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医学行业的 一些中外比較 精选

已有 15044 次阅读 2016-1-15 21:36 |系统分类:科研笔记

一些 医学行业 的 -中外比较  part of AME-survey 3

“If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin”

(Voyage of the Beagle).  


Charles Darwin  达尔文  [1809-1882]

“A doctor must work eighteen hours a day and seven days a week. If you cannot console yourself to this, get out ofthe profession. ”


Martin Henry Fischer ( 1879 – 1962,German-born American physician and author).

“Experiencing suffering is necessary to be a complete doctor.”


Georges Mathé (1922 –2010, French oncologist and immunologist)

Wang YX et al. 我们的调查发现北京市三甲医院医生的工作时间与美国医生平均工资时间基本一致,但低于日本和韩国医生的工作时间。


中国 目前全国 人均医生 数量 并不很低

根据一项2015 调查,大于90% 的韩国外科住院医生每周工作80小时[=(11.3hours/day)*(7days a week)]60.6%的韩国外科住院医生每周工作100 小时[=(14.3hours/day)*(7days a week)]. 48.5%医生每周夜班>4次,17.2%医生每周夜班6-7次. Occupational stress and related factors among surgical residents in Korea. Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research. 2015  http://dx.doi.org/10.4174/astr.2015.89.5.268
2003 年 调查,美国 49% 骨科住院医生 每周工作 80-100小时, 后来美国 规定上限为每周80小时

- 但仍然有相当一部分人每周工作超过80 小时,而且部分住院医生故意少上报工作时间。

I don't know any specific numbers  ..... but yearly malpractice insurance premiums generally ranges $40,000.00 - 80,000.00 depending on the location/state and the type of practice.

Also if that individual physician was previously sued, the premium goes up significantly.


美国 医师每年的职业 保险金 为4 万到8万, 取决与 地方 及 行医方式

如果 以前 被起诉过,保险金 将显著上升。

Wang YX et al. 中国医生的孩子 上大学的 医学是专业的第一选择。



Wang YX et al. 中国医生对于行业的满意度省份中云南、山西、和甘肃为高。满意度与该省份经济发展程度无关。

Wang YX et al. 三甲医院与基层医院的医生满意度相对较高。

Wang YX et al.  多个国家韩国、日本、法国、荷兰、德国、英国等等国家,一般医生与相同教育程度的同行比,life long wise,  收入高于同行50%,但工作量时间() 大于同行。


在世界范围内 医护均为高危职业

Healthcare workersare one of the most likely groups to experience workplace aggression.
Chappell D, Di Martino V. Violence at work (3rd edn). Geneva: InternationalLabour Office, 2006.


Magin PJ, AdamsJ, Sibbritt DW, Joy E, Ireland MC. Experiences of occupational violence inAustralian urban general practice: a cross sectional study of GPs. Med J Aust.2005; 183: 352–356.

Hahn S, Zeller A,  Needham I, Kok G,Dassen T, Halfens RJ. Patient and visitor violence in general hospitals: Asystematic review of the literature

Lepping P, Lanka SV, Turner J, Stanaway SE, Krishna M.Percentage prevalence of patient and visitor violence against staff in high-risk UK medical wards.Clin Med (Lond). 2013 Dec;13(6):543-6.

Belayachi J,Berrechid K, Amlaiky F, Zekraoui A, Abouqal R. Violence toward physicians inemergency departments of Morocco: prevalence, predictive factors, andpsychological impact. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2010; 5:27.

主治急诊医师在美国密歇根州与工作相关的暴力事件2005报告, 过去12个月中74.9%急诊医师至少经历过一次言语威胁指出,28.1% 经历过暴力事件,11.7%经历过医院意外的对峙,3.5%经历了盯梢的事件。 大多数急诊医生担心工作场所的暴力行为,9.4%的人经常害怕工作场所的暴力行为。42%的急诊医师寻求各种形式的保护,包括获得枪(18%),小刀 (20%),携带武器许可证 (13%),梅斯棍(11%),或安全保护人员 (31%).

Kowalenko T, Walters BL, Khare RK,Compton S; Michigan College of Emergency Physicians Workplace Violence TaskForce. Workplace violence: a survey of emergency physicians in the state ofMichigan. Ann Emerg Med 2005;46:142–7.

一个1995年报告,爱尔兰共和国最大的医院St.James's Hospital Dublin调查发现,急症室护士60%被殴打至少一次,40%在过去12个月内被殴打。 袭击护士的处理比涉及公民个人发生类似事件要轻。 文献:

J Emerg Nurs. 1997;23:214-9.
A survey ofviolence toward nursing staff in one large Irish Accident andEmergencyDepartment.
Rose M.

Saeki K, Okamoto N, Tomioka K, Obayashi K, Nishioka H, OharaK, Kurumatani N.Work-related aggression and violence committed by patients and itspsychological influence on doctors. J Occup Health 2011;53:356–64.


2012年一篇柳叶刀论文报道了美国医生专业收入从20102011间下降,而医生的对于行医上的不满增加。只有54 %的人表示,如果他们再考虑,会选择医学为职业 只有大约一半的医生认为他们的收入是合理的。

Tanne JH.  Income and job satisfaction fall among USdoctors. BMJ. 2012;344:e3109.

According to a 2013 survey by NerdWallet, inUSA most doctors are dissatisfied with the job, and less than half would choosea career in medicine if they were able to do it all over again. In USA, thedoctors who work the longest hours are cardiologists, who report being on thejob 60 hours per week. Only 44 percent would go into medicine again if they didit over (Kristof).

In USA, for internal medicine specialist, only 19percent would choose the same specialty, and only one-third would choose amedical career if they had to do it over.

大多数美国医生对于工作不满意,重新开始的话,少于一半的人会重新选择医学行业。美国工作时间最长的心脏科医生,每周60小时。内科医生只有19% 的医生重新开始的话选择同样的专业。


Moreover, primary care physicians -- those who gointo pediatrics, family and internal medicine -- earn barely more than theamount they accumulated in medical school debt, between $173,000 and $185,000,according to the study that looked at data from George Washington University'sSchool of Public Health, the American Association of Medical Colleges andMedscape.

美国一些专业医生的收入、除去家庭开销以外、好像只能偿付读医学院学费欠下的债务 (GeorgeWashington University's School of Public Health, the American Association ofMedical Colleges and Medscape. 资料)




日本、台湾、香港、韩国、印度、以色列、英国、法国、德国 等等、等等 国家地区 医学本科教育均为6 年。韩国学美国部分试验过8年制、效果不好、现在完全放弃8年制。


下面是中国医疗开支的增加 -按购买力算-


已有 1481 次阅读 2016-2-5 18:32 |系统分类:教学心得    推荐到群组

医生的孩子干什么 见 下图


云南及甘肃的医生比其他地方的医生更快乐 -西藏投票的人数太少-


[8]农绍庄  2016-2-16 22:03

博主回复(2016-2-16 13:52):国外的研究是 医生快乐比较多的职业。一位医生助人,而助人是快乐的源泉。



博主回复(2016-2-16 22:06):這個國外有大樣本 數據的

删除 回复 [7]俞立平  2016-2-16 13:36


博主回复(2016-2-16 13:53):我觉得 医生 要 调整心态。

删除 回复 [6]农绍庄  2016-2-14 15:22


博主回复(2016-2-16 13:52):国外的研究是 医生快乐比较多的职业。一位医生助人,而助人是快乐的源泉。

删除 回复 [5]张士宏  2016-2-8 10:09


博主回复(2016-2-8 14:50):中国 大量 资源 集中于 大城市;反映了 中国 centralisation 的思维方式

删除 回复 [4]曾跃勤  2016-2-6 15:50


博主回复(2016-2-6 16:57):  

删除 回复 [3]王毅翔  2016-2-6 10:11

经济落后 的 省份 的医生比较快乐  !

中国应 以 民生 和 快乐 指数 为 第一 追求。


删除 回复 [2]陈楷翰  2016-2-6 10:11

  是啊,我想,文明世界的科学家们,或许也是因此而快乐吧? 他们的成果会被人尊重和使用。

博主回复(2016-2-6 10:20):中国的  <面子> 及 <攀比> 严重 负面 大家的快乐指数。

博主回复(2016-2-6 10:13):其实,在欧洲,医生 教授的  薪水 都 不高, 又比较辛苦。但是乐在其中  

博主回复(2016-2-6 10:12):  

删除 回复 [1]陈楷翰  2016-2-6 10:04


博主回复(2016-2-6 10:10):帮助 别人的职业 是快乐的,因此有人 去 非洲 做志愿者。

博主回复(2016-2-6 10:08):北京的医生还不如河北的医生快乐

博主回复(2016-2-6 10:06):淳朴的尊敬 来自 淳朴 的百姓 !

We published a paper: Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2014 Oct; 4(5): 413–425.
doi:  10.3978/j.issn.2223-4292.2014.10.07
Zhongheng Zhang, Gavin P. Winston, Hai-Tao Zhao, Edwin H.G. Oei, Qiyong Ai,  Romaric Loffroy, Ting Lin, Yaxing Shen, ChinK. Ng, Hua Liu, A. Cahid Civelek, Zhijun Han, Yong-Ming He, Ling-Yan Ji, and Yi-Xiáng J. Wáng

A clinical department such as Radiology in the United States usually consists of two types of faculty-clinical and research. In the midst of continuous slash offund throughout the last decade, the operating budget provided by the state to the radiology department can be less than 5% across the United States. Thus an academic Radiology department is expected to be largely financially independenteven if it belongs to a medical school in a state-funded university.


Becauseof the ever changing health care environment in the United States, the clinical dollars for an academic Radiology department have been shrinking for some time. Part of the clinical dollars has been used to support research in the department, but the flexibility is no longer there in recent years. Clinical facultyis expected to spend most of their time in revenue generating exercises in theclinic. In order for the clinical faculty to promote to the next rank, he/shewill need to demonstrate his/her ability to generate clinical revenue through clinical work and/or clinical trials in addition to the number of service years in the department.


For aresearch faculty, the options are usually much narrower. Some academicradiology departments require him/her to support up to 95% of his/her ownsalary. Even for a tenured faculty, only the base salary is guaranteed. Thisbase salary is determined by the individual medical school and has been keptshrinking year after year. Support for salary and research largely comes from the National Institutions of Health (NIH), but the pay line has gone below 10%, thus many seasoned investigators have been struggling to keep their laboratories open.



上一篇:美国大学生物医学科研的一个(结构性) 死结
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