

英国学者Robert Crookall (1890--1981) 从科学走向玄学

已有 3301 次阅读 2016-4-27 00:02 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| 英国学者Robert, Crookall, 从科学走向玄学

 英国地质调查局(The British Geological Survery--BGS)隶属英国政府机构。该调查局正式成立于1835年,其总部设在诺丁汉(Nottingham,UK),在爱丁堡、卡迪夫、伦敦等地设立中心。

英国地质调查局(The British GeologicalSurvery--BGS)

 献身于科学的苏格兰富二代Robert Kidston (FRS, 1852--1924) 1878年成为伦敦地质学会会员Fellow of the Geological Society of London--FGS)1880—1904这位有钱公子哥担任英国地质调查局一名不领薪水的古植物学家honorary palaeobotanistRobert Kidston著述甚丰,包括《英国石炭纪植物化石》(Fossil plants of the Carboniferous rocks of Great Britain)之名作。

    1924Robert Kidston去世。同年,英国地质调查局雇请Robert Crookall博士 (1890--1981)继续开展Robert Kidston没有完成的研究工作。从某种意义上说,Robert Crookall英国地质调查局历史上的第一位职业古植物学家。1952年,Robert Crookall退休,开始致力于玄学的研究。Robert Crookall在玄学方面陆续发表了很多著作,在西方社会名声大振。

1 Life Chronology

2 Education Background

3 Palaeobotanical Studies

4 Astral Projections


Qigao Sun:


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.446) [The 447th issue intotal]

Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (42)

The Epic of Palaeobotany-446

英国学者Robert Crookall (1890--1981) 从科学走向玄学

April 22--23, 2016


B.A. Thomas, 1981. IOP Newsletter (No.14), Obituary of  Robert Crookall (1890--1981),pp.11-12


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.442) [The 443rd  issue in total]

Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (38)

英国著名古植物学家Robert Kidston (FRS, 1852--1924)

The Epic of Palaeobotany-442

献身于科学的苏格兰富二代Robert Kidston (FRS, 1852--1924)

2016-4-10 23:24


KIDSTON, Robert. 1923--1925. Fossil plants of the Carboniferous rocks of Great Britain, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, 2(Parts 1-6), 670pp.

Crookall,  Robert. 1955—1976. Fossil Plants of the Carboniferous Rocks of Great Britain [Second Section].  Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. Palaeontology. Vol. IV, Parts 1-7. 1004pp, 173 plates, 261 text figs  (A continuation of R. Kidston's work 'FossilPlants of the Carboniferous Rocks of Great Britain (First Section)' 1923-25.)


An out-of-bodyexperience (OBE or sometimes OOBE)


Crookall, Robert, Casebook for Astral Projection, 545-746, Citadel Press,1972, Reprints 1980 (ISBN : 0806560061) and 1986 (ISBN : 0806507306).


Crookall, Robert, DREAMS OF HIGH SIGNIFICANCE, Darshana International,Moradabad, India, 1974.


Crookall, Robert, During Sleep - The Possibility of Co-operation Betweenthe Living and the Dead, Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1964 (ISBN :0821601709).


Crookall, Robert, ECSTACY : THE RELEASE OF THE SOUL FROM THE BODY,Darshana International, Moradabad, India, 1973.


Crookall, Robert, Events on the Threshold of the Afterlife, Clues as tothe Greatest of All Enigmas, Darshana International, Moradabad, India, 1967.


Crookall, Robert, EXPERIENCES ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE AFTER LIFE,Darshana, International, Moradabad, India, 1969.


Crookall, Robert, Intimations of Imortality, James Clark, London, 1965.


Crookall, Robert, LIFE, CHEAT OR A SACRED BURDEN ?, Darshan aInternational, Moradabad, India, 1976.


Crookall, Robert, MORE ASTRAL PROJECTIONS, ANALYSES OF CASE HISTORIES,Aquarian Press, London, 1964.


Crookall, Robert, Out of the Body Experiences, A Fourth Analysis of theMystic Arts, Citadel Press, 1970, Reprint 1986, 1992 (ISBN : 0806513837).


Crookall, Robert, OUT-OF THE BODY EXPERIENCES AND SURVIVAL, ChurchesFellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies, London, 1969.


Crookall, Robert, OUT-OF-THE-BODY EXPERIENCES AND SURVIVAL, In :Pearce-Higgins, JD and Whitby, GS (Editors), Life, Death and PsychicalResearch, pages 66-68, Rider, London, 1973 (ISBN : 009115809), Samuel Weiser(ISBN : 0091158117).


Crookall, Robert, Psychic Breathing, Cosmic Vitality from the Air,Newcastle Publishing Company, 1979, Reprints 1981, 1985 (ISBN : 0878770801),Borgo Press, 1985 (ISBN : 0893706809).


Crookall, Robert, The Interpretation of Cosmic and Mystical Experiences,James Clark, London, 1969 (ISBN : 0227677293).


Crookall, Robert, THE JUNG-JAFFE VIEW OF OUT-OF-THE-BODY EXPERIENCES,World Fellowship Press, 1970 (ISBN : 0902742000).


Crookall, Robert, THE MECHANISMS OF ASTRAL PROJECTION, DarshanaInternational, Moradabad, India, 1968.


Crookall, Robert, The Next World - and the Next, Ghostly Garments,Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1966.


Crookall, Robert, The Study and Practice of Astral Projection, CitadelPress, 1960, Reprint 1988, Lyle Stuart 1977, (ISBN : 0806505478).


Crookall, Robert, The Supreme Adventure, The Analyses of Psychic Communication, James Clark, London, 1961, Reprint 1975.


Crookall, Robert, The Supreme Adventure, The Analyses of PsychicCommunication, Lutterworth Press, Reprint 1987.


Crookall, Robert, The Techniques of Astral Projection, Denouement After Fifty Years, Aquarian Press, London, 1964.


Crookall, Robert, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE ?, Gerrards Cross, England :Smythe, 1968 (ISBN : 0900675845).


上一篇:早期陆地植物研究名家William Henry Lang (FRS, 1874--1960)
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