revolution started by Reagan and Mrs Thatcher during 1980s did not speed up the economic growth in the US and UK, it is the decreased growth rate in previously fast growing German, France and Japan that makes the US and UK appear to grow faster; 2) the US and UK implemented higher income tax rates during 1950-1970, but their economic growth rates then were higher than those after the Reagan’s and Thatcher’s low tax rate reforms; 3) conclusions drawn from data of 300 years could be very different from those obtained from analyzing data of 30 years or 50 years; 4) economics may be more appropriately called political economics, because economics is a part of social sciences and economic analysis and economic policy making are closely related to history, culture and politics.

Concerning political economics, I remember that Samuelson’s Economics 10th edition says that economics is also called political economics. In fact, in human societies there are rarely issues that concern purely economics; political rights/powers are always entangled with economic rights/interests. Issues in economic interests are often solved by political/government intervention, while political rights/powers often interfere with economic processes. As Lenin said, politics is the concentrated manifestation of economic interests. In the system of Marxist political economics, value is measured by the socially necessary labour time. When labour productivity increases, the production of the goods needed for workers to maintain their capacity to work needs less necessary labour time, that is, the production cost of the capacity to work gets smaller and smaller. Because of the greedy nature of capital, the capitalists would only pay workers their production costs of the capacity to work, while the production cost of the capacity to work gets smaller and smaller. Therefore, workers would become more and more pauperized. However, the labour movement and the political parties under the influence of Marxism made the absolute pauperization of workers politically intangible. In order to avoid the destruction of capitalists together with the capital controlled government in a social revolution, the capital controlled government will start social reform, increase social welfare, improve working conditions and workers' incomes. Consequently Marx’s prediction of workers’ pauperization was not materialized. Dealing with economic issues must take the political framework into consideration. Using economics developed under the western political framework to analyze the economic issues in China must take China’s political framework into consideration. Otherwise, we may have wrong assessments on economic issues in China.

Via examining the changes of wealth and income in France, UK, USA, Germany and Japan, Piketty finds that wealth will be more and more concentrated in the hands of a few people under the market mechanisms. On the eve of world war one, wealth was highly concentrated, but the two world wars and subsequently changes in politics and science and technology reversed the earlier wealth concentration process. War is a great destructor of social wealth which is accumulated relatively slowly. So war is often able to reduce the difference between the rich and the poor. During a war, a responsible government usually asks the richer to contribute more wealth to the nation’s war efforts, while reducing relatively the burden of the poor so that the whole population can be mobilized to defend the nation. The period from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1970s saw the thriving development of socialist and labour parties, whose policies tend to increase workers’ welfare and incomes and inhibit wealth concentration. The socialist parties or labour parties started to become the party in power after the First or the Second World War. In the United States, the Roosevelt administration also adopted the New Deal to intervene in the economy.  The Keynesian economics emerging in the 1930s provided the theoretical basis for left-wing government to intervene in the economy.

As the influence of the labour movement started to decline in 1970s and the Keynesain economics met the stagflation problem in practice, the right-wing monetarist school began to dominate economics. The monetarist school advocates that government should withdraw from economy and leave all except law and order to the market. The social, economical and political development since 1980 restarted the wealth concentration process, and the level of wealth concentration at the beginning of the 21st century approaches that on the eve of world war one. These changes in history demonstrate that the wealth or income inequality cannot be solved by the market mechanism alone. The reduction in the wealth inequality between world war one and 1970s was not achieved by market mechanism. Piketty’s work is a refutation of Kuznets curve, which was proposed in 1953 by American economist Simon Kuznets, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, to describe the relationship between income inequality and the level of economic development. Kuznets curve is an “inverted U” shaped curve, suggesting that the income inequality will grow large initially and then decreases as economy grows.

Many conclusions in economics are drawn from time series data. As I used to work on biomedical research, I know well that biomedical researchers would not accept results from an individual’s time series data. For example, a patient with cold and fever for 5 days may take a sweet and then recover after 2 more days. If we analyze this process with economic time series method, we may conclude that the sweet is the most important factor for the patient’s recovery. Because of this, biomedical researchers only accept results with randomized control groups. Since macroeconomic analysisoften relies on one unit with many time points or many units at one time point, which lacks the control group in the sense that biomedical researchers understand it, Piketty’s view that short-term results are not really reliable and correct results may be obtained by examining the historically long series data is a very precious one.

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