

Gilbert A. Leisman (1924--1996):从植物生态学改行搞古植物学

已有 3414 次阅读 2015-6-29 21:39 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| American, Arthur, Gilbert, Umbrella, Leisman

   美国古植物学家Gilbert Arthur Leisman (1924--1996)于1924年出生于首都华盛顿,1996年在堪萨斯(Emporia)去世。

   1955年,Gilbert Arthur Leisman在明尼苏达大学植物系获得博士学位,专攻植物生态学。同年9月,他开始供职于堪萨斯州立师范学院生物系(Kansas State Teachers College in Emporia)[现称 Emporia State University]。很快,Gilbert Arthur Leisman将他的研究转向古植物学,主要研究产自堪萨斯东南部的煤核(coalballs),发表了大量研究论文,成为有名望的古植物学家。谁引领Gilbert Arthur Leisman开始古植物学研究?这是一个问题。

    Gilbert Arthur Leisman服务美国植物学会古植物学分会数年,担任过秘书、会计和主席。参见:

Former Section Officers, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America



Meeting Location

Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.




T. Delevoryas

G.A. Leisman

A.  Watt


W.N. Stewart




Meeting Location

Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.




R.A. Scott

G.A. Leisman

A.  Watt


W.N. Stewart




Meeting Location

Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.




G.K. Guennel

G.A. Leisman

A.  Watt


W.N. Stewart




Meeting Location

Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.


College Station


G.A. Leisman

D.A. Eggert

A.  Watt


C.B. Beck


   1989Gilbert Arthur Leisman教授退休。


1 教育背景Education

1949: Bachelor degree, Botany, University of Wisconsin at Madison;

1952: M.S., plant ecology, University of Minnesota;

1955: Ph. D., plant ecology, University of Minnesota.


   根据公开文献,美国古植物学家John Walton Hall (1918--)入职明尼苏达大学植物系,研究煤核(coal balls)等植物化石,直到1986年退休。有的美国专家认为,Gilbert Arthur Leisman是John Walton Hall的学生。这是很笼统的说法。也许John Walton Hall在明尼苏达大学点燃了Gilbert Arthur Leisman的古植物学梦想。还有美国专家认为,Gilbert Arthur Leisman曾经是美国古植物学家Robert Wilson Baxter(1914--1995)在堪萨斯大学培养的学生。这些认识都有待于证实或证伪。

   现在,我们可以确切地说,Gilbert Arthur Leisman分别于1952年和1955年明尼苏达大学植物系获得硕士和博士学位,专攻植物生态学。他的导师是植物学教授Donald B. Lawrence (1911--1996)。Donald B. Lawrence 于1936年毕业于 Johns Hopkins University,获博士学位,主攻植物生理学,1937年入职明尼苏达大学植物系,1976年退休。

   Gilbert Arthur Leisman在尼苏达大学植物系完成的硕士学位论文:

  • Title: The rate of  organic matter accumulation on the sedge mat zones of bogs in the Itasca     State Park region of Minnesota.

  • Author/Creator:Gilbert Arthur Leisman

  • Date: 1952

  • Format: 76 pages :     illustrations, tables ; 29 cm.; volume

  • Language: English

  • Subjects:Peat bogs

  • Description: Bibliography:     pages 74-76.

  • Source: University of     Minnesota Catalog

   GilbertArthur Leisman在尼苏达大学植物系完成的博士学位论文:

2 研究兴趣 (Research interests)

   研究产自堪萨斯东南部的石炭纪煤核(coal balls)

3 部分论著 (Publications)

The Rate of Organic Matter Accumulation onthe Sedge Mat Zones of Bogs in the Itasca State park Region of Minnesota

Leisman,Gilbert A. Ecology,1 January 1953, Vol.34(1), pp.81-101

Further Data on the Rate of Organic MatterAccumulation in Bogs

Leisman, Gilbert A. Ecology,1 April 1957, Vol.38(2), pp.361-361The Morphology and Anatomy of CallipteridiumSullivanti

Leisman,Gilbert A. AmericanJournal of Botany, 1 April 1960, Vol.47(4), pp.281-287

Physotoma calcaratum sp. nov., A TentacledSeed from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas

Leisman,Gilbert A. AmericanJournal of Botany, 1 November 1964, Vol.51(10), pp.1069-1075

Further Observations on the Structure ofSelaginellites crassicinctus

Leisman,Gilbert A. AmericanJournal of Botany, 1 March 1961, Vol.48(3), pp.224-229

Paurodendron, a Rhizomorphic Lycopod

Phillips,Tom L. ; Leisman, Gilbert A.

American Journal ofBotany, 1 November 1966, Vol.53(10), pp.1086-1100

Conostoma kestospermum, a New Species ofPaleozoic Seed from the Middle Pennsylvanian

Taylor,Thomas N. ; Leisman, Gilbert A.

American Journal ofBotany, 1 July 1963, Vol.50(6), pp.574-580

A Reconsideration of Stephanospermum

Leisma,Gilbert A. ; Roth, Joerg

Botanical Gazette, 1March 1963, Vol.124(3), pp.231-240

Further Occurrences of Spencerites from theMiddle Pennsylvanian of Kansas and Illinois

Leisman, Gilbert A. ; Stidd, Benton M.

American Journal ofBotany, 1 March 1967, Vol.54(3), pp.316-323

A Pennsylvanian Calamitean Cone withElaterites triferens Spores

Baxter, Robert W. ; Leisman, Gilbert A.

American Journal ofBotany, 1 July 1967, Vol.54(6), pp.748-754

A New Pteridosperm Male Fructification fromthe Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois

Leisman,Gilbert A. ; Peters, John S.

American Journal ofBotany, 1 August 1970, Vol.57(7), pp.867-873

Sullithecadactylifera Gen. et sp. N.: ANew Medullosan Pollen Organ and Its Evolutionary Significance

Stidd,Benton M. ; Leisman, Gilbert A. ; Phillips, Tom L.

American Journal ofBotany, 1 September 1977, Vol.64(8), pp.994-1002

A Spencerites Sporangium and AssociatedSpores from Kansas

Leisman,Gilbert A. Micropaleontology,1 July 1962, Vol.8(3), pp.396-402

A Century of Progress in Paleobotany in Kansas

Leisman,Gilbert A. Transactionsof the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-), 1 October 1968, Vol.71(3), pp.301-308

A New Species of Cardiocarpus in Kansas CoalBalls

Leisman,Gilbert A. Transactionsof the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-), 1 July 1961, Vol.64(2), pp.117-122

Spencerites moorei comb. nov. FromSoutheastern Kansas

Leisman,Gilbert A. AmericanMidland Naturalist, 1 October 1962, Vol.68(2), pp.347-356

A Vegetation and Soil Chronosequence on theMesabi Iron Range Spoil Banks, Minnesota

Leisman,Gilbert A. EcologicalMonographs, 1 July 1957, Vol.27(3), pp.222-245

The Structure of the Fossil Sphenopsid Cone,Peltastrobus Reedae

Leisman,Gilbert A. ; Graves, CharlesAmerican Midland Naturalist, 1 October1964, Vol.72(2), pp.426-437

The Structure of the Fossil Sphenopsid Cone,Peltastrobus Reedae

Leisman,Gilbert A. ; Graves, Charles

American Midland Naturalist,1 October 1964, Vol.72(2), pp.426-437

Further Observations on Sporocarpon andAllied Genera

Davis,Bill ; Leisman, Gilbert A.

Bulletin of the TorreyBotanical Club, 1 March 1962, Vol.89(2), pp.97-109

GilbertA.Leisman2 Department of Biology, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, KansasDAVIS, BILL and GILBERTA.LEISMAN.(Department of Biology, Karnsas

On Palaeostachya decacnema from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas

Leisman, Gilbert A. ; Bucher, Jane L.

Bulletin of the TorreyBotanical Club, 1 May 1971, Vol.98(3), pp.140-144

The Herbaceous Carboniferous LycopodSelaginella fraiponti comb. nov.

Schlanker,Charles M. ; Leisman, Gilbert A.

Botanical Gazette, 1March 1969, Vol.130(1), pp.35-41

Botany: An Ecological Approach (Book Review)Leisman,Gilbert A. TheAmerican Biology Teacher, 1 March 1973, Vol.35(3), pp.163-163

Cryptocaryoxylon gippslandicum gen. et sp.nov., from the Tertiary of eastern Victoria

Leisman,Gilberta. Alcheringa:An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 1986, Vol.10(3), p.225-234


孙启高 2015年6月28日整理



Biographical Sketch: Gilbert Arthur Leisman (1924--1996)

Posted12/8/00 4:17 pm By Steve Manchester

Friday, February 15, 2002 03:01:42 PM


Storyof Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229thissue in total]

Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists




Story of Paleobotany Series (No.366) [The367th issue in total]

Umbrella of American paleobotany-125-


The rise and fall of the paleobotany ofthe University of Minnesota

2015-6-26 00:47


上一篇:密歇根大学(Ann Arbor)古植物学在淡定中不断前行
下一篇:Umbrella of American Paleobotany-130-Donald A. Eggert
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