∮1 明尼苏达大学概况
明尼苏达大学拥有一座自然历史博物馆—“ James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History”,建于1872年。参见:
令我很意外的是:明尼苏达大学很早开设了“自然历史教育”(Natural History Education)之本科专业。1958年,有位毕业生叫David L. Dilcher(1936--)。后来,他成为知名古植物学家,且当选为美国科学院院士。
∮2 明尼苏达大学植物系
明尼苏达大学植物系成立于1889年。1965年,该系被整合到生物科学学院(College of Biological Sciences-CBS)。1988年,又更名为植物生物学系(Department of Plant Biology)。这个植物系的植物生理学研究很有实力,也曾经发展过古植物学!
1927年,中国植物生理学家汤佩松(1903--2001)在此获学士学位。1948年,汤佩松当选为中央研究院首批院士;1955年被选聘为中国科学院学部委员(院士) 。
1939年,中国植物生理学家娄成后(Chernghow Lou ,1911--2009)毕业于明尼苏达大学植物系,获博士学位,专业为植物生理学,导师为George Oswald Burr(1896--1992)。1980年娄成后当选为为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。
∮3 Ernst Cleverland Abbe (1905--2000)与明尼苏达大学古植物学
明尼苏达大学的古植物学研究是如何被推动的?这是一个问题。我认为,了解植物形态解剖学家Ernst Cleverland Abbe (1905--2000)的学术生平是从学术传承上深入探讨这个问题的重要线索,有助于从局部和整体上理解美国古植物学的生物学派快速崛起的内在原因。
Ernst Cleverland Abbe (1905--2000)
http://botany.org/PlantScienceBulletin/psb-2000-46-2.php#ErnstCleveland Abbe, 1905-2000
A Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
46(2), Summer, 2000
Ernst Cleverland Abbe分别于1928年和1930年在康奈尔大学获得学士和硕士学位,导师是重视古植物学的著名植物形态解剖学家Arthur Johnson Eames(1881--1969)。1934年,Ernst Cleverland Abbe在哈佛大学获得生物学博士学位,导师为Ralph H.Wetmore(1892--1989)[ R. H. Wetmore后来当选为美国科学院院士]。
Ernst Cleverland Abbe的博士学位论文题目是:基于花序、花和次生木质部的解剖学研究探讨桦木科的属间关系。其基本信息如下:
Title: The inter-relationship of the genera of the Betulaceae, based on anatomical studies of the inflorescence, the flowers, and the secondary xylem.
Author / Creator:Abbe, ErnstC. (Ernst Cleveland), 1905-2000.
Description: ff. (3), 262. Plates and other illustr. 4to
Language: English
Notes: Typewritten.
"Literature cited," ff. 256-262.
Thesis note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--Harvard University, 1934.
Keyword: Betulaceae.
Creation Date: 1934
HOLLIS Number: 003727331
Permalink: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/003727331/catalog
1935年,Ernst Cleverland Abbe开始供职于明尼苏达大学植物系。关于Ernst Cleverland Abbe到该系入职的经过如下:
“Several promising young faculty members were hired in the 1930s. Doctor Ernst C. Abbe joined the Department in 1935. Abbe received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1934, having previously taken B.S. and M.S. degrees from Cornell. An accomplished scholar in morphology,cytology, genetics and phyto-geography, Abbe was hired as an Instructor to develop the Department's cytology and cytogenetics programs. As was mentioned above, the cytology position had been vacant since the Department began, and it was with appreciation and pleasure that the faculty welcomed Abbe to the University.”[参见SheriL. Bartlett于1989年关于明尼苏达大学植物系百年发展历史的回顾]
Ernst Cleverland Abbe在明尼苏达大学植物系工作了39年,一直到1974年退休。期间,1944—1947年、1962—1967年两度担任系主任。Ernst Cleverland Abbe对明尼苏达大学植物系的发展产生影响。
Ernst Cleverland Abbe的部分论著如下:
Chromosome numbers and the anatomy of secondary xylem inthe Oleaceae
K Sax, EC Abbe - J. Arnold Arbor,1932 - kbd.kew.org
Studies in the phylogeny of the Betulaceae. I. Floral andinflorescence anatomy and morphology
EC Abbe - Botanical Gazette, 1935 -JSTOR
EC Abbe - Rhodora, 1936 – JSTOR
EC Abbe - Botanical Gazette, 1938 -JSTOR
Phytogeographical observations innorthernmost Labrador
EC Abbe- Amer. Geo. Soc. Special Publ, 1938
The expedition to Hudson Bay of the University ofMinnesota
EC Abbe - Science, 1939 -sciencemag.org
Inflorescence, floral anatomy and morphology of Leitneriafloridana
EC Abbe, TT Earle - Bulletin of theTorrey Botanical Club, 1940 - JSTOR
The developmental relationship between shoot apex andgrowth pattern of leaf blade in diploid maize
EC Abbe, LF Randolph, J Einset -American Journal of Botany, 1941 - JSTOR
Comparison of shoot apex and leaf development andstructure in diploid and tetraploid maize
LF Randolph, EC Abbe, J Einset -Jour. Agr. Res, 1944 - naldc.nal.usda.gov
Braya in boreal eastern America
EC Abbe - Rhodora, 1948 – JSTOR
FK Butters, EC Abbe - Rhodora, 1953- JSTOR
Vascular plants of the Hamilton River area,Labrador
EC Abbe - Contributions from theGray Herbarium of Harvard …, 1955 - JSTOR
Flowers and inflorescences of the “Amentiferae”
EC Abbe - The botanical review, 1974- Springer
Reproductive phenology of the oak family (Fagaceae) in thelowland rain forests of Borneo
RB Kaul, EC Abbe, LB Abbe -Biotropica, 1986 - JSTOR
∮4 Harlan P. Banks (1913--1998)与明尼苏达大学古植物学
Harlan P. Banks是20世纪最著名的泥盆纪古植物学家。他于1969—1975年担任任国际古植物学协会主席,1980年当选为美国科学院院士。
1940年,Harlan P. Banks毕业于康奈尔大学,师从植物学教授Loren Clifford Petry(1887--1970)。
1940—1947年,Harlan P.Banks供职于Acadia University(Wolfville, Nova Scotia),教授植物学。
1947—1949年,Harlan P.Banks供职于明尼苏达大学植物系,但仅仅工作了两年。关于Harlan P. Banks到该系入职的经过如下:
“With the physiology program again on solid ground, Department faculty turned their attention to the elementary courses. In October of 1947 Rolla Tryon accepted a position at the Missouri Botanical Garden, thus leaving the course in general botany and the recently created course in general biology (team-taught by Botany and Zoology) in astate of uncertainty. Harlan P. Banks from Acadia University in Nova Scotia had been hired earlier in the year,and he soon had responsibility for both courses) Unfortunately Banks only stayed with the Department for two years,and for the next few years the Department created a series of temporaryappointments to keep the elementary courses going.”[参见Sheri L. Bartlett于1989年关于明尼苏达大学植物系百年发展历史的回顾]
1949年,康奈尔大学植物形态学家—Arthur Johnson Eames(1881--1969)退休。Harlan P. Banks有机会返回康奈尔大学工作,继承Loren Clifford Petry的衣钵,全面领导康奈尔的古植物学研究,也成为美国古植物学的学术领袖。
∮5 John Walton Hall (1918--)与明尼苏达大学古植物学
古植物学家John Walton Hall 是UMASS Amherst植物学名师Ray Ethan Torrey(1887--1956)的学生。后来,John Walton Hall在伊利诺斯大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—UIUC)跟随“学长”Oswald Tippo(1912--1999)攻读博士学位,主要研究桦木科植物的比较解剖学和系统发育,于1950年毕业获得博士学位。John Walton Hall的博士学位论文基本信息:
Author:Hall, John Walton,1918-
Title: The comparative anatomy and phylogeny of the Betulaceae.
Thesis/Dissertation: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 1950.
Physical Description: 117 leaves : ill., photos ; 28 cm.
Includes: Includes bibliographical references.
Notes: Vita.
Persistent link to this page:
1950年,John Walton Hall开始供职于明尼苏达大学植物系长达36年,于1986年退休。关于John Walton Hall到该系入职的经过如下:
“During 1949 and1950 the Department continued to add faculty members. Thomas
Morley was suggested as acandidate for the vacant position in taxonomy, and he joined the
faculty in the autumn of 1949 asan Instructor in botany. Morley came from the University of
California and soon took overmost of the instruction in the taxonomy courses. The General Botany and GeneralBiology courses continued to be a source of consternation and confusion,however, until the hiring of John W. Hall in 1950. Hall's primary research area was
paleobotany; he used coal balls to study fossilizedplants.42WhileHall managed and
taught the course in GeneralBotany, the General Biology course remained problematic.
In June,1950, Ross Moir was offered an instructorship to teach the Botany half of
General Biology after Botany andZoology were unable to come to an agreement on an individual
to teach both halves of the course; Moir also taughtthe course Plants Useful to Man. A number of peopletaught in the General Biology sequence during the 1940s and 1950s, includingNorman H. Russell,John Pelton,Rudolf Schuster, Patricia Rand, George Yerganian and Lloyd Hulbert.”[参见SheriL. Bartlett于1989年关于明尼苏达大学植物系百年发展历史的回顾]
∮6 John Walton Hall (1918--)的古植物学成就
John Walton Hall服务美国植物学会古植物学分会数年,担任过秘书、会计和主席。参见:
Former Section Officers, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
1969 | Seattle | 9/68 | A.A. Cridland | J.W. Hall | A. Watt |
| C.B. Beck |
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
1970 | Bloomington | 9/69 | J. Canright | J.W. Hall | A. Watt |
| C.B. Beck |
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
1971 | Edmonton | 9/70 | C. Miller | J.W. Hall | A. Watt |
| C.B. Beck |
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
1972 | Minneapolis | 8/71 | J.W. Hall | T.N. Taylor | A. Watt |
| J.W. Schopf |
John Walton Hall的部分研究论文如下:
Hall, J. W. 1952. The phloem of Heterangium americanum.American Midland Naturalist 47: 763–768 .
Hall, J. W. 1954. The genus Stephanospermum in Americancoal balls. Botanical Gazette 115: 346 – 360 .
Hall, J. W. 1961. Anachoropteris involuta and itsattachment to a Tubicaulis type of stem from the Pennsylvanian of Iowa .American Journal of Botany 48:731 – 737 .
Hall, J. W. 1969. Studies of fossil Azolla : Primitivetypes of megaspores and massulae from the Cretaceous . American Journal ofBotany 56: 1173 – 1180 .
Hall, J. W. 1971. A spore with cytoplasm-like contentsfrom the Cretaceous of Minnesota, USA. Pollen et Spores 13 : 163 – 168 .
Hall, J. W. 1974. Cretaceous Salviniaceae . Annals ofthe Missouri Botanical Garden 61: 354 – 367 .
Hall, J. W. 1975. Ariadnaesporites and Glomerisporitesin the Late Cretaceous: Ancestral Salviniaceae . American Journal of Botany 62: 359 – 369 .
Hall, J. W., and R. D. Bergad . 1971. A critical studyof three Cretaceous
salviniaceous megaspores . Micropaleontology 17 : 345 –356 .
Hall, J. W., and B. M. Stidd . 1971 . Ontogeny of Vesicaspora, a Late Pennsylvanian pollen grain . Palaeontology 14 : 431 – 436 .
Hall, J. W. , and N. P. Swanson. 1968. Studies on fossilAzolla: Azolla montana , a Cretaceous megaspore with many small fl oats. AmericanJournal of Botany 55 : 1055 –1061 .
John Walton Hall退休后,后继无人,他在明尼苏达大学植物系积累的约2万份植物化石标本成为“古植物学孤儿”。现在,John Walton Hall的植物化石标本被托孤给佛罗里达自然历史博物馆古植物部。这个古植物部主要由John Walton Hall的学生--古植物学家David L.Dilcher创建和发展的。参见:
“TheFLMNH Paleobotanical Collection includes approximately 250,000 specimens. Thisis a conservative estimate that does not take into account the fact that anindividual hand sample may contain more than one fossil of interest. Inaddition, the facility houses the John W. Hall paleobotanical collection(approximately 20,000 specimens) transferred from the University of Minnesota.”
孙启高 2015年6月25日晨整理
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The rise and fall of the paleobotany ofthe University of Minnesota
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American Research-focused Universities and Paleobotany
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----American Research-focused Universities andPaleobotany“美国研究型大学古植物学”
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HarlanP. Banks:《比较形态学与古植物学的崛起》
Story of Palaeobotany Series (92):
Americanpalaeobotanist--Harlan P. Banks(1913—1998):Comparative morphology and the rise of paleobotany [English information with Chinese introduction]
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Story of Palaeobotany Series(121):
The Year-2009 Chinese Government Friendship Prize winner--David L. Dilcher (NAS)[In Chinese]
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