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已有 3978 次阅读 2008-8-8 01:10 |个人分类:生活点滴

纽约时报有一篇文章,“Celebrating the Olympics, and Rallying for the Host”,http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/03/sports/olympics/03rally.html?ref=nyregion。花了一半篇幅采访付玉,我的一位朋友。据说还上了CCTV。


Yu Fu, 27, a neuroscience graduate student at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island and the leader of a Chinese student association, organized a group to sing “Beijing Welcomes You,” a kind of “We Are the World” anthem composed for the Olympics. Mr. Fu said his motivations were social and political.

“It’s a good thing to gather around, to meet new friends and to promote China,” he said.

While Saturday’s event drew participants of all ages, Mr. Fu said he believed that the younger generation has taken a more vested interest in China’s progress and its world image.

“The older generation thinks America is so good,” he said. “After they immigrate, they want to stay here and make a life here. For us, we want to go back to China after our education.”

As China’s economy has grown, Mr. Fu said, there have been more employment opportunities for those with a desire to return.

“I know some older generation immigrants still think China is that undeveloped country, especially people who don’t go back very often,” he said. “We want to go back and contribute to the improvement.”

Attitudes toward China also are influenced by age, Mr. Fu and others said. Many older immigrants have firsthand memories of the torture and oppression that existed under Mao Zedong’s rule. Chinese born after Mao’s death in 1976 have experienced economic growth and a loosening of the government’s hold on its people.


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