

古植物学的故事(55):奇才与奇书---E. B. 吴鲁夫(1885---1941)

已有 6112 次阅读 2010-7-1 12:22 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| 吴鲁夫, 《历史植物地理学》, Wulff

奇才与奇书---E. B. 吴鲁夫(1885---1941)和《历史植物地理学》
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.55): Evgenii Vladimirovich Wulff (1885---1941) and Historical Geography of Plants (by Qigao Sun) (Chinese introduction and two appendices in English )
从严格意义讲,E. B. 吴鲁夫(1885---1941)系前苏联研究现代植物的著名植物学家和植物地理学家,而不是研究化石植物的古植物学家。但是,E. B. 吴鲁夫的不朽之作《历史植物地理学》(原著为俄文)充满着很浓的“古植物学味道”。我相信,大凡在中国大陆接受过植物学、生态学、生物地理学或古植物学等研究领域的严格专业训练的人都熟知E. B. 吴鲁夫及其名著《历史植物地理学》之中译本。
根据维基百科关于E. B. 吴鲁夫的词条(见附件1),现将其生平整理如下:
E. B. 吴鲁夫(俄文名:Евгений Владимирович Вульф;英文译为:Evgenii Vladimirovich Wulff 或Eugene Wolf或E.V Vulf)于1885年6月5日出生在乌克兰的克里米亚(Crimea )。1903---1906年,他在莫斯科大学学习。1909年,从奥地利维也纳大学获得博士学位。然后,他返回克里米亚,在雅尔塔附近著名的Nikitsky植物园工作。1914--1926年他从事克里米亚植被和植物志的研究,为多卷Taorica植物志的编纂工作奠定了基础。1921—1926年他同时兼任克里米亚Tavrida大学的教授。
后来,E. B. 吴鲁夫到列宁格勒(现称“圣.彼得堡”),在瓦维诺夫全苏作物研究所(Vavilov All-Union Institute of Crop Plants)拓展他的科学研究。他对历史植物地理学(History of Plant Geography)产生了特别的兴趣。1932年,E. B. 吴鲁夫在历史植物地理学领域发表了一本专著,即:《历史植物地理学引论》(俄文)。该书英译本于1943年在西方出版。
1936年E. B. 吴鲁夫出版他的名作---《历史植物地理学》(原文为俄文,英文名---Historical Geography of Plants)。该书扩增版于1944年出版(俄文,英文名--- Historical Geography of Plants - History of the World's Flora)。
1941年8月底,德国军队对列宁格勒发动了猛烈进攻。1941年9月8日,德军从陆路完成了对列宁格勒的三面包围。这就是长达900天的列宁格勒保卫战之开始!1941年12月21日,敌军炮弹的弹片射进了E. B. 吴鲁夫的心脏。一位科学奇才就这样在列宁格勒被敌军重重包围之中、在让无数生命倍感煎熬的寒冬里匆匆离开人世。
E. B. 吴鲁夫关于历史植物地理学的研究在国际学术界享有很高的声誉。1960年,《历史植物地理学引论》中译本在中国出版:
作者:E. B. 吴鲁夫 (前苏联)
1964年,E. B. 吴鲁夫的《历史植物地理学》中译本在中国出版:
作者:E. B. 吴鲁夫 (前苏联)
E. B. 吴鲁夫的《历史植物地理学》主要内容包括:

第一章 第三紀前植物区系的发展阶段
第二章 亚洲古热带植物区系历史
第三章 非洲旧热带植物区系历史
第四章 新热带植物区系历史
第五章 马加罗内西亚植物区系历
第六章 地中海区植物区系历史
第七章 东亚区植物区系历史
第八章 北美植物区系历史
第九章 北极植物区系历史
第十章 阿尔卑斯植物区系历史
第十一章 欧洲-西伯利亚区植物区系历史
第十二章 南非植物区系历史
第十三章 澳洲植物区系历史
第十四章 新西兰植物区系历史
第十五章 南极植物区系历史
第十六章 世界植物区系发育历史的基本特征
E. B. 吴鲁夫在《历史植物地理学》中大量引用了古植物学研究成果。在讨论“东亚植物区系历史”之问题时,E. B. 吴鲁夫在写作时充分参考了中国地区古植物学研究的最新成果。E. B. 吴鲁夫的许多学术思想是让人敬畏的。他利用化石证据说明热带植物区系是第三纪植物区系一直延续到现在的式样。
下面是俄罗斯后学对E. B. 吴鲁夫学术成就的高度评价:
“The greatest magnitude, depth, fruitful and novelty differed research EV Wolf, focusing on global issues botanical geography. He developed the most complex historical aspects of it accessible only to scientists with immense erudition, a powerful synthetic intelligence, exceptional dedication, and tremendous capacity for work. Evgeny possessed simultaneously by all these rather rare abilities. This is very clearly demonstrated from the three fundamental monographs on the historical geography of the plant: "An introduction to historical plant geography (1st edition, 1932, 2nd edition, 1933)," Historical Geography of Plants "(1936) and" Historical Geography of Plants: The history of the floras of the globe "(1944, published posthumously).

These capital monographs have no analogues in the domestic literature. They are unlikely to exist in overseas. ”(引自附件2)
附件1    维基百科关于E. B. 吴鲁夫的介绍
Evgenii Vladimirovich Wulff
Born:6 June [O.S. 25 May] 1885 Simferopol', Russian Empire
Died :December 21, 1941 (aged 56) Leningrad, Soviet Union
Known for:Flora of Crimea, History of Plant Geography
Evgenii Vladimirovich Wulff (Russian Евгений Владимирович Вульф) (1885-1941) was an Crimean (Ukrainian-Russian) botanist and plant geographer[1].
Wulff was born in Crimea and studied at Moscow University 1903-1906. He obtained his PhD from the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1909. He then returned to Crimea and took up a position at the famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta. He worked there 1914-1926, undertaking studies of the vegetation and flora of Crimea and founding the multi-volume Flora Taurica[2]. 1921-1926, he also was professor at the Tavrida University of Crimea.
He then moved to the Vavilov All-Union Institute of Crop Plants in Leningrad to expand his scientific studies. He took a particular interest in the history of plant geography. He published a monograph on this topic in 1932[3], which was translated to English and published in the West posthumously[4]. This book has been hailed as one of the twentieth century's key writings in the evolution of plant geography [5]. In 1934, he was made professor at the Pokrovsky Pedagogical Institute, where he taught botany parallel to his research at the Vavilov Institute. In 1936, he published his Historical Geography of Plants[6], of which an expanded version was published posthumously[7].
Wulff died in 1941 during the Siege of Leningrad - killed by an exploding bomb.
The standard author abbreviation E.Wulff is used to indicate this individual as the author when citing a botanical name.[8]
The leguminous shrub Chamaecytisus wulffii was named to his honour by Vitaly Krechetovich in 1945.
[edit] References
1^ Asmous, Vladimir C. (July 21, 1944). "Losses in personnel of Soviet botany during the War". Science, New Series 100 (2586): 43-44.
2^ Wulff, E.V. (1927-30) (in Russian). Флора Крыма (Flora Kryma) - Flora Taurica, vol. 1 Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae, Monocotyledoneae (3 fascicles 1927, 1929, 1930), vol. 2 Dicotyledonae (3 fascicles 1947, 1953, 1960, edited by S. S. Stankov), vol. 3 Dicotyledonae (3 fascicles 1957, 1966, 1969 edited by S. S. Stankov, N. I. Rubtzov & L. A. Privalova), Addenda et corrigenda ad. vol. 1 (1959; edited by S. S. Stankov & N. I. Rubtzov). Moscow: Sel'khozgiz. 
3^ Wulff, E.V. (1932). Введение в историческую географию растений (Vvedenie v Istoricheskuiu Geofgrafiiu Rastenii). Moscow: Sel'khozgiz. 
4^ Wulff, E.V. (1943). An Introduction to Historical Plant Geography; translated by Elizabeth Brissenden. A new series of plant science books. 10. Waltham, MA: Chronica Botanica Co.. pp. 223.  Republished as Chapter 18 in Foundations of biogeography: classic papers with commentaries edited by Mark V. Lomolino, Dov F. Sax and James H. Brown Google Books
6^ Wulff, E.V. (1936) (in Russian). Историческая география растений (Istoricheskaia Geografiia Rastenii) [Historical Geography of Plants]. Moscow / Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
7^ Wulff, E.V. (1944) (in Russian). Историческая география растений. История флор земного шара (Istoricheskaia Geografiia Rastenii - Istoriia Flor Zemnogo Shara) [Historical Geography of Plants - History of the World's Flora]. Moscow / Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
附件2 关于E. B. 吴鲁夫的生平及学术贡献
Eugene Wolf (1885--1941)
E.V. Wolf was born on 25 May (6 June) 1885 in Simferopol in a noble family of descendants of Pushkin's friend. Wolf died in besieged Leningrad December 21, 1941 from a fragment of the fascist projectile has entered the heart.
E.V. Wolf had a number of scientific titles. In 1910, he was at the Vienna University and received his doctorate of philosophy in 1929 at Moscow University. He defended his thesis for a Master of botany in 1936,  and the Presidium of Academy of Agricultural Sciences awarded him the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences without defending a thesis. As the title of Professor E. B. Wulf appropriated Council Tauride University back in 1921, electing him as a professor of agronomy and natural faculties.
Under the influence of the rich nature of the Crimean EV Wolfe from childhood carried away natural science and botany, especially. In 1903, after the Simferopol gymnasium, he enrolled in the natural sciences department of physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University. His teachers were the closest major botany MI Golenkin, and DP Syreyschikov. In 1906, EV Wolf entered the third year of a similar faculty of the University of Vienna to specialize in botanical geography and taxonomy of plants. There he studied with R. Wettstein and G. Gandel-Matstsetti of University of Vienna and graduated in 1909, and in 1910 he defended his thesis "On the pollen sterility in the genus Potentilla".
In 1910, EV Wolf returned to Moscow and immediately began intensively to study the flora and vegetation of their homeland - the Crimea.
Crimean period of work (1914-1925 Gg.) : EV Wolfe has been very fruitful. He created a garden Nikitsky Herbarium flora of the Crimea and Botanical Museum, held a number of botanical and geographical research in all areas of mountain Crimea, as well as geo-botanical survey of the Crimean Yayl.
The last 16 years of creative activity: EV Wulff held in Leningrad, where he was inextricably linked with Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, who invited him in 1925 the All-Union Institute of Applied Botany and New Crops. The staff Evgeny enlisted Feb. 1, 1926 to the post of a specialist. Here he organized the first section of Essential Oils. After the All-Union Institute of Oil and aromatic plants, these cultures were excluded from the programs of the Vavilov Institute. Then EV Wolf became head of Department of Geography, Systematics and Ecology of cultivated plants.

In 1931, EV Wolfe began working in the herbarium of cultivated flora, and from 1934 he was appointed head of the herbarium and also deputy head of the Department of Geography, Systematics and Ecology. However, since 1936, the department herbarium actually merged with the department of geography, taxonomy and ecology of cultivated plants and from 1937 to November 15, 1941 EV Wolf was the head of "double" the Department of Geography and herbarium.

In 1935-1940, Head of the Department of Geography, Systematics and Ecology, officially registered himself NI Vavilov, Eugene V. was his deputy. However, Vavilov just physically was not able to directly supervise the department. So actually, EV Woolf not only performs his duties, but the charge of the entire department. This sort of collective leadership was possible because of their deep understanding on the basis of principle of unity of scientific views.
Jobs in Eugene Vladimirovich VlR generally held very successful and fruitful. Already in 1927, NI Vavilov, in a letter to EV Wulf, sent from Spain, fully endorsing his work, he wrote: "Your work over the past year and everything else to me, personally, very congenial." Ends with the letter suggestive appeal: "To the best of forces and capabilities go ahead."

In 1927 E. Wolf participated in expeditions to Italy and France, where he not only collected much introductory material on Essential Oils, but also considered the experience of their cultivation. The basic contribution of EV Wolf in forwarding activity VIR expressed in providing powerful support famous voyage NI Vavilov.
Scientific research and theoretical generalizations EV Wolfe had been closely associated with the concepts NI Vavilov, who considered the bedrock of the entire introductory activity ideas botanical geography and evolution of the plant world, varying in space and time. NI Vavilov gave EV Wulf for viewing and editing of their works. He also appointed EV Wolf's editor in chief of the cultivated flora of the USSR "- this multi-volume major work group VIR, while himself NI Vavilov exercised general scientific guidance. Creative collaboration NI Vavilov and EV Wolf in the establishment of "Cultural flora of the USSR" - a striking proof of their deep understanding and mutual influence.
Research activities EV Wolf in VlR characterized exceptional breadth: it covers many sections of both theoretical and applied botany. For Virovsko period he has published over 140 scientific works, including several capital monographs, as well as more than fifty essays and reviews.

The greatest magnitude, depth, fruitful and novelty differed research EV Wolf, focusing on global issues botanical geography. He developed the most complex historical aspects of it accessible only to scientists with immense erudition, a powerful synthetic intelligence, exceptional dedication, and tremendous capacity for work. Evgeny possessed simultaneously by all these rather rare abilities. This is very clearly demonstrated from the three fundamental monographs on the historical geography of the plant: "An introduction to historical plant geography (1st edition, 1932, 2nd edition, 1933)," Historical Geography of Plants "(1936) and" Historical Geography of Plants: The history of the floras of the globe "(1944, published posthumously).

These capital monographs have no analogues in the domestic literature, they are unlikely to exist in overseas.
Throughout most of its activities, EV Wolf successfully studied crops (especially attar) and wild useful plants of introduction interest. As a result, he published many scientific papers, including a number of reports and handbooks. Of particular note was published posthumously in 1969, a valuable reference "World Resources of Useful Plants" (co-authored with O. Maleeva), which contains information on more than 2600 species belonging to 989 genera and 169 families.

For manuscripts EV Wolfe, prepared for printing, VA Borkowski, EA Kortyshevoy and MG Agayev, under the editorship of the last directory "Cultivated Flora of the globe. It contains data on 2,888 types of floristic region.
Naturally, in the difficult years of Lysenko attacked by Shlykov and other figures of "fifth column" and subjected to Evgeny, never betrayed the scientific truth. Not surprising that he was on the list Virovsko luminaries, which Lysenko in 1939 tried to expel from the Academic Council of VIR. After his arrest Vavilov, when Eyhfeld began "clean" VIR, EV Wolf realized that he can not stay here, and moved entirely to teaching.
SY Lipschitz, describing EV Wolfe, wrote: "This was a man of extraordinary kindness and benevolence to people, always ready to share their extensive knowledge and enjoyed successes in the field of botany he loves, without which he could not conceive of your life."

上一篇:古植物学的故事(53):瑞典著名古植物学家Thore Gustaf Halle (
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