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美国大学生物医学科研的一个(结构性) 死结

已有 16749 次阅读 2016-1-7 13:31 |系统分类:科研笔记

美国 大学 生物医学科研的一个结构性 死结

美国生物医学科研的一个结构性死结principle investigator 必须申请基金,大多数医学院校的老师的薪水来自基金,还有博士后研究助理,买试剂及部分设备 等等。

为了申请基金 principle investigator 不停发表文章,而且是阳性结果的文章。

我的感觉是他们如果发现助理教授期间开头的结果错了 (头几年错了)他们不能好好的承认错,因为这样可能在转型期间申请基金困难,3-4 年没有基金的话,研究生博士后都走人了。

感觉  他们上了贼船错误的方向走到底,不断灌水误导别人,继续发表水文章。又感觉这样的现象是移民学者为多,毕竟他们首先要生存。


因为现在 中国的思维只要是美帝的、必然是正确的。结果好的没有学到,学到皮毛坏的东西。

有些美国的文章真是 满纸荒唐言 (一把辛酸泪)

                       导致了   中国的结果



由丁香园 (www.dxy.cn) 提供平台从2014年12月29日至2015年2月5日进行在线调查。




1) 具有实用价值,能提高医疗服务质量;


3) 不应只是重要的理论发现而对提高医疗服务无直接效益。

结果: 1)青蒿素用于治疗疟疾(523项目团队,1972年);


3)断肢再植 (陈中伟及其同事,1963年),

4)全反式维甲酸治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病临床验证 (王振义及其同事,1988年);

5)伍氏口罩及鼠疫防治(伍连德, 1910年),获提名为辛亥革命后中国大陆五大医疗创新发明。



We published apaper: Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2014 Oct; 4(5): 413–425.
doi:  10.3978/j.issn.2223-4292.2014.10.07
ZhonghengZhang, Gavin P. Winston, Hai-Tao Zhao, Edwin H.G. Oei, Qiyong Ai,  Romaric Loffroy, Ting Lin, Yaxing Shen, ChinK. Ng, Hua Liu, A. Cahid Civelek, Zhijun Han, Yong-Ming He, Ling-Yan Ji, and Yi-Xiáng J. Wáng

A clinical department such as Radiology in the United States usually consists of two types of faculty-clinical and research. In the midst of continuous slash offund throughout the last decade, the operating budget provided by the state to the radiology department can be less than 5% across the United States. Thus an academic Radiology department is expected to be largely financially independenteven if it belongs to a medical school in a state-funded university.


Becauseof the ever changing health care environment in the United States, the clinical dollars for an academic Radiology department have been shrinking for some time. Part of the clinical dollars has been used to support research in the department, but the flexibility is no longer there in recent years. Clinical facultyis expected to spend most of their time in revenue generating exercises in theclinic. In order for the clinical faculty to promote to the next rank, he/shewill need to demonstrate his/her ability to generate clinical revenue through clinical work and/or clinical trials in addition to the number of service years in the department.


For aresearch faculty, the options are usually much narrower. Some academicradiology departments require him/her to support up to 95% of his/her ownsalary. Even for a tenured faculty, only the base salary is guaranteed. Thisbase salary is determined by the individual medical school and has been keptshrinking year after year. Support for salary and research largely comes from the National Institutions of Health (NIH), but the pay line has gone below 10%, thus many seasoned investigators have been struggling to keep their laboratories open.



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