

游走于科学与神学之间的美国孢粉学家Alfred Traverse (1925--)

已有 3765 次阅读 2015-3-6 08:05 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| Traverse

   美国著名孢粉学家--Alfred Traverse (1925--)退休前担任Pennsylvania State University地球科学系教授。他曾于20世纪50年代末--60年代初担任美国植物学会古植物学分会主席。1973—1976年,担任国际孢粉学联合会主席。

    1965年,Alfred Traverse获得神学硕士学位。翌年,他成为牧师。


1946 S.B., magna cum laude Harvard University (Biology) Phi Beta Kappa, SigmaXi
Certificate, King's College, Cambridge,England (Botany; student of  H. Hamshaw Thomas)
A.M., Harvard University (Paleobotany)
Ph.D., Harvard University (Paleobotany;student of Elso S. Barghoorn)
M.Div., Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest

   Alfred Traverse哈佛大学完成的博士学位论文:

Title: The pollen and spores of the Brandon lignite, a coal in Vermont of lower Tertiary age.

Author:Traverse,Alfred, 1925-

Language: English

Notes: Thesis note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1951.

HOLLIS Number: 003978817

Creation Date: 1951



1951—55 Coal Technologist and Head, Fuels Microscopy Laboratory,   U.S.Bureau of Mines
Palynologist - Research, Shell DevelopmentCompany
Consultant, Palynology, Austin, Texas
Assistant Professor of Geology, Universityof Texas
Associate Professor of Geology andBiology, The Pennsylvania  StateUniversity
Professor of Palynology, The PennsylvaniaState University
Guest Professor, Geological Institute,Swiss Federal Technical  Institute,Zurich
Senior Fulbright Research Professor,Senckenberg Natural History   Museum, Frankfurt a/M, Germany
Professor Emeritus of Palynology, ThePennsylvania State University


   Alfred Traverse著述很多(见附录)



Traverse, Alfred ( Penn State University, Penn StateUniversity Park)

Umbrella of American palaeobotany-5

哈佛大学古植物学:悠久淡定 & 仍在路上

美国科学院院士、哈佛大学古植物学家Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn Jr.(1915--1984)

Harvard palaeobotanist Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn Jr.(NAS, 1915--1984) [In Chinese]



Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229thissue in total]

Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists

2014-9-10 05:45


Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.231)[The 232nd issue in total]


(The 2nd Addendum to the Special Issue for British Palaeobotany)[in Chinese]

英国古植物学家Hugh Hamshaw Thomas (1885--1962)与开通果(Caytonia)之“重大发现”





Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.317) [The 318th issue in total]

Umbrella of American palaeobotany—82: Alfred Traverse (1925--)

游走于科学与神学之间的美国孢粉学家--Alfred Traverse (1925--)

2015-3-6 08:05


附录--Alfred Traverse (1925--)发表论著目录


  • Traverse. A., 1950. The primary vascular body of Mesoxylonthompsonii, a new American cordaitalean. Amer. J. Bot. 37: 318-325.

  • ________ and E.S. Barghoorn, 1953. Micropaleontology ofthe Brandon Lignite, an Early Tertiary coal in central Vermont. J. Paleont. 27:289-293.

  • Traverse, A., 1954. A method for the petrographicanalysis of commercially delivered lignite. Econ. Geol 49: 92-100.

  • ________ Occurrence and properties of lignitic coals.U.S. Bureau of Mines Inf. Circular 7691: 33-76.

  • ________ Coal microscopy: an important researchtechnique. Consulting Engineer 4: 38-41, 78-9.

  • ________ Applications of coal microscopy. ConsultingEngineer 4: 32-5, 74.

  • Traverse, A., 1955. Pollen analysis of the BrandonLignite of Vermont. U.S. Bureau of Mines Re ort of Investigations 5151: 108 pp.

  • ________ Occurrence of the oil-forming alga Botryococcusin lignites and other Tertiary sediments. Micropaleont. 1: 343-50.

  • ________ Behavior of petrographic components of NorthDakota lignite in preparation, low-temperature carbonization and steam-drying.Econ. Geol. 50: 102.

  • ________ 1956. Systematic methods for Mesozoic andCenozoic plant microfossils. Micropaleont. 2: 396-8.

  • ________ 1957. The nomenclatural problem of plantmicrofossil species belonging to extant genera. Micropaleont. 3: 255-8.

  • ________ 1958. Locating plant microfossils on mixedslides. Micropaleont. 4: 207-8.

  • ________ 1960. P.S.B.S.A. the oldest organization ofpaleobotanists in the world. Plant Sci. Bull. 6: 1-4.

  • ________ Report of the S.E.P.M. delegate to the IXInternational Botanical Congress, Montreal, Quebec, August: J. Sed. Petrol. 30:340.

  • ________ Still more on conversion of microscopecoordinates. Micropaleont. 6: 424.

  • ________ 1961. Effect of the 1959 International BotanicalCongress on nomenclature of fossil spores and pollen. Micropaleont. 7: 485-9.

  • Traverse, A., K.H. Clisby and F. Foreman, 1961. Pollen indrilling mud "thinners", a source of palynological contamination.Micropaleont. 7: 375-7.

  • Traverse, A., 1965. Preparation of modern pollen andspores for palynological reference collections. In B. Kummel and D. Raup(eds.), Handbook of Paleontological Technigues. San Francisco: Freeman:598-613.

  • ________ 1966. Review of "Morphologic Encyclopediaof Palynology. An Internationnal Collection of Definitions and Illustrations ofSpores and Pollen," by G.O.W. Kremp. Econ. Bot. 20: 468.

  • Traverse, A. and R.N. Ginsburg, 1966. Palynology of thesurface sediments of Great Bahama Bank as related to water movement andsedimentation. Marine Geol. 4: 417-59.

  • Quinlan, J.F. and A. Traverse, 1967. Humic acid and humate deposits in Salts Cave and MammothCave, Kentucky: a preliminary report. Nat. Speleological Soc. Bull. 29:3: 93-9.

  • Traverse, A. and R.N. Ginsburg, 1967. Pollen andassociated microfossils in the marine surface sediments of the Great BahamaBank. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 3: 243-54.

  • Traverse, A., 1967 (Abstract) Diagenesis of jet. Program,Geol. Soc. Amer., New Orleans meeting.

  • ________ and D.J. Nichols, 1967 (Abstract) Palynologicaland petrological characteristics of the commercial lignites of Texas. Program,Geol. Soc. Amer., New Orleans meeting.

  • Kremp, G.O.W., A. Traverse, and H.T. Ames, 1967.Permian-Triassic transition and Mesozoic spores and pollen. Catalog of FossilSpores and Pollen 26: 280 pp.

  • Traverse, A., H.T. Ames and G.O.W. Kremp, 1967.Carboniferous megaspores and microspores. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen27: 305 pp.

  • Traverse, A. and R.W. Kolvoord, 1968. Utah jet: avitrinite with aberrant properties. Science 159: 302-5.

  • Traverse, A., H.T. Ames and G.O.W. Kremp, 1968. Mesozoicmegaspores, microspores, and pollen. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 28:280 pp.

  • Traverse, A., 1968. Review of "Pflanzensoziologieund Palynologie: Bericht iiber das internationale Symposium in Stolzenzu/Weser1962, der internationalen Vereinigung fur Vegetationskunde," R. Tuxen(ed.). J. Paleontol. 42:2: 608-9.

  • ________ and H.T. Ames, 1968. Mesozoic and Cenozoicspores, pollen and other microfossils. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 29:282 pp.

  • Traverse, A., 1968 (Abstract) What is sporopollenin? Am.J. Bot. 55: 722.

  • Traverse, A. and H.T. Ames, 1969. Mesozoic and Cenozoicspores and pollen. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 30: 382 pp.

  • ________ Mesozoic and Cenozoic spores and pollen. Catalogof Fossil Spores and Pollen 31: 326 pp.

  • Traverse, A., H.T. Ames and W. Spackman, 1969.Information Circular 8. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen, 23 pp.

  • Traverse, A., 1970. Review of "Handbook ofPalynology," by G. Erdtman and "Aspects of Palynology," R.H.Tschudy and R.A. Scott (eds.). Am. Scientist 58: 443-4

  • ________ and H.T. Ames, 1970. Devonian spores. Catalog ofFossil Spores and Pollen 32: 349 pp.

  • ________ Cumulative Index, volumes 21-30. Catalog ofFossil Spores and Pollen, 166 pp.

  • Traverse, A. and W. Spackman, 1970. Catalog of FossilSpores and pollen - history and status. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 10: 165-73.

  • Dunay, R.E. and A. Traverse, 1971. Preliminary report onTriassic spores and pollen of the Dockum Group, Texas Panhandle. Geosci. andMan 3: 65-8.

  • Nichols, D.J. and A. Traverse, 1971. Palynology,Petrology, and depositional environment of some Early Tertiary lignites inTexas. Geosci. and Man 3: 37-48.

  • Traverse, A., 1971. Review of "Aspects ofPalynology," R.H. Tschudy and R.A. Scott (eds.). The Bryologist 74; 228-9.

  • ________ and H.T. Ames, 1971. Cretaceous pollen andspores. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 33: 266 pp.

  • Traverse, A., 1972. Palynological definitions. Glossaryof Geology, M. Gary, et al. (eds.). Am. Geol. Inst.

  • ________ A case of marginal palynology: a study of theFranciscan Melanges. Geosci. and Man 4: 87-90.

  • ________ Review of "Evolution of the Earth," byR.H. Dott, Jr. and R.L. Batten. J. Palqonfol, 46; 925-7,

  • ________ and H.T. Ames, 1972. Cenozoic pollen and spores.Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 34: 273 pp.

  • ________ Permian pollen and spores. Catalog of FossilSpores and Pollen 35: 318 pp.

  • Traverse, A., H.T. Ames and W. Spackman, 1973. Cretaceouspollen and spores. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 36: 293 pp.

  • ________ Paleozoic megaspores and miospores. Catalog ofFossil Spores and Pollen 37: 236 pp.

  • ________ Information Circular 9. Catalog of Fossil Sporesand Pollen, 27 pp.

  • May, F.E. and A. Traverse. 1973. Palynology of the DakotaSandstone (middle Cretaceous) near Bryce Canyon National Park, southern Utah.Geosci. and Man 7: 57-64.

  • Nichols, D.J., H.T. Ames and A. Traverse, 1973. On ArecipitesWodehouse, Monocolpollenites Thomson & Pflug, and the species"Monocolpollenites tranquillus: Taxon 22: 241-56.

  • Warg, J.B. and A. Traverse, 1973. A palynological studyof shales and "coals" of a Devonian-Mississippian transition zone,Central Pennsylvania. Geosci. and Man 7: 39-46.

  • Cornet, B., A. Traverse and N.G. McDonald, 1973. Fossilspores, pollen, and fishes from Connecticut indicate Early Jurassic age forpart of the Newark Group. Science 182:4118: 1243-7.

  • Traverse, A., 1973 (Abstract) Palynological investigationof WHOI Black Sea cores, 1474-K and 1474-P. Geosci. and Man 7: 125.

  • Traverse, A., 1974. Plant microfossils help date rocks ofquestionable age. Earth & Mineral Sciences 43:4: 28-9.

  • ________ Palynologic investigation of two Black Seacores. In Degens, E.T. and D.A. Ross (eds.), The Black Sea Geology, Chemistryand Biology. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. 20: 381-8.

  • ________ Paleopalynology, 1947-1972. Ann. Missouri Bot.Gard. 61:1: 203-36.

  • ________ Review of "World Pollen and SporeFlora," S. Nilsson (ed.). The Bryologist 77:3: 495.

  • Traverse, A., H.T. Ames and W. Spackman, 1974. Mesozoicpollen and spores. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen 38: 246 pp.

  • ________ 1975. Mesozoic pollen and spores. Catalog ofFossil Spores and Pollen 39: 250 pp.

  • Wilson, B.R. and A. Traverse, 1975 (Abstract) Furtherinformation on the palynological stratigraphy of Devonian-Carboniferous rocksof central Pennsylvania. Geosci. and Man 11: 160.

  • Cornet, B. and A. Traverse, 1975. Palynologicalcontributions to the chronology and stratigraphy of the Hartford Basin inConnecticut and Massachusetts. Geosci. and Man 11: 1-33.

  • Traverse, A., 1975. The challenge of abundance inpalynomorphs a critique. Geosci. and Man 11: 14S-7.

  • ________ Report of the Committee for Fossil Plants, IAPT,to the XII International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, 1975. Taxon 24: 387-9,690.

  • ________ Review of "Mesozoic and CenozoicPalynology: Essays in Honor of Isabel Cookson," J.E. Glover and G.Playford (eds.). Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 19: 239-40.

  • ________ (Abstract) Further Franciscan forays. Geosci.and Man 15: 146.

  • Traverse, A., B. Cornet and H.T. Ames, 1975 (Abstract) Anew look at the "Classopollis-Circulina" taxonomicnomenclatural problem. Geosci. and Man 11: 159-60.

  • Ames, H.T., A. Traverse and W. Spackman, 1976.Triassic-Cretaceous spores and pollen. Cataloa of Fossil S ores and Pollen 40:243 pp.

  • Traverse, A. and B. Cornet, 1976. Palynologicalcontributions to the chronology and stratigraphy of the Hartford Basin inConnecticut and Massachusetts: Corrections. Geosci. and Man 1S: 141.

  • Traverse, A., 1976. (Abstract) History of the lateCenozoic climate and vegetation in the Black Sea drainage based on DSDP deepcores ("Glomar Challenger" Leg 42B). Abstracts of papers received for4th Int. Palynological Conf., Lucknow, India: 184.

  • ________ Report to the IAPT Committee for Fossil Plants.IOP Newsletter 1: 2-3.

  • Cornet, B. and A. Traverse, 1976. (Abstract) TheTriassic-Liassic basins of eastern North America palynofloral evidence fortheir age and paleoecology. Abstracts of papers received for 4th Int. PalynologicalConf., Lucknow, India: 38.

  • Traverse, A., 1977. (Abstract) Preliminary palynologicalresults of "Glomar Challenger" Leg 42B (1975) to the Black Sea.Palynol. 1: 177.

  • ________ and H.T. Ames, 1977. Cumulative Index, vols.31-40. Catalog of Fossil Spores and Pollen: 165 pp.

  • Bebout, J.W. and A. Traverse, 1978. (Abstract)Paleoclimatic reconstruction for the Golden Valley Formation (Paleocene-Eocene)of North Dakota, based on overlapping geographic ranges of overlapping"relict genera". Palynol. 2: 213-14.

  • Streel, M. and A. Traverse, 1978. (Abstract) Spores fromthe Devonian/Mississippian transition in the Horseshoe Curve section nearAltoona, Pennsylvania. Palynol. 2: 233.

  • Traverse, A., 1978. International Commission forPalynology. Grana 17: 1: 59-60.

  • ________ International Commission for Palynology. Lethaia11: 216.

  • ________ Review of "Atlas of airborne pollen grainsand spores in northern Europe," by S. Nilsson, J. Praglowski and L.Nilsson. The Bryologist 81:4: 643.

  • ________ Palynological analysis of DSDP Leg 42B (1975)cores from the Black Sea. Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. XLII:2: 993-1015.

  • ________ Supplementary palynological information fromSite Reports, DSDP Leg 42B. Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. XLII:2: 29, 41,48, 119, 128, 147, 159, 161, 293, 305, 399. . Application of simple arithmeticratios to study of DSDP Black Sea cores. Palaeobotanist 25: 525-8.

  • Streel, M. and A. Traverse, 1978. Spores from theDevonian/Mississippian transition near the Horseshoe Curve section, Altoona.Pennsylvania U.S.A. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 26: 21-39.

  • Strother, P.K. and A. Traverse, 1979. Plant microfossilsfrom Llandoverian and Wenlockian rocks of Pennsylvania. Palynology 3: 1-21.

  • Traverse, A. and S.V. Meyen, 1979. Proposal on Article 3:remove "form-genus" too!. In Proposals to revise ICBN. Taxon 28:5/6:595-8.

  • Hedlund, R.W. and A. Traverse, 1979. Mart Philip Schemel,1925-1979. (Obituary). AASP Newsletter 12:4: 2.

  • Traverse, A., 1979. (Abstract) Palynological insightsinto Neogene climates of the Black Sea Basin. Palynol. 3: 293.

  • ________ Review of "The whole fungus: thesexual-asexual synthesis," W. B. Kendrick (ed.) (Proc. 2nd Int. Mycol.Conf., Nat. Mus. Nat. Sci., Nat. Mus. Canada and Kananaskis Found., Ottawa,Canada), 2 vols., 793 pp. ICP Newsletter 2:2: 6.

  • ________ All you probably want to know about amendmentsto the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature ("ICBN"), andmore.... IOP Newsletter 9: 7-10.

  • Strother, P.K. and A. Traverse, 1979. (Abstract) Plantremains in Silurian rocks of Pennsylvania. Palynol. 3: 292.

  • Delfel, D., A. Traverse and J.W. Fuchs-Parker, 1979.(Abstract) Palynostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous La Ventana Formation, NewMexico. AASP, Abstr. with Program, Nov. 1-2,1979: 10.

  • Artiiz, S. and A. Traverse, 1980. (Abstract) SEM andlight-microscopy of single specimens of Namurian Turkish coal spores. 5th Int.Palynol. Conf. Abstracts, Cambridge, 1980: 20.

  • Robbins, E.I. and A. Traverse, 1980. Degradedpalynomorphs from the Dan River (North Carolina)-Danville (Virginia) Basin.Carolina Geol. Soc. Field Triy Guidebook, Oct. 11-12, 1980: B-X-1 to B-X-11.

  • Traverse, A., 1981. Report of the Committee for FossilPlants. Taxon 30: 473-5.

  • Choi, D.K., A. Traverse and L.J. Hickey, 1981. (Abstract)Preliminary report on the paleopalynology of the Eureka Sound Formation,Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands, Canadian Arctic. Palynology 5: 233.

  • Delfel, D., A. Traverse and J.W. Fuchs-Parker, 1981.(Abstract) Palynostratigraphy of the late Cretaceous La Ventana Formation, NewMexico. Palynology 5: 214.

  • Strother, P.K. and A. Traverse, 1981. (Abstract) EarlySilurian nonmarine palynoflorules from Poe Paddy, Pennsylvania. Palynology 5:223.

  • Litwin, R.J., A. Traverse and S.R. Ash, 1981. (Abstract)Spores from compressed fern megafossils of the Chinle Formation - a preliminaryreport. Palynology 5: 239.

  • Litwin, R.J. and A. Traverse, 1982. (Abstract) In situTriassic fern spores and their biostratigraphic implications. Bot. Soc. Am.Abstracts (1982): 60.

  • Traverse, A., 1982. Review of "Geobotany II,"R.C. Romans (ed.). Science 216: 616. . XIII International Botanical Congress:about IBC. AASP Newsletter 15:1: 6-10.

  • ________ Response of world vegetation to Neogene tectonicand climatic events. Alcheringa 6: 197-209.

  • Traverse, A. and J. Muller, 1982. Report of the Committeefor Fossil Plants. Taxon 31:2: 317-18.

  • Ash, S., R.J. Litwin and A. Traverse, 1982. The UpperTriassic fern Phlebopteris smithii (Daugherty) Arnold and its spores.Palynology 6: 203-19.

  • Robbins, E.I. and A. Traverse, 1982. (Abstract) Processesof natural resource accumulaition in ancient lake sediments in the Newark RiftSystem (Eastern North America). CIMP-AASP meeting, Dublin, Abstracts: 21.

  • Traverse, A., 1982. Review of "Spores d' Hepatiquesdu Neogene tunisien et sedimentation sporale." The Bryologist 85:3: 358.

  • Traverse, A., 1983. (Abstract) Fundy Group palynofloruleson the northern margin of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Can. Geo. Soc. Am.18th Ann. Mtg., Northeastern Sec., Abstracts with Programs 1983, p. 122.

  • Traverse, A., 1983. About those "100"000,000-year-oldclues". Earth & Mineral Sciences 52:4:41-43.

  • Traverse, A. and H.J. Sullivan. 1983. The background, origins and early history of theAmerican Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. Palynology 7: 7-17.

  • Johnson, N.G., A. Traverse and P.K. Strother, 1983.(Abstract) Plant microfossils from the Lower Silurian Tuscarora Formation atMill Hall, Pennsylvania. Am. J. Bot. 70:5:21: 72.

  • Strother, P.K., N.G. Johnson and A. Traverse, 1983.(Abstract) Morphology and phylogeny of Silurian spore tetrads. Am. J. Bot.70:5:2: 79.

  • Litwin, R.J. and A. Traverse, 1984. (Abstract).Palynostratigraphic significance of palynoflora and spore-bearing organs ofTriassic ferns of the Chinle Formation of Arizona and New Mexico. Geol. Soc.Am., Northeast Section Abstracts with Programs (1984):47.

  • Wilson, B.R., Traverse, A. and Williams, E.G., 1984.Palynological delineation of the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian unconformity inwest-central Pennsylvania. In Biostratigraphy, P.K. Sutherland and W.L. Manger(eds.). 9th Int. Cong. on Carboniferous Stratigraphy A Geology (vol. 2):337-344.

  • Johnson, N.G. and A. Traverse, 1985. (Abstract) EarlySilurian plant microfossils of central Pennsylvania: biological and geologicalsignificance. Am. J. Bot. 72, June, 1985:888.

  • Johnson, N.G., P.K. Strother and A. Traverse, 1985.(Abstract) Indications of an algal affnity for some Early Silurian plantmicrofossils from central Pennsylvania. Am. J. Bot. 72, June, 1985: 895.

  • Traverse, A., 1985. (Abstract) Paleopalynological insightson dating of Newark Supergroup rocks and their correlation with Europeansections. AAPG Bull. 69:9:1450.

  • Traverse, A., J.S. Bridge, M.E. Bowers and A. Schuyler,1985. (Abstract) Stratigraphic zonation and paleoecology of part of the lateDevonian Catskill Magnafacies, south-central New York. Palynology 9:255.

  • Traverse, A., 1986. Palynology of the Deep River Basin,North Carolina. In: Depositiona1 Framework of a Triassic Rift Basin: the Durhamand Sanford Sub-basins of the Deep River Basin, North Carolina, P.J.W. Gore(ed.). Soc. Economic Paleontol. R Mineralom. 3rd annual midyear meeting. FieldTrip 43: 12-17.

  • Gore, P.J.W. and A. Traverse, 1986. Triassic Notostracansin the Newark Supergroup, Culpeper Basin, northern Virginia. J. Paleont. 60:5,1086-96.

  • Moy, C. and A. Traverse, 1986. Palynostratigraphy of thesubsurface Eagle Mills Formation (Triassic) from a well in east-central Texas.Palynology 10: 225-234.

  • Schamel, S., R. Ressetar, S. Gawarecki, G. KendallTaylor, A. Traverse, H.F. Houghton and P. Letourneau, 1986. (Abstract) EarlyMesozoic RiA Basins of eastern United States. A.A.P.G. Bull. 70:S, 644.

  • McNeill, J., Korf, R.P., Stirton, C.H., Traverse, A. andChi-Sheng Wu, 1986. (313)-(316) Proposals on the provision for the use ofEnglish, as an alternative to Latin, for the valid publication of the names ofnew taxa. Taxon 35:4, 880-883.

  • Traverse, A., 1987. Pollen and spores date origin of riftbasins from Texas to Nova Scotia as Early Late Triassic. Science 12 June 1987,vol. 236: 1469-1472.

  • ________ J.S. Bridge and A. Schuyler, 1987. (Abstract)Palynostratigraphy and paleoecology of parts of the Catskill Magnafacies of NewYork and Pennsylvania. 2nd Int. Symposium on the Devonian System, Calgary,Alberta, Canada - August 17-20, 1987: Program and Abstracts: 229.

  • Robbins, E.I., B. Cornet and A. Traverse, 1987.(Abstract) Biostratigraphic control points and age of the Early Mesozoic stratain the eastern United States. Geology of the Early Mesozoic Basins of EasternNorth America: Worksho May 11-14 1987: 31.

  • Traverse, A., 19S7. (Abstract) Closing the semicircle:palynofloras of the Eagle Mills Formation and South Georgia Basin date theinitial rifting-precursors of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. Palynol.11: 254-255.

  • ________ (Abstract) Plant evolution dances to a differentbeat. XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin, Abstracts: 286.

  • Farley, M.B. and A. Traverse, 1987. Palynology of acarbonaceous levee/crevasse splay, Lower Eocene"Bighorn Basin (Wyoming).Palynology 11: 225-226.

  • Traverse, A., 1988. Paleopalynology [a textbook].Unwin/Hyman Ltd., U.K., 600 pp.

  • ________ (Abstract) Pollen in Trinity River and Bay,Texas, and its correlation with vegetation. Palynol. 12: 247.

  • ________ (Abstract) Studies of pollen and spores inrivers and other bodies of water, in terms of source-vegetation andsedimentation. 7 International Palynological Congress Brisbane Abstracts: 165.

  • ________ (Abstract) Spores/pollen support plant evolutionharkening to a different drummer. 7 International Palynological CongressBrisbane Abstracts, 164.

  • Traverse, A.. 1988. Plant evolution dances to a differentbeat. Historical Biology 1: 277-301.

  • Arens, N.C. and A. Traverse, 1989. The effect of microwaveoven-drying on the integrity of spore and pollen exines in herbarium specimens.Taxon 38(3): 394-403.

  • Litwin, R.J. and A. Traverse, 1989. 8. Basic guidelinesfor palynomorph extraction and preparation from sedimentary rocks. In R. M.Feldmann, R. E. Chapman & J. T. Hannibal (eds.), Paleotechniques.Paleontological Society Spec. Pub. 4: 87-98.

  • Traverse, A. and Schuyler, A. 1989. (Abstract) Fortschritte in der Palynostratigraphie der"Catskill magnafacies", im Suden des Bundesstaates New York, USA. Arbeitskreis fiir Paleobot. Palynol., 9-12 May, 1989Krefeld, West Germany.

  • Traverse"A., 1990. The ravages of oxidation onpollen of Althaea rosea ("hollyhock"). Stuifmail 8:1, 12.

  • ________ Anyone for Hittite? Taxon 39(2): 290.

  • ________ Plant evolution in relation to world crises andthe apparent resilience of Kingdom Plantae. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclimatol.,Palaeoecol. (Global and planetary Change Section) 82: 203-211.

  • Farley, M.B. and A. Traverse, 1990. Usefulness ofpalynomorph concentrations in distinguishing Paleogene depositionalenvironments in Wyoming (U.S.A.) Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 64: 325-329.

  • Schuyler, A. and Traverse. A., 1990. Sedimentology ofmiospores in the Middle to Upper Devonian Oneonta Formation, CatskillMagnafacies, New York. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 64: 305-313.

  • Traverse, A., 1990. Studies of pollen and spores inrivers and other bodies of water, in terms of source-vegetation andsedimentation, with special reference to Trinity River and Bay, Texas. Rev.Palaeobot. Palynology 64: 297-303.

  • ________ Review of Triassic and Earliest JurassicMiospores from the Murihiku Supergroup, New Zealand by N.J. de Jersey &J.I. Raine (N.Z. Geol. Surv., Paleont. Bull. 62, 164 pp. + plates and figs.).Palynos 13:2: 6-7.

  • ________ 1991. The yellowish scum of Big Moose Lake.Stuifmail 9:1:10.

  • Litwin, R.J., A. Traverse and S.R. Ash, 1991. Preliminarypalynological zonation of the Chinle Formation, southwestern U.S.A., and itscorrelation to the Newark Supergroup (eastern U.S.A.). Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol.68: 269-287.

  • Traverse, A., 1992. Giant ubisch bodies and other'throwaway sporopollenin' as sources of information. Current Science (India),61:9&10, 678-681.

  • Traverse, A., 1992. Organic fluvial sediment:palynomorphs and "palynodebris" in the Lower Trinity River, Texas.Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 79: 110-125.

  • ________ 1993. Review of Evolution Plant Biology (ABirbal Sahni Birth Centen Tribute), B.S. Venkatachala, D.L. Dilcher & H.K.Maheshwari (eds.). Palynos 16:1 (1993): 8-9.

  • ________ Manifestations of sporopollenin, chitin andother "non-degradable plastics" in the geologic record, as evidencefor major biologic events. Geophytology 22: 65-71.

  • ________ Professor W.G. Chaloner, F.R.S. A man for allsubjects. Spec. Papers in Palaeontology 49: 13-16.

  • ________ Report of the Committee for Fossil Plants: 1.In: Proposals to conserve or reject, ed. Dan H. Nicolson. Taxon 42 (1993):869-72.

  • Traverse, A, ed., 1994. Sedimentation of OrganicParticles. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 544 pp.

  • Traverse, A., 1994. Sedimentation of land-derivedpalynomorphs in the Trinity-Galveston Bay area, Texas. in the above book, pp.69-102.

  • ________ Palynofioral geochronology of the BrandonLignite of Vermont, USA. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 82: 265-297.

  • ________ Nonmarine palynofloral "behavior" inthe great die-offs. Trabajos de Palinologia Basica y Aplicada, X Simposio dePalinologia (A.P.L.E.), Valencia, 1994: 31- 53.

  • Traverse, A. and S.R. Ash, 1994. Well-preserved fungalspores from Jurassic rocks of Hells Canyon on the Idaho-Oregon border. Journalof Paleontology 68.3; 664-668.

  • Traverse, A. and A. Schuyler, 1994. Palynostratigraphy ofthe Catskill and part of the Chemung magnafacies, southern New York State, USA.Willi Ziegler Festschrift II. CFS-Courier169 (Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany): 261-274.

  • Tiffney, B.H. and A. Traverse, 1994. The Brandon Lignite(Vermont) is of Cenozoic, not Cretaceous, aget Northeastern Geolo 16.3&4:215-20.

  • Fowell, S.J. and A. Traverse, 1995. Palynology and age ofthe upper Blomidon Formation, Fundy basin, Nova Scotia. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology 86: 211-33.

  • Traverse, A. 1995. More about spore tablets. Palynos18.1: 7.

  • Strother, P.K., S. Al-Hajri and A. Traverse, 1995.(Abstract) Middle Ordovician cryptospores from Saudi Arabia: new evidence for atransitional terrestrial fiora. Palynology 19: 24:9.

  • Strother, P.K., S. Al-Hajri and A. Traverse, 1996. Newevidence for land plants from the lower Middle Ordovician of Saudi Arabia.Geology 24.1: 55-8.

  • Visscher, H., H. Brinkhuis, D.L. Dilcher, W.C. Elsik, Y.Eshet, C.V. Looy, M.R. Rampino, M.R. and A. Traverse, 1996. The terminalPaleozoic fungal event: Evidence of Terrestrial ecosystem destabilization andcollapse. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 2155-2158.

  • Traverse, A., 1996. Chapter 2. Nomenclature and taxonomy:systematics. A rose by any other name would be very confusing. Palynology:Principles and Applications, ed. J. Jansonius and D.C. McGregor. AASPFoundation, vol. 1: 11-28.

  • Fowell, S.J., A. Traverse, P.E. Olsen and D.V. Kent, 1996(Abstract). Carnian and Norian palynofioras from the Newark Supergroup, EasternUnited States and Canada. and the Argana Basin of Morocco; relationship toTriassic climate zones. CIMP Newsletter 51: 4.

  • Wade, J.A., D.E. Brown. A. Traverse and R.A. Fensome,1996. The Triassic-Jurassic Fundy Basin, eastern Canada: regional setting,stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential. Atlantic Geol. 32: 189-231.

  • Pazzaglia, F.J.. R.A.J. Robinson and A. Traverse, 1997.Palynology of the Bryn Mawr Formation (Miocene): insights on the age and genesisof Middle Atlantic margin fluvial deposits. Sedimentary Geology 108: 19-44.

  • Rue, D.J. and A. Traverse, 1997. Pollen analysis of theHackensack, New Jersey meadowlands tidal marsh. Northeastern Geology andEnvironmental Sciences 19.3: 211-215.

  • Dunning, N., Rue, D.J., Beach, T., Covich, A. andTraverse, A., 1998. Human-environment interactions in a tropical wastershed:the paleoecology of Laguna Tamarindito, El Peten, Guatemala. Journal of FieldArcheology 25: 139-151.

  • Webster, D., Rue, D.J. and Traverse, A., in prep. 1998.Late Holocene fire and agriculture in the Copan Valley, Honduras. Biotropica.

  • Traverse, A., 1998. (48-49) Two proposals to amend Art. 8to provide for the typification of plant microfossil names by illustrations.Taxon 47: 757-759.

  • Chaloner, W.G., Greuter W., Nicolson, D.H. and Traverse,A., 1998. (97-100) proposals regarding the nomenclature of fossil plants. Taxon47: 907-910.

  • ________ 1999. 50. Palynology/ecology interfaces. InJones, T.P and Rowe, N.P. (eds.) Fossil Plants and Spores; modern techniques.Geological Soc., London, 269-273.

  • Traverse, A. and S.R. Ash, 1999. Preliminary assessmentof the age of the palynoflora of the Red Tanks Member, Madera Formation,Carrizo Arroyo, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 50th FieldConference, Albuqueraue Geologv, 1999: 293- 296.


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