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进入21世纪以来,小脑经颅磁刺激(transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS)研究,既涉及基础研究,又涉及应用研究。一方面,这类研究不断揭示小脑刺激对运动、认知、情感过程的具体作用,另一方面,也是特别值得关注的,这类研究日益显示小脑刺激具有治疗潜力。

在小脑刺激对运动功能的调节方面,研究表明,小脑TMS能够影响运动的协调、监控、估计、校正功能(van Dun et al., 2017)。近10年来,研究者考察了小脑TMS对运动适应功能和运动学习的作用。例如,对于运动适应功能,已在视觉运动适应任务中观察到小脑的变化(Schlerf et al., 2012)。对小脑右半球的间歇性θ波迸发刺激(intermittent theta-burst stimulation, iTBS)能促进视觉运动适应,而连续性θ波迸发刺激(continuous theta-burst stimulation, cTBS)则妨碍视觉运动适应(Koch et al., 2020)。运动学习范式实验显示,对小脑右半球的cTBS会妨碍运动的获得、保持、消退,以及运动的再次习得(Monaco et al., 2014)。

小脑与运动功能与关,这是早就知道的问题,因此,小脑刺激在运动方面的研究,主要考察刺激的调节作用。小脑参与认知过程和情感过程的研究,主要是考察小脑的非运动功能。关于小脑与认知过程的研究,主要考察了小脑的记忆(Desmon, Chen, & Shieh, 2005)、时间知觉(Mioni et al., 2020)、语言(Argyropoulos & Muggleton, 2013)等方面的功能。特别地,其中一些认知过程,在小脑中是单侧化的。例如,刺激小脑右半球影响涉及语言、时间知觉任务的认知功能,而刺激小脑左半球则影响涉及视觉运动任务的认知过程(van Dun et al., 2017)。

关于小脑与情感过程的研究,主要考察了与情绪调节、对情绪性面部和身体表情有关的注意偏差的情感过程,结果发现,这些情感过程能够由小脑TMS来调节。例如,用低频重复性TMSRepetitive TMS, rTMS)中断涉及的活动性,会造成情绪调节障碍(Schutter & van Honk, 2009),而高频rTMS则能促进健康被试对积极情绪刺激的内隐加工(Schutter, Enter, & Hoppenbrouwers, 2009)。此外,对小脑左半球的高频rTMS会削弱被试辨别情绪面孔的能力,也就是说,会削弱对负性情绪内容的加工(Ferrari et al., 2022)。

小脑TMS的临床研究,可以分为治疗运动功能障碍和治疗认知、情感障碍两个方面。小脑TMS对运动功能障碍的疗效,已在神经系统紊乱的病人身上进行了研究(Billeri & Naro, 2021)。自从研究表明rTMS能够减轻脊髓小脑性共济失调病人的步态共济失调之后,许多研究都来探索采用不同的rTMS方案治疗脊髓小脑性共济失调。最近10年的研究发现,通过rTMS调节小脑的兴奋性能对脊髓小脑性共济失调的多个方面产生好的效果(Nakamura et al., 2019)。此外,对小脑后部进行1HzrTMS对特发性震颤病人有抗震颤效应(Popa et al., 2013)。关于帕金森症病人的研究显示,小脑cTBS可以改善左旋多巴引起的运动障碍(Koch et al., 2009)。同时,小脑cTBS对颈部肌张力障碍也有正性效应(Koch et al., 2014)。

小脑异常会影响认知与情感过程,这自然让人想到,可以把小脑TMS作为一种治疗精神病的方法。研究表明,小脑TMS能够降低精神分裂症病人的负性情感认知症状(Brady et al., 2019)。近来,小脑rTMS也被作为一种潜在的治疗中风后康复的方法。例如,对小脑进行1HzrTMSiTBS能够改善中风病人的姿态、步态、平衡、上肢感觉运动功能、视觉运动学习能力(Bonni et al., 2020)。



Argyropoulos, G. P., & Muggleton, N. G. (2013). Effects of cerebellar stimulation on processing semantic associations. The Cerebellum, 12, 83-96.

Billeri, L., & Naro, A. A. (2021). A narrative review on non-invasive stimulation of the cerebellum in neurological diseases. Neurological Sciences , 42, 2191-2209.

Bonni, S., Motta, C., Pellicciari, M. C., et al. (2020). Intermittent cerebellar theta burst stimulation improves visuo-motor learning in stroke patients: A pilot study. The Cerebellum, 19, 739-743.

Brady, R. O., Gonsalvez, I., Lee, I., et al. (2019). Cerebellar-prefrontal network connectivity and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 176, 512-520.

Desmond, J. E., Chen, S. H. A., & Shieh, P. B. (2005). Cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation impairs verbal working memory. Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological Association and the Child Neurology Society, 58, 553-560.

Ferrari, C., Ciricugno, A., Urgesi, C., & Cattaneo, Z. (2022). Cerebellar contribution to emotional body language perception: A TMS study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17, 81-90.

Koch, G., Brusa, L., Carrillo, F., et al. (2009). Cerebellar magnetic stimulation decreases levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson disease. Neurology, 73, 113-119.

Koch, G., Esposito, R., Motta, C., et al. (2020). Improving visuo-motor learning with cerebellar theta burst stimulation: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence. NeuroImage, 208, 116424.

Koch, G., Porcacchia, P., Ponzo, V., et al. (2014). Effects of two weeks of cerebellar theta burst stimulation in cervical dystonia patients. Brain Stimulation, 7, 564-572.

Mioni, G., Grondin, S., Vardi, L., & Stablum, F. (2020). Understanding time perception through non-invasive brain stimulation techniques: A review of studies. Behavioural Brain Research, 377, 112232.

Monaco, J., Casellato, C., Koch, G., & DAngelo, E. (2014). Cerebellar theta burst stimulation dissociates memory components in eyeblink classical conditioning. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 40, 3363-3370.

Nakamura, M., Bekki, M., Miura, Y., Itatani, M., & Jie, L. (2019). Cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation improves ataxia in Minamata disease. Case Reports in Neurology, 11, 167-172.

Popa, T., Russo, M., Vidaihet, M., et al. (2013). Cerebellar rTMS stimulation may induce prolonged clinical benefits in essential tremor, and subjacent changes in functional connectivity: An open label trial. Brain Stimulation, 6, 175-179.

Schlerf, J. E., Falea, J. M., Bastian, A. J., & Celnik, P. A. (2012). Dynamic modulation of cerebellar excitability for abrupt, but not gradual, visuomotor adaptation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 11610-11617.

Schutter, D. J. L. G., & van Honk, J. (2009). The cerebellum in emotion regulation: A repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study. The Cerebellum, 8, 28-34.

Schutter, D. J. L. G., Enter, D., & Hoppenbrouwers, S. S. (2009). High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the cerebellum and implicit processing of happy facial expressions. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 34, 60-65.

van Dun, K., Bodranghien, F., Manto, M., & Marien, P. (2017). Targeting the cerebellum by noninvasive neurostimulation: A review. The Cerebellum, 16, 695-741.

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