WANG Yi-Xiang J'shiang
I am a tenured staff at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I think and research a wide range topic of areas covering sciences and humanities. On the practical aspects, I research on magnetic resonance imaging, spine degeneration, aging related bone fractures, diffused liver diseases early imaging detection, and a number of neuro-anatomical issues. On more theoretical issues, I think on the biological forces on human society evolution. I also think and research on balanced interests between patients, doctors, as well as the government. I am passionate in educating healthcare knowledge to the general public. On political stance, I favor W. Europe socialism, and consider myself a follower of Marxist-Leninist. I practice relative frugal living. I can always find time to read history, listen to modern music (certain selected types) and listen to debates on current political affairs via television or internet. I enjoy walking and hiking which ...